
That is not exactly true. Telegram and the Russian media have wholly embraced characterizing the Ukrainians as less than civilized - even less than human. The term most often used is "Kohkhol." We should also not forget that much of the Ukrainian population initially welcomed the German Wehrmacht as liberators in 1941. https://www.historynet.com/a-warm-welcome-turns-cold-in-nazi-occupied-ukraine/ Ukraine had just gone through the "Holdomor" in 1932-33- a Stalin created famine that may have killed as many as 12 million in Ukraine and Belarus.

There are indeed a lot of ethnic Russians in Ukraine - part of the reason behind the effort of separatists in Luhansk and Donetsk to break away from Ukraine. But that has tended to fuel divisions rather than bring the two cultures together.

Finally, there are not a lot of ethnic Russians in the Russian army. The vast majority of both contract and conscript troops deployed in Ukraine (and also the casualties) come from east of the Urals. There is no sense of cultural identity between them and Ukrainians.

Thats is not entirely true.

The russian propanganda has described the ukrianians as such, but the average russian has never seen the ukranians as such. We had a danish journalist doing interviews among russians in Moscaw. It was clearly there was no animosity towards ukranians in generel. Many of the russian didn`t understand why there was a military campaign there.
Though it is all great news, it is still only a small gain

I’m reminded of that article the other day from a Ukrainian General who speculated that Putin might, if threatened and embarrassed enough, turn to theatre nuclear weapons

it was a carefully considered piece as it contained, within it, speculation that it might result in a ‘limited nuclear exchange’.

A clear suggestion, by him, that NATO might respond - where did that come from ?

The world is still very much in a dangerous place
Thats is not entirely true.

The russian propanganda has described the ukrianians as such, but the average russian has never seen the ukranians as such. We had a danish journalist doing interviews among russians in Moscaw. It was clearly there was no animosity towards ukranians in generel. Many of the russian didn`t understand why there was a military campaign there.

I can assure you that the Ukrainians have not forgotten Stalin or their treatment by the Russians. Stalin could not tolerate the Ukrainian educated elite or their Cossack heritage, so he set out to decimate and subjugate them. That has generated a hatred that does not die quickly.
Though it is all great news, it is still only a small gain

I’m reminded of that article the other day from a Ukrainian General who speculated that Putin might, if threatened and embarrassed enough, turn to theatre nuclear weapons

it was a carefully considered piece as it contained, within it, speculation that it might result in a ‘limited nuclear exchange’.

A clear suggestion, by him, that NATO might respond - where did that come from ?

The world is still very much in a dangerous place
Absolutely. I hope that the US has made it clear to Putin that the first use of any theater nuclear weapon would be responded to in kind. The subs on Telegram are screaming for their use against the logistics centers in western Ukraine. Putin has to be made to believe that would be a self-destructive decision. But yes, that calculous could easily go wrong.
Thats is not entirely true.

The russian propanganda has described the ukrianians as such, but the average russian has never seen the ukranians as such. We had a danish journalist doing interviews among russians in Moscaw. It was clearly there was no animosity towards ukranians in generel. Many of the russian didn`t understand why there was a military campaign there.
I believe I'll go with my assessment rather than that of a Danish correspondent. I would also note the thrust of my analysis was the clear historic basis of Ukraine's perception of Russia rather than Russia's perception of Ukraine.

Moreover, Russia's blatant disregard for the destruction of civilian infrastructure and the casual infliction of mass civilian casualties hardly argues for deep and abiding benign feelings toward its Slavic brothers.
Absolutely. But these desertions have nothing to do with a love for Ukrainians. It is all about not wanting to go to war - particularly one in which you are essentially a kidnapped participant. This is about the absolute rot at the core of the Russian military, its leadership, and its manning model.
I would respectfully suggest that you are drawing the wrong conclusion from this survey.

  • 65% agreed that "despite our differences, there is more that unites ethnic Russians living in Ukraine and Ukrainians than divides us."
  • 93% said they considered Ukraine's future to be closer to Europe than to Russia, including 78% of those of Russian ethnicity, and 84% of those in the east of the country closest to the Russian border.
These I believe are the key points. I see no indication for any love of Russia and a clear perception of a separate Ukrainian identity.
…and this I think establishes the true lines of engagement between totalitarian regimes and democracy

Most humans want the freedom to pursue their own path, create and cherish a family and enjoy the freedoms of belief

So long as that option exists, there lays a tension for all totalitarians - how to maintain control when an alternative is just an out-stretched arms length away

Globalist Multi-National Companies take note - you are no better and are recognised as such

I’ve struggled to understand who in this world is the enemy of individualism

it used to be clear cut

Capitalism stood for freedom, socialism stood for control

today it’s not so simple - as we find the individual’s space compressed by two sides of the same coin

Sorry - slight deviation (not sure where that came from )
Absolutely. I hope that the US has made it clear to Putin that the first use of any theater nuclear weapon would be responded to in kind. The subs on Telegram are screaming for their use against the logistics centers in western Ukraine. Putin has to be made to believe that would be a self-destructive decision. But yes, that calculous could easily go wrong.
Planning the end game could be almost important as the battle to get there. The cornered rat story is real.
We remember

When the supply of something is limited, as is healthcare, and the demand greatly exceeds the supply there is no way for the excess demand to be met. The previous method was to raise the price and the distribution was based on who had the funds to pay. With the govt saying everyone is eligible regardless as to funds, then the result is long waiting times- a year or two for an appt with a doctor- So the govt is doing what it can to reduce the demand- basically by eliminating future demand through support of abortions or elimination of elderly that generally have more demand for healthcare due to failing health in advanced years.

any politician with any intelligence could have perceived this problem and taken steps to increase the supply rather than reducing demand. Several things could have been done, but sadly, none were. One would conclude that those in charge are little more than morons.
What can our Canadian brothers say about this, is it true??


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