AH ambassador
Well yes. It is called warfare - an activity of awful wastage - human and equipment. I have no doubt all sorts of weapons will find their way to all sorts of places. How could they not? The Russian dominated Telegraph network has displayed numerous photos of captured NATO equipment - NLAWS and Javelins are particular prizes. The Phoenix Ghost claim is a little amusing since it isn’t yet in full rate production. But to remind, with on hand accountability, the US has left a swath of lost, stolen, and abandoned equipment across the Middle East for two decades. Afghanistan provided particulary bad actors with a treasure trove of materiel In depot condition - To include command detonated mines and ATGMs.
So to be precise, I do not care. I hope no-one fires a Javelin at a European train (it makes for a really cumbersome instrument of terror). I hope Ukraine emerges from this a viable, largely democratic member of the European community. I frankly think they will. Like other transitioning states, I have no doubt they will struggle with a Russian cultural legacy. But whatever Ukraine’s independent destiny, that independence will be far more in our national interest than conceding its future to enrich a resurgent Russian Empire.
You are making my point. The war is a way for the corrupt to get rich with more and more graft. You say the amounts are small, and they are. The problem is how big will the next invoice be. Then the next invoice. How long does this keep going on.
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero

Zelensky says $750B now, but that's okay because we will use extrajudicial means to pull part of those funds from individual Russians. How benevolent of him.
EIB estimated it could cost $1.1 trillion for Ukraine to rebuild.
The war will continue. The cost will rise exponentially. What will the new numbers be next month. Next quarter. EOY. EOY 2023. etc. How long. How much. The $53-$60B that America has thrown at the war is not even a down payment on the amount that the American public will end up paying. In the mean time ordinary American's get saddled with more debt they will never be able to pay.