In this geopolitical game the Atlantic powers (i.e US & UK) are acting in their own interest and that is not in the interest of Europe.
The spineless European nations would be better off if we acted in our own interest and the mutual interests we have with Russia. But our globalist leaders are acting like our US overlords want us too.
They already succeded in pitting brother against brother in Ukraine.
Now the globalists are talking about violations of international law. Well that did not stop NATO acting in Kosovo.
Do not get me wrong I love America but hate their foreign policy that is never in the interest of us in Europe.
I suppose the US should have left Germany and much of the rest of Western Europe in physical and economic ruin so it could reemerge as socialist puppets of the Soviet Union? It clearly was in our national interest for Western democracies to emerge as healthy partners following the war, but it takes a fairly nuanced and Soviet-centric reading of history to assume things like the Marshall Plan and NATO weren't also in the West's interests as a whole.
And a large portion of the Ukrainian population aspiring to be part of the democratic West rather than under autocratic Russia's thumb is somehow the "fault" of the United States? That is nonsense.
Certainly the US acts in its own national interests. So does every other country in the world. The fact that numerous western democracies share a broad measure of interests ought to be viewed as a strength, not a weakness. I think that is particularly true in a period of resurgent Russian military imperialism and Chinese economic imperialism. The eagerness of Eastern Europe to throw off the Russian yoke and become part of NATO and the EU speaks to the broad nature of those shared interests.
And not to put to fine a point on it, but what exactly would any European country be able to do, individually or collectively without US support, to stop Russian military aggression creeping ever westward? Unless Europe intends to dramatically reallocate its spending and commitment to individual and collective defense - the answer is almost nothing.
The sad thing is, it wasn't always that way. In the late seventies through late eighties, the Bundeswehr had some of the finest, best trained and equipped armored and mechanized formations in the world. They would have given the current Russian military reason for great pause. Those units and those personnel today are mere shadows of that West German land force.
So until Europe, individually and/or collectively, is willing to chart its own meaningful defense capabilities, spare me the anti-American globalist nonsense speak.