At some point you'll realize that both sides have the same advisers.I suspect you’re right, but I really think the D’s could get a better bunch of advisers. If that’s all they got, the R’s better whip some tail in Nov.
TKW is one funny dude. He stumped HARD for DJT a couple years ago.This is video is hilarious. Enjoy!
Uses voodoo dolls???? Dude, look at that, that IS A VOODOO DOLL.10$ says she has used voodoo dolls
The crop advising Uncle Joe have proven to be a gaggle of morons. Trump ran off advisors who were eminently better. Bush‘s team were Rhodes Scholars by comparison. Do you think Desantis would have underlings that would perform like Sippy Cups crew? I don’t.At some point you'll realize that both sides have the same advisers.
The wonder boy does it again:
Meghan McCain: Trudeau offends millions belting out Bohemian Rhapsody as world mourned Queen's death
He blows apart the insufferable moral superiority of the Left: It really is just
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