
Bit simplified about the Ukrainians joining the German army...and they are holding out against massively larger forces attacking them in the steel works , and in doing so tying up a large number of Russia troops and equipment...and have so far twice refused the Russian offer for them to surrender...so (y)to them...
Bit simplified about the Ukrainians joining the German army...and they are holding out against massively larger forces attacking them in the steel works , and in doing so tying up a large number of Russia troops and equipment...and have so far twice refused the Russian offer for them to surrender...so (y)to them...
I agree.

Symbols from the past can been complicated. What the people from Central Europe had to endure during WW2 when having to deal with both the Red Army and the German Army in the same day is a complex issue. A seen from the movie The Outlaw Josey Wales comes to mind about knowing when to sing Dixie and when to sing The Battle Hymn of The Republic.

I have seen footage of an American helicopter pilot during the Vietnam War with a Confederate Battle Flag on his helmet. Is that symbol meant as a symbol of hate or is it there to inspire him to drive his helicopter into the enemy like Stonewall Jackson and the 1st Corp of the Army of Virginia drove into the Yankee army on many occasions. Yes, it is a complex issue.

Is the symbol of this unit in the Ukrainian Army there because they are Nazi proponents or is it there because it inspires them to fight like their ancestors before WW2. It is complex. However, there willingness today to fight against the Russians is not to be belittled in any way regardless of their symbols. They are doing an amazing job defending their home.
I agree.

Symbols from the past can been complicated. What the people from Central Europe had to endure during WW2 when having to deal with both the Red Army and the German Army in the same day is a complex issue. A seen from the movie The Outlaw Josey Wales comes to mind about knowing when to sing Dixie and when to sing The Battle Hymn of The Republic.

I have seen footage of an American helicopter pilot during the Vietnam War with a Confederate Battle Flag on his helmet. Is that symbol meant as a symbol of hate or is it there to inspire him to drive his helicopter into the enemy like Stonewall Jackson and the 1st Corp of the Army of Virginia drove into the Yankee army on many occasions. Yes, it is a complex issue.

Is the symbol of this unit in the Ukrainian Army there because they are Nazi proponents or is it there because it inspires them to fight like their ancestors before WW2. It is complex. However, there willingness today to fight against the Russians is not to be belittled in any way regardless of their symbols. They are doing an amazing job defending their home.

IDK, I think it's a simple matter to understand, after 1933, why Ukrainians might have sided with the NAZIs over the Commies. Depending on whose numbers you believe, as many as 10 million Ukrainians were starved to death by Stalin during Holodomor in 1932/33. That's almost as many as Hitler murdered between 1939 and 1945.

The real problem, IMO, is that there isn't an even bigger stain on the name of Communism than there is on NAZIism. Modern leftists just tend to hand-wave away the 10s of millions murdered under communist totalitarianism, particularly in the USSR and China.
The real problem, IMO, is that there isn't an even bigger stain on the name of Communism than there is on NAZIism. Modern leftists just tend to hand-wave away the 10s of millions murdered under communist totalitarianism, particularly in the USSR and China.
The evil of Communism can be a challenge to get across to people in the U.S. because the Soviet Union was our allie during WW2. I have seen one of my former students go to MIT and then go down the path of communism. His FB post about ”burn down the capitalist system” are met with strong arguments from his former classmates. Some of their responses to his classic communist statements are quite sophisticated. I thought they had been sleeping in class. We have to constantly be pointing out the evil of communism.
The evil of Communism can be a challenge to get across to people in the U.S. because the Soviet Union was our allie during WW2. I have seen one of my former students go to MIT and then go down the path of communism. His FB post about ”burn down the capitalist system” are met with strong arguments from his former classmates. Some of their responses to his classic communist statements are quite sophisticated. I thought they had been sleeping in class. We have to constantly be pointing out the evil of communism.
I will buy him a one way ticket to China.. Russia or North Korea...even giving him a choice.... ;) :D Beers:
I can't help but notice the similarities between this war and the American Revolution. The Colonists were a small untrained bunch of civilians. The Ukrainians are small but rather well trained force. Both took on a vastly superior power. The Americans fought on and endured nearly impossible odds and conditions. The Ukrainians are in about the same situation. The Americans prevailed and won their freedom. I can see, and I hope, the Ukrainians doing the same. Patriotism is an unbeatable force.
Headline in USAToday: No Biden, No Harris.

Zelenskyy says US to send top officials to Ukraine for the first time since Russian invasion​

United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin plan to visit Ukraine on Sunday, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has announced.
I will buy him a one way ticket to China.. Russia or North Korea...even giving him a choice.... ;) :D Beers:
The young man is from a small town in Texas. His hometown buddies are working hard to bring him back from the dark side. Hopefully, they can bring him around.
Me last night:

The evil of Communism can be a challenge to get across to people in the U.S. because the Soviet Union was our allie during WW2. I have seen one of my former students go to MIT and then go down the path of communism. His FB post about ”burn down the capitalist system” are met with strong arguments from his former classmates. Some of their responses to his classic communist statements are quite sophisticated. I thought they had been sleeping in class. We have to constantly be pointing out the evil of Russia can no longer be seen as a communist country. The communist Soviet Union ended on December 26, 1991. Communist ideologies have, however not totally come to an end in the new, capitalist Russia
Russia can no longer be seen as a communist country. The communist Soviet Union ended on December 26, 1991.
On December 25, 1991, the Soviet hammer and sickle flag lowered for the last time over the Kremlin, thereafter replaced by the Russian tricolor. Earlier in the day, Mikhail Gorbachev resigned his post as president of the Soviet Union, leaving Boris Yeltsin as president of the newly independent Russian state
the young ones these days are not looking for communism they dont want to be poor and in poverty they are looking for national socialism and globalism that is being fed to them by the WEF
national socialists as in Nazi, everyone gets a car whether you work for it or not, remember the volks wagon, the peoples car, and it was a beauty my father owning several beetles when l was a kid, no seat belts and a dinky seat in the back LOL, l would not fit in it today LOL

l would urge anyone who wants to see from both sides of the story in Ukraine to have a look at Patrick Lancaster's utube channel and reports straight from Ukraine in the thick of it

here's a report from 2016 showing the Ukrainians bombing the Ukrainians in the trenches,
just because some Ukrainians speak Russian as a second language does not make them Russian!

this war has been going on for a lot longer than we were really aware
Zelensky is a master at propaganda proven by the amount of so called events that have been reported that are very quickly debunked
dont be foolish and get sucked into this Nato proxy war that the civilians are the pawns of for a photo opportunity and an emotional report to make you feel ok with them starting a bigger war

the Nazi influence is there and can be seen in post 1014 Ukrainian documentary's well before the Russian occupation this year, you only have to do some research to know the truth,

IMHO there will be no peace while Ukraine is fed arms and pocket money, apparently the black market is thriving there at the moment in US arms but anyway for peace the world leaders need to push for the bargaining table not a fight, l think the people deserve peace and what l have been seeing is that the ones in the middle are not caring who wins now they just want peace
Russia can no longer be seen as a communist country. The communist Soviet Union ended on December 26, 1991.
On December 25, 1991, the Soviet hammer and sickle flag lowered for the last time over the Kremlin, thereafter replaced by the Russian tricolor. Earlier in the day, Mikhail Gorbachev resigned his post as president of the Soviet Union, leaving Boris Yeltsin as president of the newly independent Russian state
the young ones these days are not looking for communism they dont want to be poor and in poverty they are looking for national socialism and globalism that is being fed to them by the WEF
national socialists as in Nazi, everyone gets a car whether you work for it or not, remember the volks wagon, the peoples car, and it was a beauty my father owning several beetles when l was a kid, no seat belts and a dinky seat in the back LOL, l would not fit in it today LOL

l would urge anyone who wants to see from both sides of the story in Ukraine to have a look at Patrick Lancaster's utube channel and reports straight from Ukraine in the thick of it

here's a report from 2016 showing the Ukrainians bombing the Ukrainians in the trenches,
just because some Ukrainians speak Russian as a second language does not make them Russian!

this war has been going on for a lot longer than we were really aware
Zelensky is a master at propaganda proven by the amount of so called events that have been reported that are very quickly debunked
dont be foolish and get sucked into this Nato proxy war that the civilians are the pawns of for a photo opportunity and an emotional report to make you feel ok with them starting a bigger war

the Nazi influence is there and can be seen in post 1014 Ukrainian documentary's well before the Russian occupation this year, you only have to do some research to know the truth,

IMHO there will be no peace while Ukraine is fed arms and pocket money, apparently the black market is thriving there at the moment in US arms but anyway for peace the world leaders need to push for the bargaining table not a fight, l think the people deserve peace and what l have been seeing is that the ones in the middle are not caring who wins now they just want peace

Would have thought most people who know about world news would know the fighting has been going on since I think 2014....and some of what you say sounds more like propaganda being vomited out by Russia, which OK is not communist as how it was but is now basically a dictatorship heading rapidly back to how the Soviets ran the country back then.......you think the massacres, rapes , torture, bombing of civilian areas, killing of children etc etc etc is propaganda made up by zelensky...think your are talking out of your asshole... :E Shrug:
Would have thought most people who know about world news would know the fighting has been going on since I think 2014....and some of what you say sounds more like propaganda being vomited out by Russia, which OK is not communist as how it was but is now basically a dictatorship heading rapidly back to how the Soviets ran the country back then.......you think the massacres, rapes , torture, bombing of civilian areas, killing of children etc etc etc is propaganda made up by zelensky...think your are talking out of your asshole... :E Shrug:
if l really gave half a f@#k about the BS being spread about the Nato proxy war in Ukraine l may have spent a bit of time to give an education spike but in your opinion l am talking out my arse because l have a different perspective than you because l did my own research and didn't just follow the leader by listening to MSM BS mostly proven to be propaganda and lie's to get more money and arms to keep this war going till the last Ukrainian, or maybe worse

c'mon spike you must have had a good laugh at the "ghost of Kiev" or the "snake island, go f@#k yourself Russia" propaganda LMFAO had quite a few sucked for a bit hey LOL

at least you dont mind showing that you know f@#k all about world news because you spout off about a country being commie that hasn't been for thirty odd years LOL
any of your claims of massacres, rapes , torture, bombing of civilian areas, killing of children etc etc etc l'm sure will be dealt with when this conflict is over, but using it now as an emotional weapon to try and squeeze more arms and money out of the world that you cannot guarantee is going where it is supposed too is just plain Ludacris, by the way the Russians are very thankful for the arms
it would be nice if you put up a link showing your sources spike, but you are entitled to your opinion

since you didn't pay attention to Patrick Lancaster maybe you will like Scott Ritter better
Scott gives his credentials at the start of the video

FYI, this was released in 2018. Azov (major neo-nazi paramilitary) was incorporated into the national guard in 2015. When the head of the army says the nazi volunteers are no longer there, he's right. But thats because they are no longer volunteers but official national guard members. In other words, they got a promotion
out of control: Ukraine's rogue militias

if l really gave half a f@#k about the BS being spread about the Nato proxy war in Ukraine l may have spent a bit of time to give an education spike but in your opinion l am talking out my arse because l have a different perspective than you because l did my own research and didn't just follow the leader by listening to MSM BS mostly proven to be propaganda and lie's to get more money and arms to keep this war going till the last Ukrainian, or maybe worse

c'mon spike you must have had a good laugh at the "ghost of Kiev" or the "snake island, go f@#k yourself Russia" propaganda LMFAO had quite a few sucked for a bit hey LOL

at least you dont mind showing that you know f@#k all about world news because you spout off about a country being commie that hasn't been for thirty odd years LOL
any of your claims of massacres, rapes , torture, bombing of civilian areas, killing of children etc etc etc l'm sure will be dealt with when this conflict is over, but using it now as an emotional weapon to try and squeeze more arms and money out of the world that you cannot guarantee is going where it is supposed too is just plain Ludacris, by the way the Russians are very thankful for the arms
it would be nice if you put up a link showing your sources spike, but you are entitled to your opinion

since you didn't pay attention to Patrick Lancaster maybe you will like Scott Ritter better
Scott gives his credentials at the start of the video

FYI, this was released in 2018. Azov (major neo-nazi paramilitary) was incorporated into the national guard in 2015. When the head of the army says the nazi volunteers are no longer there, he's right. But thats because they are no longer volunteers but official national guard members. In other words, they got a promotion
out of control: Ukraine's rogue militias

Scott Ritter - seriously?!? - so your go to guy is a former mid-level bureaucrat weapons’ inspector and convicted pedophile? You clearly need to listen to Douglas Macgregor as well. That self-promoting Army reject has been a regular on Tucker Carlson since the start of this conflict extolling the might of Russia and craven weakness of Ukraine. It is no wonder he (and Ritter) have been so popular for a decade on RT (that is the state sponsored Russian network).

Fortunately the neo-isolationist crowd within the Republican Party is relatively small - The sort who claim to have done their own research without bothering to check the credentials of those they quote?

I would suggest studying a little history As well. The Sudetenland is a very good place to start. I listened to Tucker ridicule that analogy early in the current conflict. It is something he should study as well. Appeasing dictators’ territorial aspirations rarely seems to work out well. Our isolationism in the late thirties cost us dearly in blood and treasure in the forties. One would hope it was a lesson that was well learned.

Clearly not.

Azov symbology is indeed unfortunate. But a country with a Jewish president probably isn’t going to make the first rank of neo-Nazi states. I would urge you to take the time to understand the brutal treatment Ukraine received at the hands of Stalin during the thirties and following WWII. Welcoming the German Wehrmacht as liberators is hardly surprising in that context, and less so that the legacy survived in the most contested regions of Ukraine.

And Patrick Lancaster is nothing but a propagandist for the Kremlin. If you claim to be an independent researcher, then dig into this Russian shill just a bit. About the only positive I would note about this near traitor is tha he doesn’t diddle children like Ritter.
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