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- South Africa, Saskatchewan, Northwest Territories Canda
Thanks Dave! No wonder unemployment is so high with you working multiple jobs! Very selfish of you to support yourself and to pay taxes on those jobs just so the young snots can enjoy free education!I (and the army) paid for my undergrad degree.. I paid for both of my masters.. and I have paid for my doctorate (still not complete.. 1 more year to go)...
It genuinely pisses me off that people think student loans and other student related debt should be forgiven.. the banks are indeed getting paid back... the tax payers are just the ones doing it now rather than the individual students that took out the loans..
So.. I have worked my hind parts off for the better part of the last 40 years.. managed to pay the entire cost of all of my education.. which at times during my younger years required me to work a "career" job, a part time job, a military job (stayed in the guard), and pick up side/occasional work whenever I could find it..
All so I can now also pay for a whole bunch of other peoples education?
Ive got 1 kid that has completed college.. he came out with very little debt (scholarship student).. another 2 kids in college that are amassing very little debt (also scholarship students).. and another that will be going to school in a few more years that is also very well positions for scholarships...
They busted their humps all through HS.. and college.. and all have had PT jobs while in school.. so that they wouldn't have to amass a ton of debt..
But they (as taxpayers) should have to pay for other peoples educations also?
Pretty ridiculous....
But at the end of the day the little guy picks up the tab rung up by politicians at the trough--by the way, WE HAVE A BARTENDER in congress...literally. Her moniker is AOCHaving lived through the greatest hyper inflation in the history of the world, and survived, a few lessons were gleaned:
1, The cause is very simple - you don't have enough real worth to pay for what you are using, so you print more representative denomination. Call it the 'New US dollar'.
2. Obviously, but astoundingly the government misses the point, the represtative denomination's worth simply reduces in direct proportion.
3. You can't do anything more or do anything meaningful with the extra New US dollars that are created, because their net worth is just the same!
4. Ironically the net worth in fact goes down, because companies close and creativity goes down.
5. The cure is dead simple and quick, stop spending and shrink the New US dollar number fast. It will hurt even more than inflation because the population has to absorb the shrinkage.
In summary the Dems sacrificed the US economy for their stupid ideals. The bar tender called the tune and they followed without thought.
You know the political scene is bad when the contributions to "Politics" start to outstrip the ones to "On A Lighter Note"
I don't know how exactly it is in the US but I can give some observations from what I've seen in Canada.Something like USAFA, USMA, USNA, etc... but for other career fields...
I could go for that...
Wanna be a doctor? Not a problem.. the USG will pay 100% of your tuition.. upon graduation, you will work for XXX years either as a civilian doctor at a US Military hospital or at the VA.... when your service is up you're free to do whatever you like... leave service early, not a problem.. you owe 100% of your tuition back, with interest, within YYYY years..
The problem would be when "I wanna be a Gender Studies Specialist" or "I wanna get a liberal arts degree in ancient viking symbolism".. and because you cant employ me within the USG.. you're a racist/bigot/homophobe/nameoftheday and I now wanna sue..
Im amazed at the number of people these days that knowingly and willingly went and got some degree that has somewhere between little and zero career application.. that amassed tens of thousands of dollars in debt... that now are upset because no one other than Starbucks or Walmart will employ them... and they cant afford to pay the debt because.... "UNFAIR!!!!!"....
Well... if you wanted to get paid like an engineer.. you probably should have thought about an engineering degree... if you wanted to do the work of a business executive.. maybe a BBA would have been a prudent route... if you wanted to design computer animation.. maybe some sort of certificate or training program in... wait for it... COMPUTER ANIMATION would have been a good idea...
What exactly did you think you were going to do for a living with a BA from Cal State at San Marcos in Womens Sexuality Studies? And if there is a career field for that degree (working as a social worker? or at a battered women shelter?) how many people do you think are actually employed in that field? and... how many of those jobs are filled by people with.. I dunno.. degrees in sociology, psychology, clinical counseling, etc?
Well it looks like my three university degrees and and my daughters are not the only college degrees I will be paying for.
Frankly, if I am going to have to be a sugar daddy for someone else’s college, it should be a female and I should be getting the benefit of being the sugar daddy. Instead, I am on the receiving end of this relationship along with the rest of working Americans.
I don't know how exactly it is in the US but I can give some observations from what I've seen in Canada.
A lot of people who get "useless degrees" do so because they want to go to law school, medical school, pharmacy school, etc... There are a number of very well paid professions in Canada which require a 4 year undergrad in pretty much whatever, underwater basket weaving if you wish, before you can apply to that professional school. You see a lot of people who study say history or political science with the hopes of going to law school. You also see people doing degrees in biology, life sciences etc... with the hopes of getting into medical or pharmacy school. To get into these schools requires a pretty crazy GPA, high score on the entrance exams set by those professional schools etc... If you fail to get in, the degree you have is fairly useless and you've essentially wasted 4 years of your life getting this degree. In most European countries you can apply to say medical or law school right out of university. You are not forced to do a useless 4 year degree. This is part of the issue.
Another thing is that its not just people with degrees in say women's sexuality studies that are struggling to get jobs. You have people who have degrees in biology, international relations, some of the more theoretical mathematics, astronomy etc.... that are struggling to find jobs in their field. For instance, a person with a degree in IR should probably be working for the government. However, the number of graduates the universities pump out is far greater than the number of government positions that open up. Making the entrance requirements more stringent would probably help solve this issue. So that at least if you graduate with that degree you would have a realistic/reasonable shot at getting a job in your field. Better to get rejected from university then spending 4 years earning a degree which may end up being quite useless.
But the universities love all of this extra money they are getting...