Sensible questions
@bowjijohn .
I think this raid will go down in history as a huge mistake that will cost the Democrats dearly. And as you say, well beyond them. Lets try to analyse the probable chain of events, not just because they resulted in this dramatic armed raid, but because the same events could result in a far more damaging action for the USA if it reacts badly again.
The chain of authority probably went like this:
Pelosi must have given the instruction from on high, neither Joe nor Kamala would initiate this kind of action. Why would she do it? Only because Wray or Garland fed her some information and she made a determination that it was big enough of a deal to act upon. Getting the nod from her Garland told Wray to get on with it, and he over boiled it.
If there is nothing there, or the whole cause was overblown, they have probably sunk themselves and the Democrats.
if there is something there, they now have to prove it to act upon it, or what was the point? That means laying it out, and since it is so sensitive to have warranted this action they can't . In any event half of the population will not believe them and are even more pushed towards triggers.
Somebody fed Wray information, it comes from 'sources', and this all happened. Who, why, and was it enough to precipitate all this action? Or could they just have sat down with Trump's people?
The real billion dollar question is did Pelosi inform Joe, or even ask his permission? If she did and he allowed this fiasco to go ahead, they are both unfit to be making big decisions. If she acted alone she is unfit and maybe even legally culpable. If Harris wasn't informed, as is likely, she will be absolutely livid.
Whatever the answer, this is a monumental blunder of the leadership and there are three big takeaways:
1. The FBI look like partisan idiots and will be even less trusted by half of the population. Garland, if he acts upon anything and prosecutes Trump will likely start a civil war.
2. The decision making chain of the very top eschelons of the leadership of the USA has been shown to be nonsensible. There isn't an adult up there.
3. The wider world sees something resembling a squabbling kindergarten, not the wise and just leadership of the most powerful nation in the world.
My assessment: events have exceeded the ability of hate-filled little people to logically handle them. The Democrats are now acting upon their emotions. And at the time when a real president is needed as the ultimate check of wisdom there is an empty old idiot. God help us all. And that is not a little statement, it is an earnest prayer.