
@rookhawk ... I clicked like. I'm not voting for him. I'm still hoping for a 4th quarter miracle. But I agree with your assessment of him, 110%. Well stated sir.

The thing that surprises me on this forum of sensible, mature voters is not a lot of discussion of RFK jr.

Is he a liberal? Yes, a classical liberal.

Are his policies leftist, meaning that they align to the DNC? Absolutely not.

Is he America first, and totally committed to stopping the "total regulatory capture" that has undermined our democracy in various divisions? He is.

Is he reasonable and able to work across party lines? Yup.
My opinion only, but America's best, brightest, and most motivated don't want to be politicians. They want to actually create and do real, tangible things--not hobnob and write policy. The best and brightest in this country lead through their personal and professional actions and don't need (or want) the mantle of a political position to be effective leaders.

Also, modern politics seems to attract mostly extreme narcissists, especially at the national level.
Since the beginning of time. Politicians are motivated simply by power
Haley is unelectable just like any other Republican other than Trump is unelectble. That's a fact. Why is that a fact?

Because Trump will tear down and destroy any rival for the GOP limelight. He violates every element of the Reagan doctrine "above all else, never speak ill of another Republican".

So it will go down like this: Trump will cannibalize all the GOP competition. Trump may be disqualified from running in enough States due to charges or convictions that it is impossible for him to win or ineligible for him to run. As he is drowning, he will pull whomever is left running into the abyss, ushering in another 4 years of Biden.

Will I vote for Trump? Sure. I'm a never-Biden or never-Newsome or never-Michelle type of voter. But I do pity the GOP party we've allowed to be hijacked by a single personality, and I do think Trump will lose and the GOP will lose.

The problem I have with the Trump supporters is that there are too few reluctant supporters and too many emboldened supporters. That's not real conservatism, these people love the Howard Stern-esque antics of a personality more than they rationally want to slow the decline of the nation. Plugging your nose and voting for Trump instead of a leftist is a reasonable, pragmatic decision. Doing it while thinking we have discriminating tastes in an electorate is retardation.
My only quibble with your assessment is that every poll indicates that Haley does beat Biden - and in most of them, she does it handily. And remember, those polls include Trump supporters. I think she would have a far easier time overcoming the 15 - 20% Trump or no one block among independents and moderate democrats, than Trump will have trying to make up 10 - 15% republican deficit added to further deficits in independents, educated moderates, and suburban women. He literally has no where to go to find them.
My only quibble with your assessment is that every poll indicates that Haley does beat Biden - and in most of them, she does it handily. And remember, those polls include Trump supporters. I think she would have a far easier time overcoming the 15 - 20% Trump or no one block among independents and moderate democrats, than Trump will have trying to make up 10 - 15% republican deficit added to further deficits in independents, educated moderates, and suburban women. He literally has no where to go to find them.

Haley can't in the primary, even though she can win the general. Trump can easily win the primary, but doesn't look like he can win the general.

This is a historically common problem, solved between compromise between leaders to satisfy their base in the primary and appeal to outsiders in the general. That doesn't appear possible with Trump for all the reasons you stated over the past several posts in this thread.
Haley can't in the primary, even though she can win the general. Trump can easily win the primary, but doesn't look like he can win the general.

This is a historically common problem, solved between compromise between leaders to satisfy their base in the primary and appeal to outsiders in the general. That doesn't appear possible with Trump for all the reasons you stated over the past several posts in this thread.
Now I am tracking. I read can't win as in the general. Yes, unless some disaster happens with Trump's campaign, he will win the nomination.
Just re-watched Pres Trump pull the US out of the Iran nuclear deal 5 years ago. Interesting to hear the comments by ABC, CNN and MSNBC..........and the raging democrats. They're not mentioning this anymore..................FWB
The thing that surprises me on this forum of sensible, mature voters is not a lot of discussion of RFK jr.

Is he a liberal? Yes, a classical liberal.

Are his policies leftist, meaning that they align to the DNC? Absolutely not.

Is he America first, and totally committed to stopping the "total regulatory capture" that has undermined our democracy in various divisions? He is.

Is he reasonable and able to work across party lines? Yup.
Trump has never been a true conservative republican. More like a Kennedy or Bill Clinton democrat. I think he is likely spending a lot of time in thought weighing running mates and I don’t think Kennedy is outside the realm of possibility due to him never getting a faction of the Republican Party no matter what he does. I also see a lot of former liberals that plan to support him. Kennedy and Ramaswamy can win libertarians and old school dems. Desantis and Haley can pull more republicans and disgusted independents. His pick can help a great deal when you consider his age and lame duck term left.
I like Kennedy, Ramaswamy, Desantis, and Haley. I think Kennedy speaks well and very deep concerning a lot of issues. In fact much deeper than I think any other candidate. Rama is another good speaker but he lacks depth on foreign policy, but probably no more that Biden or Trump without a team of advisors.

My thoughts: You can bitch and moan about Trump or Halley or Biden. Or in the case of South Africa, ANC, DA, EFF etc. You can do as you please BUT you have to vote. If you elect to not participate in the democratic process because you don't like your party's candidate then I don't want to hear you bitch and complain about how the country is being run. You have lost the right! If you didn't stand up to vote for change then you have ceded the right to expect change.

Stay home and massage your principles I don't want to hear one single bleating from you. You stand and vote for your party not for an individual! You stand and vote for change. So if you sit on your ass come election day I really don't want to hear about your political woes.

Vote for your party's elected candidate or shut up.
Thanks @Zambezi . I wrote something to this effect this morning but had not got it edited to the eloquence that @Red Leg and some others produce so quickly. I like your post.

My wife is a US Citizen originally from Zambia. Her and I vote in person every year and it is an Honor and Priveledge to do so. A few years ago I would feel the same way when after staying up all night as the base duty officer at Twentynine Palms and watching Old Glory rise during morning colors. For all the Marines serving and more so for all that came before me, I stood tall and saluted them, their deeds, and their sacrifices. I do the same when I vote. And those votes aren't just for me and fellow Americans. My vote in a very small way is for those in third world countries whose votes really don't count for much. I was born American. Others were born Zambian, South African, Zimbabwean, Ukrainian and a hundred and ninety or so other countries that are not in a continuing experiment of being a democratic republic. Let us all keep that experiment going by voting for the lesser of evils, or at least vote for a third party candidate like Kennedy. He would not be any worse than Trump or Biden.
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Apparently, a good bit of this evening's strike was carried out by a pair B1B's launched from the States. First reports say 85 separate targets were hit. None were in Iran. Tough call. CENTCOM has a very detailed and constantly evolving target list. In spite of this having been telegraphed for the better part of a week, I am sure some degradation of the proxies' command and control and stockpiles was accomplished. On the other hand, one would assume most of the high value targets representing Iran such as RGC advisors are long gone.

Striking Iran would open a whole different set of challenges. For everyone here that demands clarity of strategy and a timeline with respect to Ukraine, how would we end a war with Iran? Bomb them to they quit hasn't worked anywhere else, and I am confident neither the US military or its people want to contemplate invading a nation of 81 million people.

It would seem they weren't able to move all their munitions. :cool:

Haley is unelectable just like any other Republican other than Trump is unelectble. That's a fact. Why is that a fact?

Because Trump will tear down and destroy any rival for the GOP limelight. He violates every element of the Reagan doctrine "above all else, never speak ill of another Republican".

So it will go down like this: Trump will cannibalize all the GOP competition. Trump may be disqualified from running in enough States due to charges or convictions that it is impossible for him to win or ineligible for him to run. As he is drowning, he will pull whomever is left running into the abyss, ushering in another 4 years of Biden.

Will I vote for Trump? Sure. I'm a never-Biden or never-Newsome or never-Michelle type of voter. But I do pity the GOP party we've allowed to be hijacked by a single personality, and I do think Trump will lose and the GOP will lose.

The problem I have with the Trump supporters is that there are too few reluctant supporters and too many emboldened supporters. That's not real conservatism, these people love the Howard Stern-esque antics of a personality more than they rationally want to slow the decline of the nation. Plugging your nose and voting for Trump instead of a leftist is a reasonable, pragmatic decision. Doing it while thinking we have discriminating tastes in an electorate is retardation.
Unfortunately, IMHO I think beyond all hope, you're right. Right now, I would vote for ANY Republican candidate to defeat any Democratic candidate. I fear the worst though and don't see how our Country can survive with Brandon or heaven forbid Newsome as President for four years. This Presidential election should have been a slam dunk for Republicans and now I'm not so sure. The MODERATE Independent voters will ultimately decide though.
For instance, every morning I have the major stories of the day delivered to my inbox by Forbes, the Washington Post, and the Wall Street Journal along with half a dozen political military updates from this country and the UK. My Bookmarks bar contains Fox, CNN, Newsmax, Politico, Gateway Pundit, Citizen Free Press, Breitbart, RedState, and God forbid also MSNBC among others. The only way to understand any issue is to see it from all angles. Not to do so is to be played by someone else's narrative.
Thomas Gibbons-Neff at NYT would be a good addition for Ukraine.
I am going to (probably) misquote part of a Bill O'Reilly segment I saw the other day, and then I'm going to quit because The Righteously Offended will not change their stance, and we the hopeful will stay committed to voting against the communists no matter who the nominee.
O'Reilly: "If you are willing to stay home and not vote and put this country through another four years of the crap we've been enduring because you are personally offended by Donald Trump, you're a MORON and I have NO time for someone like you in my life".
So adios morons.
If the vote comes down to Trump or Biden, I pull the lever for Trump as there is too much at stake to just ignore what 4 more years of Biden or his immediate replacement will do to America in that time.
I cannot conceive of another 4 years of the worst president in modern history.
The thought of watching that shufflebutt a hole wander around lost in the Horse Latitudes for 4 minutes will be enuf to drive me around the bend, let alone 4 years!!
It is just too much to bear.
I hold my principles dear too, but I can temporarily set them aside to do whats best for America, she needs us to save her from what will be a very bad time, if we cant see past the end of our nose.
I am sorry, but a major problem in this country is that far too many "men," have no problem casting away their principles at the altar of expediency. I have never been such a person, and at my age, I have no intention of starting.

Everything comes with a price. At what expense are you willing to stay at home and not vote for Trump?

Your children’s future?
Your grandchildren’s future?
The future of this country?

Another four years of democratic socialism may not affect your life to much, but there will be an effect. One that the future generations will have to pay.

I don’t think leaving our children with a better world than we have today is casting away principles.

I am all about principles and morals.

I believe it is our duty as Americans and Gods children to take our inheritance that has been entrusted to us and build upon it and pass it down to the next generations in better shape than we received it and not squander it.

I once asked my grandfather a question about why he was building new ponds on the ranch at the age of 88. He responded, I will get no use and enjoyment from the new ponds, because one day soon I will be dead. I am not building them for me, I a building them for future generations.
Everything comes with a price. At what expense are you willing to stay at home and not vote for Trump?

Your children’s future?
Your grandchildren’s future?
The future of this country?

Another four years of democratic socialism may not affect your life to much, but there will be an effect. One that the future generations will have to pay.

I don’t think leaving our children with a better world than we have today is casting away principles.

I am all about principles and morals.

I believe it is our duty as Americans and Gods children to take our inheritance that has been entrusted to us and build upon it and pass it down to the next generations in better shape than we received it and not squander it.

I once asked my grandfather a question about why he was building new ponds on the ranch at the age of 88. He responded, I will get no use and enjoyment from the new ponds, because one day soon I will be dead. I am not building them for me, I a building them for future generations.
Spare me the holier than thou lecture. If Trump really wanted to help this country, he would have gone off to play golf at Mar Largo. I am personally convinced that he sees the surest way out of his legal troubles is to be reelected president. That would certainly fit his self-indulgent behavior pattern. Your grandfather's words are exactly why I would prefer him far away from the presidency again.

He, and he alone cost us the senate in '20. He convinced enough ignorant rube true believers in Georgia that their vote wouldn't count and both democrats barely won that runoff. Had those two seats gone republican, Biden's agenda would have been largely still born. But no, like everything else, Trump America gives him a total pass.

I'll absolutely vote. I will vote for every down ticket republican on the ballot. If we take the senate, Biden or whomever is a lame duck. Though with Trump at the head of our ticket, I have little hope that will happen. But I will not trade my principles and convictions for a man that I would not trust to run anything for which I was responsible - much less the presidency.

So, you make whatever compromises you care to and justify them however it makes you happy. That is your decision. I have explained my reasoning ad nauseum, but I have told no one here how they should vote. It is amusing to me, so many here seem so concerned about my decision and my vote.
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I've been thinking about planting some walnut trees on the family farm. I'm 68, they will be valuable in 40 years. Then I think, "Why bother? The rest of the asshats in this country are going to give it away?"
Spare me the holier than thou lecture. If Trump really wanted to help this country, he would have gone off to play golf at Mar Largo. I am personally convinced that he sees the surest way out of his legal troubles is to be reelected president. That would certainly fit his self-indulgent behavior pattern. Your grandfather's words are exactly why I would prefer him far away from the presidency again.

He, and he alone cost us the senate in '20. He convinced enough ignorant rube true believers in Georgia that their vote wouldn't count and both democrats barely won that runoff. Had those two seats gone republican, Biden's agenda would have been largely still born. But no, like everything else, Trump America gives him a total pass.

I'll absolutely vote. I will vote for every down ticket republican on the ballot. If we take the senate, Biden or whomever is a lame duck. Though with Trump at the head of our ticket, I have little hope that will happen. But I will not trade my principles and convictions for a man that I would not trust to run anything for which I was responsible - much less the presidency.

So, you make whatever compromises you care to and justify them however it makes you happy. That is your decision. I have told no one here how they should vote. It is amusing to me, so many here seem so concerned about my decision and my vote.
Tell us about "Holier Than Thou" lectures.
Tell us about "Holier Than Thou" lectures.
Again, I do not care what you do with your franchise. But I do find it amusing you seem so concerned with mine.
Apparently, a good bit of this evening's strike was carried out by a pair B1B's launched from the States. First reports say 85 separate targets were hit. None were in Iran. Tough call. CENTCOM has a very detailed and constantly evolving target list. In spite of this having been telegraphed for the better part of a week, I am sure some degradation of the proxies' command and control and stockpiles was accomplished. On the other hand, one would assume most of the high value targets representing Iran such as RGC advisors are long gone.

Striking Iran would open a whole different set of challenges. For everyone here that demands clarity of strategy and a timeline with respect to Ukraine, how would we end a war with Iran? Bomb them to they quit hasn't worked anywhere else, and I am confident neither the US military or its people want to contemplate invading a nation of 81 million people.

It would seem they weren't able to move all their munitions. :cool:

Iran and the US know that war between them is not on. Iran also knows that war with Israel will be disasterous too. Iran has made two major errors: firstly to promote the idea of the demise of Israel, Israel is not going anywhere. The second error is to have claimed that the proxies, which everyone knows that it arms and directs, are autonomous independent entities ‘that don’t take their orders from Tehran’. So now they are open game and the US and Israel are free to cut off the satellite’s heads, which they are now doing. So it looks like the US is following exactly the correct conflict strategy.
What of the peace strategy though?
1. Dismantle Hamas.
2. Create a Palestinian state of some sort.
3. Tie that to acceptance of Israel.
4. Tie that also to Iran dismantling the proxies.

All been said before, everyone knows, but is peace that valuable yet to bring it about? You know, I think things have changed hugely since October 7th and it just might be.

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