AH ambassador
Where’s Fauci? I would have thought he would be the scientist? Must be second string? Ha! Ha! Ha!
Where’s Fauci? I would have thought he would be the scientist? Must be second string? Ha! Ha! Ha!
'Russia has a s***ty army!' Oligarch savages Putin
AN OLIGARCH has launched a blistering attack on Russia saying the country has a "s***ty army"
I used to be a nurse in a small country hospital, about 75 or 80 beds. I probably got one or two WWII vets a month as patients. I always begged the charge to assign them to me. I love those dudes. I always felt like it was a treat for me to take care of them, and just to yack with them. That was always great.Those from that great generation are leaving us too quickly. As an Honor Guard member, I was part of many WW-II veteran burial. God bless them all.
My grandfather was a WW1 veteran, my father a WW2 veteran and I am a Vietnam veteran. When thinking about wars and military conflicts I have never understood why those veterans who served in Korea seem quite unrecognized . . . . maybe it’s just me.
I had a sergeant in Houston PD years ago who was at Chosin. He wasn't a big dude, but you could just tell he wasn't somebody to be messed with.My grandfather was a WW1 veteran, my father a WW2 veteran and I am a Vietnam veteran. When thinking about wars and military conflicts I have never understood why those veterans who served in Korea seem quite unrecognized . . . . maybe it’s just me.
Remember all the threads here about shot placement trumping caliber? This was one of those cases. Add in that the crew of the Moskva was complacent about the threat and had really shitty battle damage control and you have a sunk cruiser.It appears that whomever decided to fire 2 Neptune missiles at the Moskva had their lucky rabbit's foot with them. According to this article it should have taken 11 such missiles fired, with 5 hits to sink this ship.