Who copied who, Clintons copying Russia or Russia copying Clintons. Not healthy to cross either.I see a trend.
A couple of points Ray. It was the police who failed to vet him (background check) as they are lawfully compelled to do which had so many red flags it is undeniable that when you look right into the whole thing it reeks of complicity in the end event.It appears to me that the DemonRat higher-ups are hoping for something along the line of the fellow in New Zealand. You may recall a fellow decided that the gun laws were too lax, in particular regarding self-loading rifles. So he bought an AK/AR some magazines and a bunch of bullets and went on a shooting spree. Sure enough, the govt did exactly what he wanted and placed excessive restrictions on private ownership of firearms.
The hired help is not even trying to disguise it's lawlessness and Corruption.We do well always and everywhere remaining skeptical of those in charge. Our founders knew this when they designed a three-part sharing of power. That’s why I can relate to some (that’s SOME) of the rhetoric here and elsewhere about the Democrats wanting to enslave us, jack booted thugs depriving us of our liberty, etc. Back in the 60’s if you said we can’t trust the government you were a radical, hippie pinko. Now if you say the same thing, your a MAGA insurrectionist. The only thing that hasn‘t ever changed is….you can’t trust the government.
Just one example to consider. In 1942 the President of these United States decided that anyone of Japanese ancestry was a threat to the nation, and ordered 120, 000 of them locked up. Nearly two-thirds were American citizens, No such treatment of the many millions of German or Italian Americans.
The hired help will steal you blind if you don’t keep an eye on them. They are humans, flawed like the rest of us.
Another great example of what I’m talking about! Although the same didn’t happen to German -Americans during WWII, their treatment in 1917 was un-American. At least, not the spirit of our founding.@Doug3006 You might want to lookup the actions taken against American citizens of German heritage taken by Woodrow Wilson in 1917-18.
The bell certainly has been rung, hasn’t it? If the Dems retain control in November, then folks like ourselves will have to wake up to the realization that we are in fact the minority. The fix is finding people who can make the case of freedom to the public and regain our majority. People who can tell a lucid, compelling story to those who aren’t too far bought into socialism. Then once the majority is regained DO THINGS that help the majority of us improve our lives and expand our freedom. We have had decades of Do-Too-Much Democrats and Do-Nothing Republicans. The Patriots are out there.…I hope.The hired help is not even trying to disguise it's lawlessness and Corruption.
It's on full display.
We are being tested! That all started with the Covid lockdowns and mandatory Vax.
Bidens speech, and the political weaponization of Federal agencies should ring the alarm bell to all Americans that are not part of the radical left.
Disturbing similarities
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The bell has been rung, unfortunately, not enough people taking it seriously.The bell certainly has been rung, hasn’t it? If the Dems retain control in November, then folks like ourselves will have to wake up to the realization that we are in fact the minority. The fix is finding people who can make the case of freedom to the public and regain our majority. People who can tell a lucid, compelling story to those who aren’t too far bought into socialism. Then once the majority is regained DO THINGS that help the majority of us improve our lives and expand our freedom. We have had decades of Do-Too-Much Democrats and Do-Nothing Republicans. The Patriots are out there.…I hope.
The amount of shootings and killings in Chicago and LA are enough reason to declare martial law if they wanted to. They approve of them going on. They disapprove of anybody trying to stop them.The Democrat Jack Boot thugs, would like nothing more then to instigate a civil uprising, and be able to declare martial law.