You try to make out that the countries that left the union did so with a sad face. Absolute rubbish! How many of those countries have WILLINGLY rejoined "the union"! They cannot break away fast enough. Russia is an imperialistic regime. A failed country where there are a few rich people and millions of dirt poor people. Communism is a stain on humanity! You and other Russians will have to get it into your heads sooner or later that no country wants to be occupied, especially not by Russia.
If Russia wants to be accepted into the global community then they had better learn to play nice. Russia needs the world far far more than the world needs Russia. It would be a simple thing to isolate Russia for the rest of time. Energy can be obtained from elsewhere. The days of the Tzar and acting like the world is free to invade and plunder are over. Get with the program or forever be little more than a third world country pretending to be of importance. If you didn't have nukes you would be as important as a flea on a dog's ass.
Russia can be welcomed and embraced by the world as a brother but Russia wants to be antagonistic and keep communism alive and spread throughout the world for no good reason. It is too proud to say that communism is as absolute failure in both idea and practice. It has failed in Russia and in every single country in Africa, South America and everywhere else.
Stop screwing around and invading your neighbours, plain and simple!