
Regarding the overturning of Roe v Wade. I have often wondered if the pro abortion enthusiasts were to be able to view a full length, in color with sound the actual procedure of a late term abortion, piece by piece, if they would so pro abortion, Show this to every Representative and Senator on a full screen from start to finish. Then let’s take a vote. I would like to see the reactions of AOC, Maxine, Nancy and Chuckie and the rest of the gang of thugs. Brought to my attention yesterday by a friend and neighbor, a MD, that he thought that an abortion in the minority population that was so available was so Racist that no one would even mention nor acknowledge it on the left.
That gun control bill is worse than if they banned ARs. Now your girlfriend can take your guns.
Regarding the overturning of Roe v Wade. I have often wondered if the pro abortion enthusiasts were to be able to view a full length, in color with sound the actual procedure of a late term abortion, piece by piece, if they would so pro abortion, Show this to every Representative and Senator on a full screen from start to finish. Then let’s take a vote. I would like to see the reactions of AOC, Maxine, Nancy and Chuckie and the rest of the gang of thugs. Brought to my attention yesterday by a friend and neighbor, a MD, that he thought that an abortion in the minority population that was so available was so Racist that no one would even mention nor acknowledge it on the left.
Including the famous partial birth abortion and has been said cutting the throat of a newborn under NY rules after full term delivery. And hears CA says they can take up to 5 days to decide after birth.
I have not personally seen any of this but at least the partial birth abortion has been going on for a decade if not two.
Of course it matters not what the eyes see if the brain is blind.
The gun bill certainly shows which Republicans are DemonRats in disguise. Imagine a rep/sen supporting a bill that would allow a citizen that had done nothing wrong to have the authorities pounce on him/her, taking all of their firearms & potentially harmful things based on the word of some unhinged neighbor that votes DemonRat.
It's lawyers dream. Now in a divorce you'll have to pay him to get your guns back. All the women has to say is you threatened her

Good luck getting them back. Anti-gun DA’s will fight you tooth and nail, to keep them and destroy them if they can.
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It's lawyers dream. Now in a divorce you'll have to pay him to get your guns back. All the women has to say is you threatened her
you American guys are starting to catch up with us Aussie's,
we can have our firearms taken because a person walking by heard an angry voice and rang the police
the first thing police do at any disturbance is take the firearms,
the police love taking firearms and handing out DVO's (domestic violence orders) but they are fair as they will get both party's to ask for one against the other, LOL it is only fair
l know a few people who did not get along with neighbours who had their firearms taken because of silly stupid disagreements that could have been avoided
and if your wife is so inclined she can win every argument by threatening police action
That gun control bill is worse than if they banned ARs. Now your girlfriend can take your guns.

It won’t get past SCOTUS.
If Harry Reid had lived six more months, he would have been able to see the consequences of his actions. Fortunately he was able to see the three new judges appointed. Deep down, he knew.


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T/C wrote on Dewald's profile.
Hi Dewald,
I am looking for a copy of Wright's "Shooting the British Double Rifle" (3E).
Please PM me (T/C) if you still have one.
Thank you very much in advance!!!
I am game for a meat and eat. My attempt at humor.
rigby 416 wrote on rifletuner's profile.
Come from cz like that.
John A Flaws wrote on Horbs's profile.
500 schuler magazine.jpg
500 schuler bore.jpg
500 and 425 rifles.jpg
500 and 425 magaizne.jpg