
Well yes. It is called warfare - an activity of awful wastage - human and equipment. I have no doubt all sorts of weapons will find their way to all sorts of places. How could they not? The Russian dominated Telegraph network has displayed numerous photos of captured NATO equipment - NLAWS and Javelins are particular prizes. The Phoenix Ghost claim is a little amusing since it isn’t yet in full rate production. But to remind, with on hand accountability, the US has left a swath of lost, stolen, and abandoned equipment across the Middle East for two decades. Afghanistan provided particulary bad actors with a treasure trove of materiel In depot condition - To include command detonated mines and ATGMs.

So to be precise, I do not care. I hope no-one fires a Javelin at a European train (it makes for a really cumbersome instrument of terror). I hope Ukraine emerges from this a viable, largely democratic member of the European community. I frankly think they will. Like other transitioning states, I have no doubt they will struggle with a Russian cultural legacy. But whatever Ukraine’s independent destiny, that independence will be far more in our national interest than conceding its future to enrich a resurgent Russian Empire.

You are making my point. The war is a way for the corrupt to get rich with more and more graft. You say the amounts are small, and they are. The problem is how big will the next invoice be. Then the next invoice. How long does this keep going on.

Zelensky says $750B now, but that's okay because we will use extrajudicial means to pull part of those funds from individual Russians. How benevolent of him.

EIB estimated it could cost $1.1 trillion for Ukraine to rebuild.

The war will continue. The cost will rise exponentially. What will the new numbers be next month. Next quarter. EOY. EOY 2023. etc. How long. How much. The $53-$60B that America has thrown at the war is not even a down payment on the amount that the American public will end up paying. In the mean time ordinary American's get saddled with more debt they will never be able to pay.
I don’t think I am. At all. Your point was about loss of control of weapons. I simply stated that is the nature of war whether conducted in Ukraine, the Middle East, or the Vatican. The question is whether or not the outcome is worth the expenditure in whatever form. I am certain it is.

“If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed;
if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may
come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”

Winston Churchill
Including the famous partial birth abortion and has been said cutting the throat of a newborn under NY rules after full term delivery. And hears CA says they can take up to 5 days to decide after birth.
I have not personally seen any of this but at least the partial birth abortion has been going on for a decade if not two.
Of course it matters not what the eyes see if the brain is blind.
Anyone who condones abortion is plane evil. And anyone who advocates late term abortion is guilty of the worst that deranged humanity can bring about. Thank God for the decision of the Supreme Court, and now we ask that He punishes all that connive to perpetuate their evil in liberal states. If they don't face justice on earth it is comforting to know that they will face punishment for eternity.
Really, you are going to post something this stupid here? LOL..

Firstly, the GOP wants you to take personal responsibility before bringing another life into the world. If that can't be done, then you have lots of options including adoption, and a half a dozen government funded welfare & social programs that will subsidize the cost of raising a child. Regardless, they are ALL better options than murder..
And whilst we are on costs @Stig, condoms are cheap, even free.
The basis for the pro-choice argument is that some people want to avoid responsibility for their own actions. If men would always be accountable for the children they sire, both financially and emotionally….and women would step up to their role as mothers when they become pregnant….then the need for abortions would vanish. The pro-choice side wants a reset button when and if they conceive a child because they couldn’t be troubled to use contraception or simply abstain until they find a committed partner. We need to focus the argument on the need to behave responsibly.

“It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish.” - Mother Teresa
Let me Rephrase: Just Curious "Has anyone experienced a Reaction to the Vaccine & Can I talk about this Here"?

I hate to go there, but .. just curious.
Thank You.
Last edited:
Anyone who condones abortion is plane evil. And anyone who advocates late term abortion is guilty of the worst that deranged humanity can bring about. Thank God for the decision of the Supreme Court, and now we ask that He punishes all that connive to perpetuate their evil in liberal states. If they don't face justice on earth it is comforting to know that they will face punishment for eternity.

Could. Not. Agree. More.

Well stated sir.
Seems like Rogan is still on Spotify.

Guess things like Character and Principles don't really matter when the pocket book gets a little thin.

Setting aside issues of expense or the justification of supporting Ukraine in its war to preserve its independence, this is a dramatic demonstration of the effectiveness of a Western anti-tank guided missile and the inherent poor design of Russian armor. The missile is either a Javelin (US) or NLAW (British) in top attack mode. The tank is a Russian T72 variant (I believe a B3) in Ukraine fully equipped with an explosive reactive armor system (ERA). The warhead explodes as it passes over the turret launching two in trail explosively formed penetrators. The first activates any ERA tiles on the penetration path and the second cuts through the armor spraying the interior with a jet of molten metal. The Russian design uses an auto loader, and the crew sits in the middle of a carousel of ready ammunition. The results are often as not catastrophic.

The soundtrack is by the original poster. :rolleyes:

Let me Rephrase: Just Curious "Has anyone experienced a Reaction to the Vaccine & Can I talk about this Here"?

I hate to go there, but .. just curious.
Thank You.
I know several who have had severe reactions and several who have died “mysteriously” after taking the “safe and effective” jab. No way in hell I will ever take that BS.
The Highland Park shooting is sad. But why does it get all the media coverage.

Not a peep about most of the following.

Next door in Chicago, 10 dead and 62 shot.

NYC, 52 shot.

Baltimore, 4 killed 9 wounded.

Let me Rephrase: Just Curious "Has anyone experienced a Reaction to the Vaccine & Can I talk about this Here"?

I hate to go there, but .. just curious.
Thank You.

Myself, my fiancée, parents, brother, sister, all double vaccinated + booster, no strong reactions whatsoever. Perhaps some feeling a few days a bit under the weather, but that was it.

I’ve had COVID twice too, probably even three times (not sure about the first time, in March 2020 when no testing was taking place yet), and I never even had to stop working (not that I had that much choice about that! :D ) just feeling a bit tired, headache and throat ache and on one occasion losing taste and smell.
The Highland Park shooting is sad. But why does it get all the media coverage.

Not a peep about most of the following.

Next door in Chicago, 10 dead and 62 shot.

NYC, 52 shot.

Baltimore, 4 killed 9 wounded.

MSM doesn’t report those because they can’t sensationalize them. Also they don’t fit the “ban assault rifle” narrative.
The Highland Park shooting is sad. But why does it get all the media coverage.

Not a peep about most of the following.

Next door in Chicago, 10 dead and 62 shot.

NYC, 52 shot.

Baltimore, 4 killed 9 wounded.

Liberal media.
Let me Rephrase: Just Curious "Has anyone experienced a Reaction to the Vaccine & Can I talk about this Here"?

I hate to go there, but .. just curious.
Thank You.
I got the poison (called it that before getting it, too) so that I could do a hunt in Argentina. I didn't have any real reaction to either dose as they occurred, but I am still concerned about the long term effects it may have.

I cannot prove it, but I also believe that I got shingles due to the jab. There is a documented correlation, but it's hard to directly say one definitively caused the other. Luckily, it was a very minor case (only a small area of my back/shoulder had a rash/pox, and was itchy).

Regardless, I have no intention of ever getting a booster. I have said since day 1 of the "vaccine" that I did not believe in its effectiveness nor necessity, but my stance was that every individual should have the ability to decide for themselves whether or not to get it.

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idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID
African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?