AH enthusiast
That is not exactly true. Telegram and the Russian media have wholly embraced characterizing the Ukrainians as less than civilized - even less than human. The term most often used is "Kohkhol." We should also not forget that much of the Ukrainian population initially welcomed the German Wehrmacht as liberators in 1941. https://www.historynet.com/a-warm-welcome-turns-cold-in-nazi-occupied-ukraine/ Ukraine had just gone through the "Holdomor" in 1932-33- a Stalin created famine that may have killed as many as 12 million in Ukraine and Belarus.
There are indeed a lot of ethnic Russians in Ukraine - part of the reason behind the effort of separatists in Luhansk and Donetsk to break away from Ukraine. But that has tended to fuel divisions rather than bring the two cultures together.
Finally, there are not a lot of ethnic Russians in the Russian army. The vast majority of both contract and conscript troops deployed in Ukraine (and also the casualties) come from east of the Urals. There is no sense of cultural identity between them and Ukrainians.
Thats is not entirely true.
The russian propanganda has described the ukrianians as such, but the average russian has never seen the ukranians as such. We had a danish journalist doing interviews among russians in Moscaw. It was clearly there was no animosity towards ukranians in generel. Many of the russian didn`t understand why there was a military campaign there.