
Even if things return to something approaching normal WRT transition of power, the die is cast for the US, I think. Business depends on predictability and continuity. The wild swings back and forth between more liberty to act and less has a tendency to derail long range planning. Oil companies in particular are harmed by this, as they frequently have planning out a couple decades or longer.

Look at the chilling effect this administration had on oil when, on day 1, it put the kibosh on Keystone XL.
Dangerous idealogues devoid of reality. Young inexperienced bar tenders calling the shots, pardon the pun. An alcoholic couple leading the House and a president with dementia. If you told me a decade ago that this is what was going to happen, I would have scoffed at the absurdity of the idea. And here we are!
Look at Bidets approval ratings. Some comment that a 30% approval rating is low- but 30% of 330,000,000 people is nearly 100,000,000 people. saying that they approve of the job he is doing. There are people that are so distilled in the idea that the DemonRat party is for the "little" guy and the Republican party is for the "rich", that no amount of news will change them, particularly when there are news sources such as MSNBC and CNN that will say what they want to hear to support the current regime.
Look at Bidets approval ratings. Some comment that a 30% approval rating is low- but 30% of 330,000,000 people is nearly 100,000,000 people. saying that they approve of the job he is doing. There are people that are so distilled in the idea that the DemonRat party is for the "little" guy and the Republican party is for the "rich", that no amount of news will change them, particularly when there are news sources such as MSNBC and CNN that will say what they want to hear to support the current regime.
Ray, if 100M Americans really think he’s doing well, we need to rethink this universal suffrage thing! But I don’t believe the polls much. Polling methods in general try to equalize the playing field. This time around, the common sentiment is so against Brandon that trying to equalize simply over-polls the die hard Dems. Just before the 2016 election the polls said it was a tight race leaning toward Hillary. I was traveling all over the country looking for new office space for my company. I was seeing LOADS of Trump signs. Hardly any Hillary signs. That made me wonder about the polls. Turned out that the attempt to balance the polls over represented Hillary supporters.
Look at Bidets approval ratings. Some comment that a 30% approval rating is low- but 30% of 330,000,000 people is nearly 100,000,000 people. saying that they approve of the job he is doing. There are people that are so distilled in the idea that the DemonRat party is for the "little" guy and the Republican party is for the "rich", that no amount of news will change them, particularly when there are news sources such as MSNBC and CNN that will say what they want to hear to support the current regime.
It is easier to lie to people than to convince them they've been lied to.
It took 2 years to discover that DJT took some classify documents. I call BS. I’ve worked with top secret documents and you cannot access them by yourself, there is a two person integrity in which the safe has two combos and two dials. Two individuals have to open the safe and each combo is different and each individual doesn’t know each other’s combo. then anyone that views the document has to sign that they view the docs. The individuals have to be in control of the documents and have to account for them before locking the safe. 90% of Americans don’t know that, and this is why can say this BS. This is why I’m calling BS that he took TS launch codes or whatever they say he took.
It took 2 years to discover that DJT took some classify documents. I call BS. I’ve worked with top secret documents and you cannot access them by yourself, there is a two person integrity in which the safe has two combos and two dials. Two individuals have to open the safe and each combo is different and each individual doesn’t know each other’s combo. then anyone that views the document has to sign that they view the docs. The individuals have to be in control of the documents and have to account for them before locking the safe. 90% of Americans don’t know that, and this is why can say this BS. This is why I’m calling BS that he took TS launch codes or whatever they say he took.
A senior headquarters operates somewhat differently. The White House is the most senior of all. Open storage in such an environment through TS is common - the facility itself is essentially under two-person control (at least). The users of such material inevitably become somewhat cavalier - none more so than a President. In recent times, Obama was seemingly the most cavalier of all based upon the material he took upon leaving office.

Disposition of Presidential records is normally simply negotiated - as Obama's was. The President does indeed have declassification authority. There is a process for that to ensure every concern about declassification can be raised by inter agency review - but it does not alter his ultimate authority. That is why eventually, I am convinced none of this will hold up under appellate review. I assume DOJ understands that.

However, it could take many months to decide to bring charges. Still more months to get a verdict in a friendly DC court. Then more months to bring an appeal where one would anticipate a more sensible outcome. However, what month will that be and in what year?
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Did 30 FBI agents show up to raid Hillary's house, many armed in tactical gear, carrying automatic weapons?
No they didnt, because the deep state establishment protects its own.
Trump has been cooperating with the FBI for months. A simple subpoena and contact with his lawyers would be sufficient.
The actions of the DOJ was meant for intimidation, theatrics, and diversion.


It's no coincidence that shortly after Trump's CPAC speech, where he mentioned rebuilding the FBI, his personal home gets raided.

It's no coincidence that Shortly after Congressman Perry of Pennsylvania threatened articles of impeachment against Merrick Garland, he was approached by 3 FBI agents, while with his family, and had his cell phone confiscated.

Donald Trump is a threat to the establishment deep state. That's why they want to take him down.

The FBI has become America's KGB. The Democrat party's Gestapo's.
"and had his cell phone confiscated". Well, well, what mischief can a cell phone get you into? On the fourth of July, the siblings in my family were discussing (the recent information which had long been shielded from us) that our eldest uncle had been killed by the mafia... not in a car wreck as we had been told unless you count being pushed off an unfinished bridge back in the day down onto a car. My dyed in the wool liberal step brother asked, "didn't the mafia in Dallas used to meet at Campisi's restaurant over on Mockingbird Ln? Within minutes, an ad for Campisi's came up on his cell phone. He exclaimed, I have never been there or even talked about it before! My dear son in law chimed in that he was talking about a contractor for Northrup Grumman with an associate when his cell phone listed an entry for that very company! Would I have believed it if I hadn't been there watching and listening to all this? Your cell phone is listening to you while you think it is turned all the way off... Is this some kind of backdoor Chinese designed surveillance or just the potential for it?
Course, we all know there is a gps in your phone which makes a record of all the places it has been--presumably on your person. I, for one, am not comfortable with these levels of surveillance--wonder how much there is we don't yet know about...
"and had his cell phone confiscated". Well, well, what mischief can a cell phone get you into? On the fourth of July, the siblings in my family were discussing (the recent information which had long been shielded from us) that our eldest uncle had been killed by the mafia... not in a car wreck as we had been told unless you count being pushed off an unfinished bridge back in the day down onto a car. My dyed in the wool liberal step brother asked, "didn't the mafia in Dallas used to meet at Campisi's restaurant over on Mockingbird Ln? Within minutes, an ad for Campisi's came up on his cell phone. He exclaimed, I have never been there or even talked about it before! My dear son in law chimed in that he was talking about a contractor for Northrup Grumman with an associate when his cell phone listed an entry for that very company! Would I have believed it if I hadn't been there watching and listening to all this? Your cell phone is listening to you while you think it is turned all the way off... Is this some kind of backdoor Chinese designed surveillance or just the potential for it?
Course, we all know there is a gps in your phone which makes a record of all the places it has been--presumably on your person. I, for one, am not comfortable with these levels of surveillance--wonder how much there is we don't yet know about...
. . . A warrant signed by a magistrate because no real judge would touch it, even while the DOJ judge-shopped it. There is no bright side here.

A federal Magistrate would sign 99.99999999% of warrants. While they are not an Article 3 Judge, they are a judge. They are the workhorse of the federal system. They preform the majority of the work on the cases and then the cases are handed off to the Article 3 Judge.

In this case the warrant should have been signed by an Article 3 Judge, but in DC, it would have not made a difference.
For the last several months I was thinking that the best solution for the US and the Republican party would be for Pres Trump to retire and take a supportive role to a candidate such as Gov Desantis. But it is clear to me now that the DemonRat party will continue their attacks regardless as to who is the candidate- they don't have Trump Derangement Syndrome, they have Republican Derangement Syndrome. As such Trump is the best equipped to fend off the attacks that would injure a younger person. So DemonRats, you are getting what you ask for- just like the old TV show.
People keep saying “it’s the upper echelon of the fbi that are corrupt”…….. No, it’s the entire organization. Just who do you think is carrying out the upper echelons orders? It’s the lower goons that enforce the upper echelons wishes.
I was employed for about 10 years for a state govt agency that was regulatory in nature. Enforcement division had five layers: from officer to chief. The positions were merit system so an officer couldn't be forced to compromise. Some of the chiefs and middle mgrs were number conscious and also other officer competitive- so would go out of their way to make another officer look bad (to increase the formers promotion ability). So some officers were able to justify bending rules to make an arrest while others were not. I suspect this diagnosis is similar to the personnel in the FBI. Regardless as to rank, some are ethical at the expense of promotion while others will bend any rule that will get them an advantage for promotion. Then if the upper levels of mgmt are unethical, it really loosens the ranks of those that play fast and loose with the law.
For those 70's and 80's kids, we remember these segments during the cartoons

I was employed for about 10 years for a state govt agency that was regulatory in nature. Enforcement division had five layers: from officer to chief. The positions were merit system so an officer couldn't be forced to compromise. Some of the chiefs and middle mgrs were number conscious and also other officer competitive- so would go out of their way to make another officer look bad (to increase the formers promotion ability). So some officers were able to justify bending rules to make an arrest while others were not. I suspect this diagnosis is similar to the personnel in the FBI. Regardless as to rank, some are ethical at the expense of promotion while others will bend any rule that will get them an advantage for promotion. Then if the upper levels of mgmt are unethical, it really loosens the ranks of those that play fast and loose with the law.
That matches my experience dealing with various Government agencies. I call it the brownie point system. “Good job Billy, you get a gold star. Now get ten more and you could get promoted.” Puke. If your brownie point requires you to violate someone’s constitutional rights, you should resign immediately and speak out. Best and brightest my butt. Mediocre are who they recruit and promote. People who only care about their badge and paycheck. People who can be easily controlled. Integrity, no longer found at the FBI.

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EC HUNTING SAFARIS wrote on MarcoPani's profile.
Happy Birthday, from Grahamstown, South Africa.
I hope your day is great!
EC HUNTING SAFARIS wrote on Ilkay Taskin's profile.
Happy Birthday from Grahamstown, South Africa! I hope you have a great day!
Cheers, Marius
idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID