So Kamala resigns…Biden appoints Newsome…Senate approves the appointment ( Democrat Controlled Senate now, without a vote to break a tie since the VP, which has resigned and is vacant from breaking a tie)….Biden resigns and Newsome becomes POTUS, then runs as an incumbent against DeSantis. Alternative, Biden does not resign, but finishes his term! Declines to run and VP Newsome gets the nomination and runs….with a track record supporting him as VP. All pre planned and ready to initiate since Democrats will be the majority in the Senate…now..think about eliminating the filibuster since Sinema and Manchin do not have the upper hand. Gentlemen..the next two years can alter our future in ways never imagined. The Constitution itself is, as never before, in serious jeopardy of being ”reinterpreted”, with only the SCOTUS standing in the way, but regardless of the Courts ruling..they have no enforcement powers. 1832 as per President Andrew Jackson..referencing the SCOTUS ruling…Worcester v Georgia…John Marshall has given his ruling, now let him enforce it.