51 years ago, Richard Nixon took the US off of the gold standard. It turns out that when someone can play a game of Monopoly where they get to loan themselves unlimited money and make everyone else pay for it, they win every time, and everyone else loses.
It’s no coincidence that many of our long serving politicians are positioned to benifit from Americas eventual economic collapse. 30 trillion in national debt plus multiples more in unfunded pension liability. We can’t pay for it without destroying the USD completely.
The idea that you can work for 20 years and then retire for 60 years is a complete ponzi scheme. Many will suffer, only question is when.
We go from a BALANCED budget under Clinton in the mid '90s to $30+ trillion of debt today. I never liked Clinton, but I do appreciate he and Congress's ability to reign in our debt at that point in time. What has happened since then? May be a rhetorical question?
Clinton was dragged into a balanced budget by the Republican landslide House and Senate victory of 1994. Bill Clinton in his first two years as president had zero intention of a balanced budget or lowering the national debt. His policies were so horrible that Republicans swept the house and senate for the first time in 40 years.
Newt Gingrich and the Contract With America was shoved down Clinton‘s throat, over and over and over again, until the polls were so overwhelmingly against him that he had no choice but to sign legislation if he intended to run in 1996.
This was the last time Republicans ever stood for anything. 1994 was the last time we had a genuine two-party system. Once the Democrats realized Republicans could win, they knew they either had to buy them, or destroy them. Most were bought.
It’s been a game ever since. Republicans win landslide victories in the House and Senate in 2010 and 2014, but zero legislation was shoved down Obama‘s throat. They’re not there to change anything anymore, just to protect the status quo and the government economy. By doing so they create generational wealth for their families.
Now their main priority is ensuring that “we the people“ never have the ability to elect someone who will challenge their power again.