
I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed this. His attacks went from sort of witty/clever to just big stretches and hard to grasp.

I am really hoping DeSantis picks up momentum after finally declaring.
Kurt Schlichter tweeted this about Trump's tweets and name calling:

"I am bored with these lame nicknames. Stop boring me. It was cute in 2016 but now it’s just stupid. And boring. So very boring."
Kurt Schlichter tweeted this about Trump's tweets and name calling:

"I am bored with these lame nicknames. Stop boring me. It was cute in 2016 but now it’s just stupid. And boring. So very boring."

Frankly I didn't think it was altogether cute to begin with.

When I coached basketball, my boys knew that their job was to focus on executing. That's kind of what I like in my politicians, not that it happens with any real degree of regularity.

Some on here have suggested Trump isn't really attacking other Republicans, that it's all for show. For myself, it's one of two things: for show or he really means it, and I don't want either one.
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Frankly I didn't think it was altogether cute to begin with.

When I coached basketball, my boys knew that their job was to focus on executing. That's kind of what I like in my politicians, not that it happens with any real degree of regularity.

Some on here have suggested Trump isn't really attacking other Republicans, that it's all for show. For myself, it's one of two things: for show or he really means it, and I don't want either one.

... Already long ago, from when we sold our vote to no man, the People have abdicated our duties; for the People who once upon a time handed out military command, high civil office, legions — everything, now restrains itself and anxiously hopes for just two things: bread and circuses - Decimus Junius Juvenalis

Our republic is merely following the pattern of the failed Roman republic..

the people only desire bread and circuses.. and our politicians are absolutely set on delivering them.. (but not much else)..
Munich 1938 is very instructive.
In what way ? That Putin is like Hitler or that Ukraine is giving American weapons and equipment to Russian neo-nazis who aim to overthrow Putin and launch a European wide "white revolution" ??

I honestly see very little in common with Munich 1938 and the present situation. One of the most glaring differences is the difference in strength between Nazi Germany in 1938 and contemporary Russia. I would argue that a much better comparison would be to the Russian empire at the end of the First World War. Much like contemporary Russia, the Russian empire was not able to cope with the challenges of the First World War and was losing militarily. In order to hasten Russia's exit from the war the Germans decided to send Lenin to Russia. I assume their goal was to "poke Russia in the eye". This led to a socialist revolution in Russia that then had severe ramifications for the rest of the world. It is incredibly short sighed to think that what happens in post- Ukraine war Russia will stay confined to the borders of Russia. Hence my concern with Ukraine arming these nutcases and extremists. It is rather reminiscent of what the Germans did with Lenin in 1917...

This article describes this event fairly well:

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t is incredibly short sighed to think that what happens in post- Ukraine war Russia will stay confined to the borders of Russia. Hence my concern with Ukraine arming these nutcases and extremists.
Your are correct. This is why we have to stay involved in that part of the world. The reference to Munich 1938 is to point at how we were not involved throughout the 1930’s. Hitler should not have been able to do what he did. Unfortunately, the UK and France were willing to hope for the best and the US was not to be seen. Let’s not repeat the mistake of not being involved and not having the ability to point to the extremest and say, “do you really want to go that way?”
In what way ? That Putin is like Hitler or that Ukraine is giving American weapons and equipment to Russian neo-nazis who aim to overthrow Putin and launch a European wide "white revolution" ??

I honestly see very little in common with Munich 1938 and the present situation. One of the most glaring differences is the difference in strength between Nazi Germany in 1938 and contemporary Russia. I would argue that a much better comparison would be to the Russian empire at the end of the First World War. Much like contemporary Russia, the Russian empire was not able to cope with the challenges of the First World War and was losing militarily. In order to hasten Russia's exit from the war the Germans decided to send Lenin to Russia. I assume their goal was to "poke Russia in the eye". This led to a socialist revolution in Russia that then had severe ramifications for the rest of the world. It is incredibly short sighed to think that what happens in post- Ukraine war Russia will stay confined to the borders of Russia. Hence my concern with Ukraine arming these nutcases and extremists. It is rather reminiscent of what the Germans did with Lenin in 1917...

This article describes this event fairly well:

I consider myself well read on the events of the Great War, including the war in the East. Yes, Germany made a strategic bargain with the devil to attempt to force Russia out of the war. For the short term it worked, and because of the availability of those troops, Germany very nearly won the war in the west in spring of 1918. But they didn't, and the arrival of dozens of fresh divisions of US troops forced a capitulation by the fall. Other than geographic, I see little parallel to situation in Ukraine. Denis "Nikitin" Kapustin, however annoying to the Kremlin, is no Vladimir Ilyich Ulyano (Lenin). And in this case, Russia has no one to blame but itself should radical movements begin to take hold.

Had Putin focused a bit more on sewer systems, highways, and expanding power grids rather than T-90 tanks, he and his country would likely be in a far better and more stable place right now.

However, the Czech crisis, is to me stunning in its parallels - and I am hardly alone in recognizing them. In 1938 Germany was not the war machine it would be 40/41 when it rolled across France and very nearly toppled the Soviet Union. Hitler's territorial ambitions could have been stopped by the French and British, particularly the French Army, had the two allies been willing to act. They didn't and an emboldened and ever stronger Hitler and his Wehrmacht felt free to move on Poland a year later. The whole world paid for that collapse of Western European will through an enormous cost in blood and treasure over the next six years.

Ukraine has to be looked upon as a continuum of Russian military actions and NATO responses beginning in 2014. The seizure of the Crimean Peninsula was essentially coup de main. Fortunately, both the Ukrainian government, far sighted politicians and military leaders in Ukraine and NATO did take the lessons of 1938 seriously. Unlike Czechoslovakia, it would take more than one military operation for Putin to succeed in his territorial ambitions in Ukraine.

During the next eight years, Ukraine aggressively embraced the Western way of war. Their officers participated in NATO maneuvers; contingents served alongside NATO forces in Afghanistan; other officers and NCOs attended command and staff courses and NCO development programs across NATO; and the Ukrainian Army initiated a major reorganization, largely under British and American guidance, that mirrored the NATO brigade combat team structure.

Unlike Czechoslovakia in 1938, when Russian tanks rolled in February of 22, the Ukrainian Army had already reached a point that it could bring the onslaught to a halt well short of its objectives. A year later is poised to potentially defeat the Russian Army in the field.

Again, like 1938, had Putin's army marched into Kyiv as he expected, does anyone seriously believe that this would have been his last "territorial demand" - to quote Hitler. Russia clearly covets the Baltics, and success in Ukraine abetted by a passive NATO could have led to a miscalculation on Putin's part that could easily also have paralleled Poland in 1939, carrying the remarkable analogy even farther.

I find the whole neo-nazi name calling truly tiresome. Yes, there were some elements of the militias, particularly Azov, that claimed a heritage with the Ukrainian WWII units that sided with Germany in opposing the Soviet Regime. It is a credit to Russian propaganda that they have succeeded in getting some in Western Europe and many of their supporters in Eastern Europe to magnify the claims that the Ukrainian Army is composed of neo-nazis.

What is factual and what is playing out on TV and computer screens across the world is the Ukrainian people are willing to endure almost any sacrifice to preserve their right of self-determination and their hope of becoming a full member of the European community of nations. What is equally clear is that Putin has attempted to unleash the power of a corrupt and tyrannical state to prevent those aspirations. I have no doubt in my mind where lies the right side of history.

And from a purely national interest perspective, I have absolutely no question that stopping Russian territorial ambitions and hamstringing its military modernization is critical in my country's strategic confrontation with China.
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This may seem waaaaay off topic...

I was driving to work. I am a creature of habit. NPR was playing Market Place. (before you judge me, it's pretty much the only radio station we have) The story today? Twin sisters in NC have a 7 figure business they dropped out of college to run, when demand turned out to be so great. They make... mermaid tails. Basic fabric ones for little girls start at $200, and the same for adults at $400. The most realistic is a silicone one that starts at $5000. They are two years out on orders for that one. They expect the release of the movie to cause an up swell to their business, and it is already months behind on orders.

Why do I bring this up? My gut is that people who are buying lifesize mermaid fins costing hundred to thousands of dollars probably is someone who is OK with the economy and thinks Biden is doing OK. I'm projecting of course; I have no proof of that, and I could be wrong. Frankly I had no idea such a market existed. I wonder how many of what I would consider to be ludicrous industries also exist? And if you're willing to drop 5000+ grand for a silicone mermaid tail for yourself... I'm fearful that's someone I might not see eye to eye with on politics and how the country should function.

OK... mini-rant that I may be way off base about, regarding a really weird topic over.
This may seem waaaaay off topic...

I was driving to work. I am a creature of habit. NPR was playing Market Place. (before you judge me, it's pretty much the only radio station we have) The story today? Twin sisters in NC have a 7 figure business they dropped out of college to run, when demand turned out to be so great. They make... mermaid tails. Basic fabric ones for little girls start at $200, and the same for adults at $400. The most realistic is a silicone one that starts at $5000. They are two years out on orders for that one. They expect the release of the movie to cause an up swell to their business, and it is already months behind on orders.

Why do I bring this up? My gut is that people who are buying lifesize mermaid fins costing hundred to thousands of dollars probably is someone who is OK with the economy and thinks Biden is doing OK. I'm projecting of course; I have no proof of that, and I could be wrong. Frankly I had no idea such a market existed. I wonder how many of what I would consider to be ludicrous industries also exist? And if you're willing to drop 5000+ grand for a silicone mermaid tail for yourself... I'm fearful that's someone I might not see eye to eye with on politics and how the country should function.

OK... mini-rant that I may be way off base about, regarding a really weird topic over.
Would you be ok with someone paying hundreds or thousands for a civil war uniform or medieval suit of armour to perform re-enactments in?

I’m wondering if your problem is an adult playing dress up, or the fact that it’s a mermaid.
This may seem waaaaay off topic...

I was driving to work. I am a creature of habit. NPR was playing Market Place. (before you judge me, it's pretty much the only radio station we have) The story today? Twin sisters in NC have a 7 figure business they dropped out of college to run, when demand turned out to be so great. They make... mermaid tails. Basic fabric ones for little girls start at $200, and the same for adults at $400. The most realistic is a silicone one that starts at $5000. They are two years out on orders for that one. They expect the release of the movie to cause an up swell to their business, and it is already months behind on orders.

Why do I bring this up? My gut is that people who are buying lifesize mermaid fins costing hundred to thousands of dollars probably is someone who is OK with the economy and thinks Biden is doing OK. I'm projecting of course; I have no proof of that, and I could be wrong. Frankly I had no idea such a market existed. I wonder how many of what I would consider to be ludicrous industries also exist? And if you're willing to drop 5000+ grand for a silicone mermaid tail for yourself... I'm fearful that's someone I might not see eye to eye with on politics and how the country should function.

OK... mini-rant that I may be way off base about, regarding a really weird topic over.
A fine rant Tundra Tiger!

A couple of thoughts. First, I believe most people live their lives, love what they love, and do what they do, without giving a single thought to what’s going on in Washington or even their own state capital. They presumably have jobs that give them a comfortable living, with some extra money left……for things like mermaid tails. I think I’m OK with this frame of mind.

Secondly, while the desire for mermaid tails (a niche market if there ever was one) evades me, I think people should do what makes them happy. It’s a good sign that things aren’t so bad with our economy. I’m sure lots of people would shake their heads in wonder at the price of a bespoke double rifle! Within certain bounds, I think people should strive to achieve “water vessel floatation” as they see fit.
As I'm fond of saying: "And some people ride horses". (Been there in a different life.)
Lots of ways to spend your extra loot.

I hear some are even crazy enough to travel to Africa for one silly reason or another. ;)
Would you be ok with someone paying hundreds or thousands for a civil war uniform or medieval suit of armour to perform re-enactments in?

I’m wondering if your problem is an adult playing dress up, or the fact that it’s a mermaid.

I pondered that very point as I was typing it Aaron. And I was specifically thinking of mountain man/rendezvous re-enactments, as one example. If someone wants a mermaid tail, more power to them. I was just a) amazed such a market exists and b) had the thought that folks who would buy something like that probably aren't voting Republican. I believe I mentioned I could be wrong, but that's sure my gut feeling.

Let me be clear, because I apparently was not. Good on those sisters for being industrious. And I have no issue with anyone wanting a mermaid tail, or whatever else floats your boat. Not at all.
I pondered that very point as I was typing it Aaron. And I was specifically thinking of mountain man/rendezvous re-enactments, as one example. If someone wants a mermaid tail, more power to them. I was just a) amazed such a market exists and b) had the thought that folks who would buy something like that probably aren't voting Republican. I believe I mentioned I could be wrong, but that's sure my gut feeling.

Let me be clear, because I apparently was not. Good on those sisters for being industrious. And I have no issue with anyone wanting a mermaid tail, or whatever else floats your boat. Not at all.
The parts that caught my eye was that the twins realized there was a market for their product, they realized that a college degree was not going to be the ticket to success in selling this product, and they have captured this niche as weird as it is. I see them becoming serial entrepreneurs that will provide them a good life and that will create jobs.

They obviously missed that part of college and high school that said capitalism is bad.
@Doug3006 ... Incredibly astute as always. I am almost embarrassed I did not consider that angle. Soooo.... BBM?

@jpr9954 ... I could not agree more.

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idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID
African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?