
"'Rob,' My Red Button is bigger, better, stronger, and is working (TRUTH!), yours does not! (per my conversation with Kim Jung Un, of North Korea, soon to become my friend!),"

Trump posted this on his "Truth Social" network following the DeSantis announcement on Twitter with Musk.

I know many here are supporters. Can someone translate?

VERY bizarre! I have to say in Trump's defense, he met with and TRIED to get the dictator of the Hermit Kingdom to denuclearize in return for peace on the Korean peninsula. Obviously, it didn't work and China missed that one opportunity to strong arm North Korea to that end. Now, it's one ballistic missile after another fired by NK and the only solution left is maintaining the status quo from the previous 70+ years or an eventual war. I now believe South Korea is almost out of patience with the situation at hand and no peaceful end in sight FOREVER.
VERY bizarre! I have to say in Trump's defense, he met with and TRIED to get the dictator of the Hermit Kingdom to denuclearize in return for peace on the Korean peninsula. Obviously, it didn't work and China missed that one opportunity to strong arm North Korea to that end. Now, it's one ballistic missile after another fired by NK and the only solution left is maintaining the status quo from the previous 70+ years or an eventual war. I now believe South Korea is almost out of patience with the situation at hand and no peaceful end in sight FOREVER.
For sure.

I am just trying to figure out what the devil the front runner of my party is talking about and why his ardent supporters aren't at least mildly curious if not actually concerned.

Trump will be 77 if elected and Biden will be 81 (two weeks short of 82). As a seventy something, I am absolutely certain neither of these characters have any business taking on the the most demanding job on the planet.
For sure.

I am just trying to figure out what the devil the front runner of my party is talking about and why his ardent supporters aren't at least mildly curious if not actually concerned.

Trump will be 77 if elected and Biden will be 81 (two weeks short of 82). As a seventy something, I am absolutely certain neither of these characters have any business taking on the the most demanding job on the planet.
I completely agree. I have no idea what Trump is/was talking about and I'm not sure at times he does either. We already know Brandon doesn't have a clue and his strings are being pulled by the most leftist forces in the Democratic party. I REALLY liked most of Trump's policies during his first endeavor as President, but then he ran his mouth on Twitter. It didn't really bother ME that much because that is just Trump's bellicose personality and I'm a conservative, but I could only imagine what the moderate Independent voters were thinking throughout his Twitter episodes. I do have to say Trump was the most transparent President since I can remember, because via Twitter, everyone knew exactly where he was coming from, like it or not. IMHO Brandon is one of (if not) THE most secretive, opaque Presidents in our history. That being said, I don't believe either Trump or Brandon are electable by the moderate Independent voters who have in the recent past and will continue to determine our next President through their votes. There are a number of other candidates on both sides who would be better candidates than Trump or Brandon given each of their respective "handicaps". I WILL vote for Trump if he is the Republican candidate, but despite the recent polling, I fear the worst if he is the Republican candidate and ANYONE other than Brandon is the Democrat candidate. I, and we as a country, couldn't take four more years of Brandon's or any other left wing candidate's leadership and hope to survive.
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Fingers crossed. This could be a good thing. This is a quote from NBC about it:

"The launch will closely tie together the billionaire tech mogul with one of the Republican Party’s rising stars. Musk has been an admirer of DeSantis, who also regularly chides corporate media. Last year, Musk said he would support the governor if he were to run for president."

I know too little about US politics (specifically how the parties nominate their candidate), but wouldn’t Desantis only make a bid for POTUS seat if he thinks that he at least has a small chance to be the republican nominee? In other words, the past few months were spent with Republican leadership, getting some assurances that they will throw their weight behind him, instead of Trump? And linking himself to Elon, would definitely help his campaign.

I can see no interest for Desantis running for POTUS, only to fall into a mud slinging match with Trump, unless he has gotten some reassuring hints for the nomination process.
"'Rob,' My Red Button is bigger, better, stronger, and is working (TRUTH!), yours does not! (per my conversation with Kim Jung Un, of North Korea, soon to become my friend!),"

Trump posted this on his "Truth Social" network following the DeSantis announcement on Twitter with Musk.

I know many here are supporters. Can someone translate?

Trump attacks any perceived threat. While these attacks have always been childish (little Marco), recently they have become nonsensical and sometimes, as in this case, unintelligible. Something appears to have changed with how he processes and responds to information. Personally, I expect to hear the music from the twilight zone playing in the background anytime he speaks.
I would guess one can be certain that Trump will feel compelled to go after Musk.
I look forward to watching Trump attack Elon Musk. That would be entertaining at least.
I heard that they had 700,000 online which caused the servers to crash. Some are saying this was a disaster for DeSantis but I'd disagree. I think it indicates a lot of people really wanted (including me) wanted him to enter the race.


From what I've read elsewhere, Trump has already been spending heavily on anti-DeSantis ads through his super-PAC.
Funny thing popped into my head. This reminds me of the Taylor Swift ticket debacle. If you follow that kind of thing! Offering tickets through an online broker and their server crashes because of demand. I’m sure the Taylor Swift loved the media attention regarding this. Not a bad thing in anyway!
Dueling videos.

A Russian electronic surveillance ship was attacked in the Black Sea yesterday by at least three Ukrainian surface "drones.". The Russians immediately claimed nothing to see here - all drones were destroyed, and they released this video.

A couple of hours later, the Ukrainian MOD released the following. It would appear at least one got through and based upon the above blast, it would suggest the ship suffered significant damage. Someone will likely get a satellite image shortly confirming if it was hit and extent of damage.

I know too little about US politics (specifically how the parties nominate their candidate), but wouldn’t Desantis only make a bid for POTUS seat if he thinks that he at least has a small chance to be the republican nominee? In other words, the past few months were spent with Republican leadership, getting some assurances that they will throw their weight behind him, instead of Trump? And linking himself to Elon, would definitely help his campaign.

I can see no interest for Desantis running for POTUS, only to fall into a mud slinging match with Trump, unless he has gotten some reassuring hints for the nomination process.

I think there is some level of hubris in anyone running for public office. (Trump's problem is he has enough hubris for several fields of candidates and he lets it guide his every word and decision. Well, that and he's narcissistic and petulant.) I think you are right: someone has to believe they can succeed, and either they truly believe that themselves, or enough people close to them have convinced them they have a legitimate chance. Tim Scott likely believes he has a legitimate chance. I think the odds are stacked against him, which is a shame because I could potentially get behind him. I am quite certain DeSantis believes he can be the nominee. Frankly, I still believe he can be the nominee, despite what some on here say to the contrary. To me, it's also something like being a sports fan: you always want to believe your team can win. For me, it's "Let's go team DeSantis!"
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Trump attacks any perceived threat. While these attacks have always been childish (little Marco), recently they have become nonsensical and sometimes, as in this case, unintelligible. Something appears to have changed with how he processes and responds to information. Personally, I expect to hear the music from the twilight zone playing in the background anytime he speaks.

Bingo. I find that to be an astute observation.

I do not believe he is the same guy with great policies from his term in office.
I do not believe it is certain - or even likely - he is able to accomplish the same things.
His personal decorum has sunk to a level I cannot and will not support.
And yes, that matters to me, even if it doesn't to some.
For sure.

I am just trying to figure out what the devil the front runner of my party is talking about and why his ardent supporters aren't at least mildly curious if not actually concerned.

Trump will be 77 if elected and Biden will be 81 (two weeks short of 82). As a seventy something, I am absolutely certain neither of these characters have any business taking on the the most demanding job on the planet.
I'm "only" 66 and agree 100% about the both Trump and Biden are too old. I'm too old for the demands of being President.
I'm "only" 66 and agree 100% about the both Trump and Biden are too old. I'm too old for the demands of being President.

Then again, I assume you and @Red Leg actually worked some years. Which cannot be said about many career politicians :D
Trump attacks any perceived threat. While these attacks have always been childish (little Marco), recently they have become nonsensical and sometimes, as in this case, unintelligible. Something appears to have changed with how he processes and responds to information. Personally, I expect to hear the music from the twilight zone playing in the background anytime he speaks.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed this. His attacks went from sort of witty/clever to just big stretches and hard to grasp.

I am really hoping DeSantis picks up momentum after finally declaring.
(What strikes me as) an excellent article on President Trump. I only disagree at the end, where Piers Morgan is touted as some sort of political guru, instead of the fatuous disgrace that we in this country view him as:

DeSantis Dives Into the Muck
Now that Florida’s governor is in the 2024 race, we’ll find out how tough he is.


May 25, 2023, 12:02 AM

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in Lynchburg, Virginia (The Old Major/Shutterstock)

On Wednesday, Ron DeSantis did the most unsurprising thing in his political career: he announced he is running for president.

There is a temptation, one that is widespread among Republican voters — even among many of those who are sticking with Donald Trump as the presumptive GOP nominee — to see DeSantis as an antidote to the utter nastiness that American politics became during the four years Trump was in office. (READ MORE: The Fraudulent Disney–DeSantis Narrative)
And that temptation wasn’t unreasonable. After all, nobody went through the kind of abuse Trump did.

We know thanks to the Durham report that Trump had an active coup d’etat attempted against him from before his election to after the midterms his party lost. We’ve seen a kangaroo-court indictment in New York for behavior that is clearly not a crime, a kangaroo-court lawsuit by a quite apparently crazy woman who alleged without evidence that he had raped and defamed her — and the same woman is now threatening to sue him in the same kangaroo court for making irritated statements about the trial. We’ve seen his home raided for supposedly classified documents that by their nature were declassified when he used his presidential power to take them from the White House; this is part of another kangaroo-court indictment to come.

And that doesn’t even include the idiocy brewing against Trump in Georgia.

This follows after he was slandered by the Democrat Party and its media shills for perfectly reasonable and accurate comments about what happened in Charlottesville in 2017, and after he was impeached not once but twice for things he didn’t do.

It’s been a hurricane since Trump’s arrival on the political scene, and lots of Americans are exhausted. Trump himself is exhausting at times.

But here’s what you’re going to learn if you don’t already know it, now that DeSantis is in the race: this really is not about Donald Trump.

It’s about the Left in America. It’s about the fact that those who took over the Democrat Party with Barack Obama’s ascension to the presidency have metastasized it into a perpetual-motion Alinskyite political wrecking machine. It never stops, it never lets up, and it shows no mercy.
To oppose the Left is to be slimed, defamed, abused, and brutalized. Dumping Trump won’t make that go away.
The last column in this space had a couple of good examples of how this directly impacts DeSantis, namely the stupid narrative that he’s “losing” his fight against the woke groomers at Disney and the even stupider narrative that, according to the NAACP, Florida is a racist place unsafe for black travelers.
On the day DeSantis announced, there was an even more breathless attack:
Throughout his political career , DeSantis has made decisions and enacted policies that have only furthered his dangerous agenda and targeted hard-working Black people, vulnerable communities, and our children.
Here are a few bills that paint the picture – DeSantis is the worst nightmare for ALL of us.
  • In Florida alone, there are over 2 million students who are enrolled in public schools compared to the 400 thousand in private schools, and yet the HB 1 bill (supported by DeSantis) is designed to defund Florida public schools and supply 4 BILLION to private charter schools. More school choice is good for Black families, but effectively defunding traditional public schools, a main gateway for education for so many Black children, does not increase school choice.
  • With gun violence at an all-time high, DeSantis wants to lower the legal age to purchase a rifle from 21 to 18 years old with the HB 1543 bill – yes, that’s completely disregarding the 131 mass shootings that have occurred just this year. In 2018, advocates fought hard to increase the legal age to 21 after the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Remarkably, since it passed, there has not been another school shooting in the state of Florida. Why on earth would DeSantis want to go backwards on this issue? His priorities are corrupt, just like him.
  • Black women are constantly denied resources, services, and information needed to make personal decisions regarding their reproductive health, and still, DeSantis has for the better half of this year focused on a law that bans abortions after 6 weeks of pregnancy. We don’t need another presidential candidate that fails to understand that decisions regarding reproductive health care should be left up to those who are pregnant and their doctors – DeSantis, a privileged white man, knows nothing about pregnancy.
Now you can understand why we need all the support we can get. DeSantis has used the state of Florida as a playground to aggressively enact laws that will devastate Black communities – just imagine what he’ll do to the rest of the country if given the opportunity.
That’s from the Black Lives Matter PAC.

The narrative on Ron DeSantis is going to be that he’s a virulent racist who’s actively trying to oppress blacks, gays, transpeople, and women, and his policies — most of which are supported even by most Democrats in Florida – will literally murder people.

If you’ll remember, they said this same crap about Trump and before him they said it about Mitt Romney. Harry Reid, the American politician of the past century who most deserves his current residence in hell, slandered Romney as a tax dodger on the floor of the Senate. A Romney fundraising dinner was infiltrated by a left-wing activist who recorded him remarking about the 47 percent of the public who don’t pay income tax in what sounded like a critical statement of their value. And when he made a harmless, if awkward, remark during a debate about the “binders full of women,” meaning resumes of women being considered for jobs in his administration as governor of Massachusetts, it was trumpeted as evidence of what a misogynist he was.

DeSantis is going to be viciously, relentlessly slimed for the next year of his life, or however long he’s a presidential candidate. And if he isn’t the Republican nominee, and the odds are that he won’t be, given Trump’s current lead in the polls, the same people smearing him nonstop will claim victory of a permanent kind; they’re going to say his political career is over and that he’s been destroyed.
Of course, nobody is more aggressive in assaulting DeSantis than Trump. A few days ago, he actually claimed that New York’s disgraced former governor, Andrew Cuomo, who killed thousands of senior citizens by injecting COVID patients into nursing homes and spreading the infection to the most vulnerable, had somehow done a better job than DeSantis in dealing with the virus. It’s sure to get worse from that corner.

That said, there was this on Wednesday:

Last week, Piers Morgan, writing at the New York Post, compared DeSantis to Muhammad Ali in his famous 1974 “rope-a-dope” fight against George Foreman. Morgan might be correct in his phrasing. It isn’t impossible for DeSantis to eclipse Trump and win the nomination, and there are in fact decent arguments for why that’s a desirable result.

But the analogy fails because DeSantis isn’t just in the ring with Trump. He and Trump are both in the ring against an army of smear merchants, tyrants, demagogues, and worse.

The Democrats cannot afford to lose the 2024 elections. They’ve turned politics into a real-life game of thrones, where you either win or die.

So the fight will be dirtier and more intense than ever. And as a candidate Democrats fear more than Trump (if you buy into David Catron’s idea that there is a media pump-and-dump operation afoot where Trump is concerned, which your author is persuaded by), Ron DeSantis is about to be abused as no political candidate ever has been in American history.

If he can survive it, he might become one of the greats.

But this assumes Morgan is right to compare him to Muhammad Ali. And it’s far too soon to assume that.
Trump attacks any perceived threat. While these attacks have always been childish (little Marco), recently they have become nonsensical and sometimes, as in this case, unintelligible. Something appears to have changed with how he processes and responds to information. Personally, I expect to hear the music from the twilight zone playing in the background anytime he speaks.
Yes, he is losing it and there wasn’t much there in the first place.
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I look forward to watching Trump attack Elon Musk. That would be entertaining at least.
Yes, it's going to be a real ****show until next fall. I hope the Republican candidates actually attack Brandon for his incompetence instead of each other until then. The Demonrats are just sitting around eating popcorn and watching it all unfold.
I look forward to watching Trump attack Elon Musk. That would be entertaining at least.

That and watching him debate DeSantis will be fun. Trump going after Cruz, Rubio, Bush etc in 2016 was a little bit different.

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schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.
Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!