Since I posted it, I assume this was directed toward me?
Nothing brings more joy to a democrat's heart than this Rhino = Donkey fabrication of the right. There are places in this country where a Donald Trump or Matt Gaetz can't get elected dog catcher but a centrist conservative might. That conservative centrist will vote with the purity wing of the party 85%-95% of the time. His or her democrat opponent will side with them perhaps 5% of time. However, our sloganeering about Rhinos as part of our party's circular firing squad rewards our suicidal fixation with purity tests rather than with winning elections. That is simply a self-destructive strategy that the MSM and Democrat party are all too happy to fan with support.
This election absolutely passes the smell test and we are too caught up in our own fantasies to realize we are the odor. I frankly can't abide Sarah Palin. I find her screechingly loud and not too bright. I suspect a lot of Alaska voters feel similarly. As
@Wheels notes the good citizens of Alaska allowed themselves to agree to a ranked voting system that structurally can favor the minority by splitting the majority vote - particularly a majority electorate that is truly split. I think it is quite likely some number of Alaska Republicans refused to vote for Palin or Nick Begich regardless of the consequences because of purity and strict adherence to the edicts of Donald J Trump or dislike of Palin. Had Republicans acted as a party determined to win, every voter would have voted them 1 or 2 in a ranked system. Voting for only one or the other and not both was a de facto vote for an absolute progressive. That is not the fault of some conspiracy but rather the fault of our stupidity.
If we are the party represented by only the people that Trump likes, we will be consigned to irrelevance until he passes from the scene. Instead of fixing a flawed political strategy, I suspect many will take solace in the stolen election mantra that seems to be the ever more popular excuse for not being smart and winning a broad based majority that can actually accomplish something.
I also see little real effort to take advantage, as opposed to being taken advantaged of, the mail-in ballot system which is still prevalent in a lot of places that matter. If the presidential election was "stolen" it was stolen by progressive community organizers going door to door collecting ballots. Meanwhile, we couldn't even get our voters back out for a runoff in Georgia. Makes we want to cry.