For the life of me I don't understand liberals, and Democrats in particular. One of the first tenets of competition, as in an election for example, is to know your opposition. What drives these people? Do they perhaps have an overriding love for humanity? No, the southern border fiasco dispels that one, the free for all is clearly not the best for all. Do they truly love and embrace nature? Uhm, it seems like they couldn't really care a damn for bambi's long term well being beyond the cute. Maybe they know, as the song says that children are the future? Nope, they don't seem to be too fond of them either, filling their heads with perversity and allowing psychos to prey upon them.
Honestly, try as I might to find a reasonable attribute, something to reach out to, a redeeming feature, I am coming more and more to the conclusion that these folks just hate too much. They don't like that conservatives are generally happy with their lot, love the outdoors and it's bounty, feel the sunshine. They don't seem to like themselves too much either, not happy with who they are, always looking for an alternative identity.
How do you challenge this, is there some way to bring change? I really don't think so. The best thing for us to do is to stick with values, pursue happiness, do good where you can and do nobody harm. Enjoy life, the world and it's bounty and have faith that God is greater than all of this and is infinitely more capable of sorting it all out than we will ever be. The terms are 'salt of the earth' and 'beacons of light'. The centre will find something appealing there, and who knows, maybe a few libs too.