
In my state, more than one politician is so tired of hearing from me that they've even stopped sending back the obligatory and courteous "Thank you for bringing your concerns to our attention..." emails.
You do have some valid points and your frustrations are, I'm sure by now, quite clear to everyone here.

My point is that I sincerely hope that your efforts to voice the opinions you are clearly so passionate about are not limited to the politics thread on a hunting site. It sounds like you should be on the debate stage as you make a run for office.
I'm glad to hear it and I agree to get involved. If we can fix things at a local level that gets the ball rolling and your actual community is better. I'm busy at work and I would like to think in a Constitutional Republic some of my elected "pols" woul;d actually represent the people a tad but they don't at all. I can't run as I'm like Trump. I don't GAF about your weakness as to your feelings and I can't couch my words like a coward politician all day every day, lol. Like this guy above, he gets personal even though he has nary a clue about the issues but I need to bite my tongue? Nah, bury the MFer is my style. It's not right and it's not smart but it's me. Thus, I understand Trump. He's a NY rea estate developer (or was for a long time), if people actually knew what most of those guys were like they would consider Trump mother theresa. I'm in commercial RE, I know people personally.
lmao, unreal you don't know this:
What convinced the French to pull out of Vietnam?

2) What convinced the French to pull out of Vietnam? The French troops were unable to defeat the Vietminh guerrillas, and casualties made the war increasingly unpopular with the French people. When the French lost Dien Bien Phu to the Vietminh, they decided to make peace and withdraw from Indochina.

Despite financial assistance from the United States, nationalist uprisings against French colonial rule began to take their toll. On May 7, 1954, the French-held garrison at Dien Bien Phu in Vietnam fell after a four month siege led by Vietnamese nationalist Ho Chi Minh.
Sheez you are dense! They were still fighting a war far from home. Just like the USA. A war for reasons that were not tied to the survival of either France or USA... Get it now???
Sheez you are dense! They were still fighting a war far from home. Just like the USA. A war for reasons that were not tied to the survival of either France or USA... Get it now???
France was a colonizer of the country, get it yet????
Once again Biden and his administration on domestic issues. Domestic issues!

You are so hell bent on your hate for Biden (I'm with you there) that you you are not understanding anything beyond that.

The mark of someone who realises he doesn't know everything is that he is willing to listen and learn if there is anything to learn. Well I hear your points and some are empirically correct and I agree with a lot of what you are saying but it is surface thinking and does not delve deep enough. What I think you need to realise is that your international view is short term thinking (Isolationism always is). If you can't think strategically or longer term then you are doomed to failure.

You will ALWAYS need the rest of the world. Either as a market for your goods/resources/services or you will need the world for resources you don't have enough of (Lithium etc). Yes you can live for another 100 years without the rest of the world but by them you'll look like a stone-age civilisation as the world passes you by. But most importantly the rest of the world will probably all be speaking Russian or Chinese and they won't be your trading partners/allies they will be your adversaries.

Lastly your opening line "I'm American, I know more about it than you"....maybe this attitude sums you up.

So I could give two hoots and let you get on with it. No amount of facts or common sense can change a closed mind.

Peace out.
We are selling oil to europe, guess who pays more, europe or the USA? Guess who stoped russian oil? That's our market. If we need markets and cheap oil why re we fighting a stupid proxy war to protect a completely corrupt country per NATO?

You are way behind so you are now getting personal. bye bye
We are selling oil to europe, guess who pays more, europe or the USA? Guess who stoped russian oil? That's our market. If we need markets and cheap oil why re we fighting a stupid proxy war to protect a completely corrupt country per NATO?

You are way behind so you are now getting personal. bye bye
:V Bangin:
I'm glad to hear it and I agree to get involved. If we can fix things at a local level that gets the ball rolling and your actual community is better. I'm busy at work and I would like to think in a Constitutional Republic some of my elected "pols" woul;d actually represent the people a tad but they don't at all. I can't run as I'm like Trump. I don't GAF about your weakness as to your feelings and I can't couch my words like a coward politician all day every day, lol. Like this guy above, he gets personal even though he has nary a clue about the issues but I need to bite my tongue? Nah, bury the MFer is my style. It's not right and it's not smart but it's me. Thus, I understand Trump. He's a NY rea estate developer (or was for a long time), if people actually knew what most of those guys were like they would consider Trump mother theresa. I'm in commercial RE, I know people personally.
Except that approach didn't prove to be effective. @Zambezi is a good guy and no idiot.

So you can rant and rave and beat up on guys on a hunting site cuz you've studied up. Ok.

But that's the very reason that it didn't work for Trump to stay in office. I couldn't run for higher office for the same reasons, but the fact is that no matter how fed up we are with the hurt feelings crowd, they are there...and they are loud. So those that do get into office have to deal with them. If that means they have to back off on obnoxious insults in order to get things accomplished AND stay in office then by all means, get it done. It doesn't mean coddling anyone, just means to be the adult in the room.

I have a word for one who rants, raves, throws insults, won't listen to another angle, remains unreasonable, defensive, and doesn't work with anyone who doesn't agree 100% with them...I call that person a democrat.
Except that approach didn't prove to be effective. @Zambezi is a good guy and no idiot.

So you can rant and rave and beat up on guys on a hunting site cuz you've studied up. Ok.

But that's the very reason that it didn't work for Trump to stay in office. I couldn't run for higher office for the same reasons, but the fact is that no matter how fed up we are with the hurt feelings crowd, they are there...and they are loud. So those that do get into office have to deal with them. If that means they have to back off on obnoxious insults in order to get things accomplished AND stay in office then by all means, get it done. It doesn't mean coddling anyone, just means to be the adult in the room.

I have a word for one who rants, raves, throws insults, won't listen to another angle, remains unreasonable, defensive, and doesn't work with anyone who doesn't agree 100% with them...I call that person a democrat.
I agree, that's why I can't be elected. It's style over substance. I'm ranting? Interesting

"In your second paragraph you are either being obtuse or simply don't understand what you're talking about. I'll type this slowly so you can follow:"

"you are dense"


Curious as to how you all think this works out well? Putin resigns and we get a nice moderate democracy in Russia? Please tell a "dense" person like me how it ends? Please tell me if YOU would go to get shot up. I'll hang up.
I'm not sure how your question relates to my comments but in response...It ends well for no one. Putin started this for a reason and as happens when any bully starts shit up, someone has to step in and stop it or else decide who next to throw under the bus in his direction until he ultimately gets to you.
As to your last question, absurd as it is...absofnlutely. When it comes to this country and our way of life I will always do anything I can. Until then I'll just keep being a thorn in the side of the politicians that rely on my vote.
I'm not sure how your question relates to my comments but in response...It ends well for no one. Putin started this for a reason and as happens when any bully starts shit up, someone has to step in and stop it or else decide who next to throw under the bus in his direction until he ultimately gets to you.
As to your last question, absurd as it is...absofnlutely. When it comes to this country and our way of life I will always do anything I can. Until then I'll just keep being a thorn in the side of the politicians that rely on my vote.
China is 100X more of threat to the USA and the world. They will go into Taiwan imo due to weakling bidet. I bet we should go to war with them too?

"World ain't what it seems is it, Gunny? You keep that in mind. The moment you think you got it figured, you're wrong"​

Keep up the good work on those pols!

Pfizer tests showed their vaccine would not stop transmission so the stopped testing for it and rolled the vaccine out anyway.

Two issues: Prosecuting the Ukraine war- It appears there are two levels of the war. The standard ground game with infantry & armor doing the age old slugfest; and the equivalent of artillery except now the shells are guided using TV cameras in the warhead/fuse with systems sometimes miles away. Given that the present US administration has been known to lie rather than tell the truth, I wonder how much involvement the US or contractors have. For example, a rocket and firing mechanism could be delivered to Ukraine where it was taken to within range of a prospective target. A recon drone could fly overhead until it spotted a target of opportunity, the camera could send realtime pictures of the target along with location coordinates to the receiver which via satellite could be anywhere. the person viewing the pictures could determine if the target and area are suitable for the ordinance. If so, push the fire button and direct the ordinance onto the target using the camera in the rockets fuse, the person doing this need not be in Ukraine or even Ukrainian. the main function of the Ukrainians would be transport the rockets, drones and maintenance/security of the forward bases. Given the lack of truth with the present administration, I wonder just how much the US is doing, particularly as the operator of the above system. It is clear the president won't be telling anyone. But if so, it would be a means of cutting back on the corruptions that I read about where the munitions are being sold to third parties for use elsewhere in the world.

Second issue: President Trumps adversarial personality. I recall he and his wife taking the ride down the escalator and announcing his candidacy for president. He immediately had three enemies: the establishment Republicans, the Democrats, and the network media. Complete lies were fabricated, some just to hurt his reputation, others to allege involvement with foreign countries, on and on. On the basis of NO evidence the Democratic controlled house impeached him twice. Even members of the Republican party voted to convict him- again, with NO evidence. During all of this Presidnet Trump was trying to campaign for president, then govern as president., then run for re-election. Through it all, the forces against him were legion and unrequitting. His only option was to take to the offense and push back. Had the three groups of adversaries put the country first and allowed Trump to get the credit for his actions, the US would be a superstar of a country. Instead the three determined it was more important to destroy Trump even at the expense of destroying the US. So with the present administration the US is a couple steps from becoming a backwater has been along the lines of other has been/never were countries.
You should hear the BS that comes from the mouths of educated people at McDonalds I frequent. They even know how much income tax Trump paid. When I ask if they ever saw his return and if they could even calculate his taxes it seems they can only say he never released them. A mexican immigrant walked in and threw out that Trump passed a defense bill for billions then took it all home with him when he left office. Of course the Trump haters are not able to disagree because they forgot how the system works in america. I suppose in Mexico the presidente does just such things.
Oh yeah, he also said Trump kept all his left over campaign funds when he left office.
I asked if any politician in america ever handed their campaign funds off to the public?
You see, Trump haters threw away their brains so except for our bodies being equipped with an autonomic nervous system or they would all die.
Just saying.
After taking them on a couple times I might get banned from McD's
@Nature Boy a well reasoned argument logically presented in a calm manner is far more effective than an angry rant. Calm down man, there are no enemies here! The AH participants are intelligent people with ears to listen to ideas, not throats to have them rammed down.
As for me, I have ideas and contributions upon political matters, but having interacted with you here all I am getting is dogma and unpleasantness. Nothing achieved, so I am leaving the Politics forum now. Well done.
@Nature Boy a well reasoned argument logically presented in a calm manner is far more effective than an angry rant. Calm down man, there are no enemies here! The AH participants are intelligent people with ears to listen to ideas, not throats to have them rammed down.
As for me, I have ideas and contributions upon political matters, but having interacted with you here all I am getting is dogma and unpleasantness. Nothing achieved, so I am leaving the Politics forum now. Well done.
I am calm. Okay, bye bye
keep taking shots like Trump, hmmm....
They were your words not mine.
What was "Keep up the good work on those pols!" if not a dig?

Passion, anger, even rage can help tear down walls...or it can fortify them. The former can be constructive, the latter is just part of the problem.

The floor is yours.

Happy hunting.
"He who rules his own spirit is greater than he who takes a city"
They were your words not mine.
What was "Keep up the good work on those pols!" if not a dig?

Passion, anger, even rage can help tear down walls...or it can fortify them. The former can be constructive, the latter is just part of the problem.

The floor is yours.

Happy hunting.
That was a compliment as to staying on your local politicians. not sure what you thought it meant?

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EC HUNTING SAFARIS wrote on MarcoPani's profile.
Happy Birthday, from Grahamstown, South Africa.
I hope your day is great!
EC HUNTING SAFARIS wrote on Ilkay Taskin's profile.
Happy Birthday from Grahamstown, South Africa! I hope you have a great day!
Cheers, Marius
idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID