Ray B
AH legend
First DC, next NYC, Chicago, then Martha's Vineyard. Buses being chartered for BelAir, Rehoboth Beach, Medina(Seattle) and Pacific Heights(SF,CA); That ought to take us through mid-November.
I am not into american politics all that much. I browsed “ Marthas vineyard” and read its an island just outside mainland Mass. It seems to be a nice island where apparently not many blacks and latinos wish to go. Why would anybody inrich such lsland with truckloads of refugees?…maybe they don’t to go thre either.
Since this whole charade of wokeism and "reinterpreting" history fad began, I have been on a bit of a personal crusade trying to explain the fundamental fallacy of judging anyone or any event in the past by the standards of the present. The official term for it is "presentism." The woke crowd has embraced it because it absolves them of any responsibility of actually knowing anything about the past. It further allows them to self-indulge in little fantasies over how much better they are than founding fathers, Anti Bellum Southerners, and just about anyone or anything else that doesn't fit their Facebook grasp of the historical past.
Bill Maher always uses ridicule and mockery pretty effectively. This is one of his better monologues.
Presentism is what is used to skew perception from what it was to what "they" want it to be. Previously known as "revisionism" the main object of twist is Freedom and Slavery. The "left" wants people to think they are free but obligate them to the welfare dole. A child will be born into a single parent household because the govt pays the mother to do so. she may have relations with a man but he must be out of the house for her to get her monthly check. the govt also pays part of the rent, most of the food and medical bills provided she can find a clinic willing to accept regulated payment. So the child grows up with little adult supervision or guidance. Goes to school where the staff perceive the child as having little potential= so the self-fulfilling prophesy becomes reality. The child grows to adulthood with little skills- he/she can barely read, can't calculate the simplest of arithmetic, is unable to speak a complete sentence and speaks in a dialect known as black ghetto. As such there is little employment opportunity. According to the left, such people are "free", yes their choices are: if male, join a street gang, life expectancy 19 years of age or a long term prison sentence; if female, get pregnant and repeat the cycle.
If the plantation owners had treated their slaves in such a manner they would have been criminally charged. But the revisors have an agenda and it doesn't include a complete view of either the past or the present.