
Since when the IRS was a law enforcement agency??? This is quite disturbing.
The Democrats want more money, and lots of it .
Political insiders of the Republican party are speculating that these new agents are going to go after the middle class small business, and anyone that may have the ability to hide money. Mom & pop shops, Joe the plumber, Bob the handyman, people that may not report tips, etc.
I'm sure that anyone who votes republican will be a top target. Louis Lerner anyone?
The Democrats lied(Shocker) when they said their focus was on increasing taxes for earners of $400k +.
They don't need 87,000 agents for top 10% of the earners.
That's 1740 more agents per state, if you divide it by 50.
The left is coming after us. They are not even disguising their corruption anymore.
Democrats know that Biden is a dismal failure and nothing but a puppet. They want Hillary to be President. The only way they can possibly accomplish that, is to remove Donald Trump from the picture. The left knows she cant beat him in a fair election.
Democrats are hellbent on creating a one party system, and a totalitarian regime.
Their tactics are becoming what you see in third world countries
Banana Republic anyone?
87,000 IRS agents works out to about 1 agent for every 4,000 people. If the average household has 4 people (two adults, two kids) that equals 1 agent for every 1,000 families. 250 workdays per year and each agent would have 2 hours to spend reviewing your tax return. It likely won't end well.
J. Edgar Hoover would be proud of these guys.

View attachment 482782
Oh dear lord, do you really believe this is right? The overwhelming majority of agents and their supervisors are straight arrows. As a group they are some of the sharpest people around and could have made a far better living doing something else, but they choose to serve. The Director and his boss the Attorney General are obviously corrupt, but don’t take it out on the field agents. They have bosses and need to follow orders.

By the way, J Edgar was no guardian of democracy.
Oh dear lord, do you really believe this is right? The overwhelming majority of agents and their supervisors are straight arrows. As a group they are some of the sharpest people around and could have made a far better living doing something else, but they choose to serve. The Director and his boss the Attorney General are obviously corrupt, but don’t take it out on the field agents. They have bosses and need to follow orders.

By the way, J Edgar was no guardian of democracy.
The DOJ and FBI have become the strong arm enforcers for the Democrat establishment. Both need to be gutted and rebuilt . Throw the CIA into that mix as well. Deep state goons.
If my boss told me to do something that would tilt my moral compass, I would tell him to go f**k himself.
The DOJ and FBI have become the strong arm enforcers for the Democrat establishment. Both need to be gutted and rebuilt . Throw the CIA into that mix as well. Deep state goons.
If my boss told me to do something that would tilt my moral compass, I would tell him to go f**k himself.
You’re throwing thousands of agents in the same bucket as a very few bad apples. How is what you are calling for any different than “abolish ICE” and ”defund the police”? Threatening FBI agents like this is horse shit. Over and out.
You’re throwing thousands of agents in the same bucket as a very few bad apples. How is what you are calling for any different than “abolish ICE” and ”defund the police”? Threatening FBI agents like this is horse shit. Over and out.
Hitler had thousands of subordinates who simply followed orders. Didn't end well for many.
You’re throwing thousands of agents in the same bucket as a very few bad apples. How is what you are calling for any different than “abolish ICE” and ”defund the police”? Threatening FBI agents like this is horse shit. Over and out.
To be clear…..the threats made in the OP that we know where you live…etc. That’s what I find reprehensible.
Hitler had thousands of subordinates who simply followed orders. Didn't end well for many.
There’s a whole lotta difference between rounding folks up for concentration camps and exercising a search warrant for classified documents. The field agents exercised a warrant. Nothing more. They do that every day. Trump having been President doesn’t allow him to keep classified documents after leaving office. They did their job. Now the DOJ has to make its case (I don’t think they have one) and if there’s a chargeable offense, then he will get his day in court. If you believe like I do that Hillary should be in jail for her handling of state secrets, then how can Trump’s alleged behavior be ok?
There’s a whole lotta difference between rounding folks up for concentration camps and exercising a search warrant for classified documents. The field agents exercised a warrant. Nothing more. They do that every day. Trump having been President doesn’t allow him to keep classified documents after leaving office. They did their job. Now the DOJ has to make its case (I don’t think they have one) and if there’s a chargeable offense, then he will get his day in court. If you believe like I do that Hillary should be in jail for her handling of state secrets, then how can Trump’s alleged behavior be ok?
Did 30 FBI agents show up to raid Hillary's house, many armed in tactical gear, carrying automatic weapons?
No they didnt, because the deep state establishment protects its own.
Trump has been cooperating with the FBI for months. A simple subpoena and contact with his lawyers would be sufficient.
The actions of the DOJ was meant for intimidation, theatrics, and diversion.


It's no coincidence that shortly after Trump's CPAC speech, where he mentioned rebuilding the FBI, his personal home gets raided.

It's no coincidence that Shortly after Congressman Perry of Pennsylvania threatened articles of impeachment against Merrick Garland, he was approached by 3 FBI agents, while with his family, and had his cell phone confiscated.

Donald Trump is a threat to the establishment deep state. That's why they want to take him down.

The FBI has become America's KGB. The Democrat party's Gestapo's.
If the raid produces some classified documents..and that’s all…this will go down as the worst political bungle of all time. The deep state will have only succeeded in electing DJT! On the other hand, if they found the nuclear football in Melania‘s dressing room, then it’s a whole other thing.

And finally, I guess only you have to know when you’re exaggerating. But the FBI is the new Gestapo?
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I get a real kick out of the Washington Compost storyline, that Trump stole the nuclear launch codes. As if someone can just walk into a missile silo, punch in the numbers, and fire away. You would think that the military would be smart enough to change codes after each President?
The MSM. Smart as a box of rocks. Trying their best to fool the low information voters.
I get a real kick out of the Washington Compost storyline, that Trump stole the nuclear launch codes. As if someone can just walk into a missile silo, punch in the numbers, and fire away. You would think that the military would be smart enough to change codes after each President?
The MSM. Smart as a box of rocks. Trying their best to fool the low information voters.
TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) is something to behold isn’t it!
You would think that the military would be smart enough to change codes after each President?

In the Marines, we punched in new crypto codes every six hours for radio communications. I don't know much about nuclear codes but my gut tells me they are changed often.
'The FBI Raid On Melania's Closet Was Justified,' Says Merrick Garland Wearing Gorgeous New Evening Gown And Sun Hat

POLITICS·Aug 12, 2022 · BabylonBee.com

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In the Marines, we punched in new crypto codes every six hours for radio communications. I don't know much about nuclear codes but my gut tells me they are changed often.
I don't know anything about them either, but I bet those codes, and fail safe measures, are one of the most highly guarded things in the country.

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I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
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Boise, ID