
Canada has become a very sick place. The USA mustn't be allowed to emulate this. In a way allowing dangerous drugs to pour in over the southern US border is euthenasia as it is killing huge numbers.
The google link gets me nowhere Pheroze.
Weird, when I click it the link that opens is for Global News
Works on my phone, my laptop is getting a bit old.
If you have a add blocker disable it for that page.

I have a number of links that I have tried that my add blocker blocks, I then disable it for that page and hit refresh and the page comes up
The guy's at Daily Wire were talking about this a week or so ago. I haven't had time to research it myself but unfortunately it seems legitimate.

Absolutely disgusting!

When the Government provides healthcare it becomes a budget line item. This results in rationing through multiple unethical practices, failure to implement new, expensive procedures and medications, and an effort to reduce the burden by eliminating patients. If Harper had had another term he would have begun to right this ship. However, Trudeau is a believer, uneducated in areas that matter, and really not that bright. The future for Canada is not bright if he is not voted out of office.

I can relate multiple horror stories from our family. It was the nail in the coffin for us to ever consider moving back north.
…and this I think establishes the true lines of engagement between totalitarian regimes and democracy

Most humans want the freedom to pursue their own path, create and cherish a family and enjoy the freedoms of belief

So long as that option exists, there lays a tension for all totalitarians - how to maintain control when an alternative is just an out-stretched arms length away

Globalist Multi-National Companies take note - you are no better and are recognised as such

I’ve struggled to understand who in this world is the enemy of individualism

it used to be clear cut

Capitalism stood for freedom, socialism stood for control

today it’s not so simple - as we find the individual’s space compressed by two sides of the same coin

Sorry - slight deviation (not sure where that came from )
I fervently hope that most humans want freedom. If a desire for freedom informs and drives our actions, we’ll continue the slow progress we’re making. However, I fear that most people, including many of us who have known nothing but liberty, place greater value on other things. Safety, predictability and comfort. Will the majority of humans trade away their liberty for these things? Tyrants hope so. Once the deal is struck, the masses will find the have nothing. No liberty and no comfort. Just misery. Franklin was on to something.
Sorry - slight deviation (not sure where that came from )
Frustration with the direction the world is going?

Corporation's earn more by obeying Government than serving their customers. Old Dominion Freight Lines just let my company go as a client because they no longer ship guns or gun parts. One company after another bends their knee to a corrupt and overly powerful Government.

I fervently hope that most humans want freedom. If a desire for freedom informs and drives our actions, we’ll continue the slow progress we’re making. However, I fear that most people, including many of us who have known nothing but liberty, place greater value on other things. Safety, predictability and comfort. Will the majority of humans trade away their liberty for these things? Tyrants hope so. Once the deal is struck, the masses will find the have nothing. No liberty and no comfort. Just misery. Franklin was on to something.
With freedom, comes responsibility, and therein lies the rub. Too many in the U.S. want to do what they want without considering it's effect on the rest of their fellow citizens.
With freedom, comes responsibility, and therein lies the rub. Too many in the U.S. want to do what they want without considering it's effect on the rest of their fellow citizens.
Too many in the U.S. want to do what they want without considering it's effect on the rest of their fellow citizens.

Too many around the world want to do that.
Ode to Amerika

A smug man came to our town offering everything for free.
He said, “all you must do is vote for little old me.”
“You might have to surrender a freedom or two,
But we’ll go after the rich together, me and you!”
The townspeople clamored and thought to themselves,
“We too wanted to live like the rich and shop from fine shelves.”
He shouted, “I will make all equal regardless of their hard work or ability,
I’ll crush the rich and landed nobility.”
And the townspeople voted with joy in their heart,
It was time for change and time for a new start.
Envy like a slithering snake slowly crept into our town.
Neighbors shunned neighbors, wanting to bring the other down.
Those old voices who spoke of hard work and self determination,
Were spat at and cursed to eternal damnation.

The man and his promises won with great ease.
But there was work to be done before he could do as he please.
So he asked for the folks to give him a bit more power.
“Let me control what ‘others’ say each and every hour.”
So the town voted again and gave him all that he asked for.
Meanwhile, the rich slipped away not wanting to hear any more.

And it was true what he said when he promised to make them equal,
They were all poor as hell, another tragic historic sequel.
For those who could work sat at home and did nothing at all.

They were promised all would be free and the man would not stall.

They reasoned, “why should we work if others are lazy?”
The answers were often confused and always quite hazy.
Much was given to those who submit.
So long as they kept others in line, and never quit.
But in little time at all the store shelves were bare
However, no one could complain; no one would dare.
The man now had an army and weapons galore.
Free speech and assembly were our rights no more.

One day, he gathered the town and smiled as he said, “you’ll learn to like this soon, or you can choose to be dead.”

Then he glared at the town as he exclaimed to those who should have been blamed, “I promised you all would be equal and all would be free, to provide wealth and glory…..to my family ….and me.”
That is not exactly true. Telegram and the Russian media have wholly embraced characterizing the Ukrainians as less than civilized - even less than human. The term most often used is "Kohkhol." We should also not forget that much of the Ukrainian population initially welcomed the German Wehrmacht as liberators in 1941. https://www.historynet.com/a-warm-welcome-turns-cold-in-nazi-occupied-ukraine/ Ukraine had just gone through the "Holdomor" in 1932-33- a Stalin created famine that may have killed as many as 12 million in Ukraine and Belarus. Fortunately for the Soviet Union, the Nazis quickly disabused the Ukrainians that they were their saviors.

There are indeed a lot of ethnic Russians in Ukraine - the major factor in the effort of separatists in Luhansk and Donetsk to break away from Ukraine. But that has tended to fuel divisions rather than bring the two cultures together.

Finally, there are not a lot of ethnic Russians in the Russian army. The vast majority of both contract and conscript troops deployed in Ukraine (and also the casualties) come from east of the Urals. There is no sense of cultural identity between them and Ukrainians.
What the Russian media/ certain state sponsored writers on Telegram claim does not necessarily represent the views of the average Russian. People there tend to have a fairly strong skepticism towards what the government/media say. As evident by the mass desertions and refusals to fight. Contrast this to America where the public has a tendency to gulp up whatever the media/politicians say. The reaction of the American public to the invasion of Iraq is a good example.

There were also some Russians who welcomed the Nazis. This fellow was a particularly unsavory character: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrey_Vlasov

Two things to note about the Holdomor. First of all Stalin or the Soviet Union does not equate Russia. Stalin was actually a Georgian. Khrushchev and Brezhnev, for example, were ethnic Ukrainians. Soviet=Soviet, Soviet does not equal Russia/Russian. This is what some African countries who support Russia in this current war get wrong when they view Russia as being synonymous to their Cold War Soviet ally.They forget that during the Cold War Ukraine was also their Soviet ally. But I digress. The starvation/murder of wealthy peasants also happened in southern Russia. The Soviet famine of 1930-33 hit all grain producing areas especially those with wealthy peasants pretty hard:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sovie...oviet famine of 1930,to have lost their lives.

Ukrainians were not the victims of this because of their ethnicity. People of many different Soviet ethnicity perished during this famine. This is part of the reason why many Soviet people, including ethnic Russians, initially welcomed the Nazis. This was not just limited to Ukrainians

However it would also be wrong to say that this was the only reason why these people welcomed the Nazis. Anti-=semitism was probably a strong motivator as well. The only problem was that the Nazis considered East Slavs to be "sub-humans" or "untermensch" as well.

I must say I find the bolded part almost impossible to believe. I assume by Siberia you mean the territories of the Russian federation east of the Urals? Because in Russian and in English terminology Siberia has somewhat different meanings. What English speakers call "Siberia" can actually be divided into the Urals, Siberia and the Far East. But once again I digress. Slavs/Russians account for about 85% of the population living in "Siberia" or east of the Urals: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Siberia

So I would be extremely shocked that the majority of "Siberians" in the Russian army are indigenous Siberians. As they make up a minority of Siberia's population. Siberians, regardless of ethnic group, are probably sent to the front lines as they are seen as being the most "expendable". Due to the fact that they may come from remote regions and are often from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds.

I believe I'll go with my assessment rather than that of a Danish correspondent. I would also note the thrust of my analysis was the clear historic basis of Ukraine's perception of Russia rather than Russia's perception of Ukraine.

Moreover, Russia's blatant disregard for the destruction of civilian infrastructure and the casual infliction of mass civilian casualties hardly argues for deep and abiding benign feelings toward its Slavic brothers.

As of mid-July 2022 approximately 5000 Ukrainian civilians were killed: https://www.ohchr.org/en/news/2022/07/ukraine-civilian-casualty-update-12-july-2022

This probably represents an underestimate but nonetheless it probably gives a good general picture/idea. Now lets look at the Iraq War. A conservative estimate is that around 200,000 civilians were killed https://www.iraqbodycount.org/database/. Although this likely represents an underestimate as Lancet puts the number of Iraqi civilian deaths at over 500,000. Coalition forces directly killed about 35-40% of those civilians. Now unlike the Russian army, which uses "dumb", in some instance WWII era munitions, the US army has access to much "smarter" and more precise munitions. This is not surprising since the US spends 10x more on defense than Russia does. I also assume the American defence industry and military is less corrupt than the Russian one. Yet the amount of civilians that were killed in Iraq is quite high. Would you say the US showed a blatant disregard for Iraqi lives as well ??

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Jason Coryell
VonJager wrote on Mauser3000's profile.
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ghay wrote on Buckums's profile.
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