
Again, I do not care what you do with your franchise. But I do find it amusing you seem so concerned with mine.
I don't care how you vote. I'm about to make some fairly insulting comments, so I'm out of this thread.
Iran and the US know that war between them is not on. Iran also knows that war with Israel will be disasterous too. Iran has made two major errors: firstly to promote the idea of the demise of Israel, Israel is not going anywhere. The second error is to have claimed that the proxies, which everyone knows that it arms and directs, are autonomous independent entities ‘that don’t take their orders from Tehran’. So now they are open game and the US and Israel are free to cut off the satellite’s heads, which they are now doing. So it looks like the US is following exactly the correct conflict strategy.
What of the peace strategy though?
1. Dismantle Hamas.
2. Create a Palestinian state of some sort.
3. Tie that to acceptance of Israel.
4. Tie that also to Iran dismantling the proxies.

All been said before, everyone knows, but is peace that valuable yet to bring it about? You know, I think things have changed hugely since October 7th and it just might be.
Good questions Kevin. I don’t believe Hamas can be included in governing some sort of Palestinian state. Their leadership have already stated they had/have no desire in governing Gaza and their only goal is to destroy Israel. I think they need to be dismantled and their leadership destroyed.
Apparently, a good bit of this evening's strike was carried out by a pair B1B's launched from the States. First reports say 85 separate targets were hit. None were in Iran. Tough call. CENTCOM has a very detailed and constantly evolving target list. In spite of this having been telegraphed for the better part of a week, I am sure some degradation of the proxies' command and control and stockpiles was accomplished. On the other hand, one would assume most of the high value targets representing Iran such as RGC advisors are long gone.

Striking Iran would open a whole different set of challenges. For everyone here that demands clarity of strategy and a timeline with respect to Ukraine, how would we end a war with Iran? Bomb them to they quit hasn't worked anywhere else, and I am confident neither the US military or its people want to contemplate invading a nation of 81 million people.

It would seem they weren't able to move all their munitions. :cool:

I just don’t understand the delay with commencing the strikes? Seems these targets would have already been determined long ago. Even if they’re somewhat fluid our aerial recon would/should have known the new locations. Seems to me Brandon just gave the terrorists a delay to hide/bury their important stuff and time to vacate their command and control locations. Unbelievable! They’ll be back attacking our bases soon.
Good questions Kevin. I don’t believe Hamas can be included in governing some sort of Palestinian state. Their leadership have already stated they had/have no desire in governing Gaza and their only goal is to destroy Israel. I think they need to be dismantled and their leadership destroyed.
Agreed. I think the age of the rabid idealists is passing. Even the Palestinians in Gaza are calling for the end of Hamas.
Elon Musk on X last night. As billionaires go, I like this guy more each day. This will drive Biden world and MSNBC to distraction.

Biden’s strategy is very simple,

1. Get as many illegals in the country as possible.
2. Legalize them to create a permanent majority – a one-party state.

That is why they are encouraging so much illegal immigration. Simple, yet effective.

As happened this week, you can literally assault police officers in broad daylight in New York, be released with no bail, give everyone the finger and *still* not be deported!! Outrageous.

What is even the point of arresting criminals if nothing is done!?
Genocide Joe shows his weakness. He has a vested interest in Iran, and attacks the proxies, instead of the head of the snake.
A very dangerous era in America is on the horizon.

A must watch

I firmly believe this is driven by the WEF. Our Canadian dictator wants the Bank of Canada to roll out digital currency as well. Sounds like a way for the government to keep tabs on everyone else’s money. Way to susceptible to cyber attacks and criminals in my opinion. Not for me, same as bitcoin is not for me. I might be a dinosaur but I want to know where my money is.
I firmly believe this is driven by the WEF. Our Canadian dictator wants the Bank of Canada to roll out digital currency as well. Sounds like a way for the government to keep tabs on everyone else’s money. Way to susceptible to cyber attacks and criminals in my opinion. Not for me, same as bitcoin is not for me. I might be a dinosaur but I want to know where my money is.
Definitely. This ideology has been festering in other countries as well. The megalomaniacs in the global realm are pushing for this type of control.
It's a very bad thing.
The Bone (B-1 or B-ONE bomber) goes long distance to make this mission happen. No other country in the world has the global reach that the US has. For that, we should be thankful!

Genocide Joe shows his weakness. He has a vested interest in Iran, and attacks the proxies, instead of the head of the snake.
Regardless of who's the President, do you have any idea what would happen if we attack Iran directly?
I don't have time for a lengthy explanation but least to say it would ignite the region and would cause thousands of Israeli civilian deaths to start with.
Believe it or not Iran is perfectly capable to reach our allies, our troops and ships in the region with devastating effect.
It's easy to say things from your living room, like let's bomb them to stone age etc.. but the reality is not as simple.
The price to pay is too high for and it's reckless for any President.

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I hunted elephant with Luke Samaris in 2005. It was my fourth safari and I tell you he is a fine gentleman the best. I got the opportunity to meet Patty Curtis, although never hunted with him but enjoyed our conversation around our tent in the Selous. Very sad for a tough guy to leave this world the way he did. Let’s pray the murderers are caught. I hope to see Luke in Nashville.