Ray B
AH legend
In'38 is was Hitler, then in '39 it was Joe Stalin. Time has been at the forefront of picking America's heroes.
In'38 is was Hitler, then in '39 it was Joe Stalin. Time has been at the forefront of picking America's heroes.
Yes, seems a very convoluted way to un-join when I looked into the process. It can be done I believe with some hoop jumping. Not as simple as "unsubscribe" though. I had about 45 friends at one time and maybe 100 posted pics. Nothing political. I had had enough in the lead up to the 2016 election so I unfriended all but a couple of people and manually deleted all photos. I let the friends know via regular email so they wound't get offended. Then removed as much of my personal info as I could. Now the only thing the FB algorithms pick up on is the connections it "thinks" I should have via their AI subprograms through the couple of remaining friends. Seems to generate almost zero junk the way I have it configured- probably has no advertising nor networking appeal for the purposes of FB. I maintain my near empty account so I can use their Messenger system- which is handy for some things.Is it true that once you join Facebook its almost impossible to get out?
All you have to do, is say bad things about Zuckerberg and his Democrat cronies, and they will show you the door.Is it true that once you join Facebook its almost impossible to get out?
Fkn PC and all the other shit is ...well just fk it ....when you think these useless fktards cant get any worse.....
Fkn PC and all the other shit is ...well just fk it ....when you think these useless fktards cant get any worse.....
I suppose Im good with it though.. with this many idiots on the planet, I'm pretty much assured job security for as long as I want to be in the workforce.. clearly none of them can piece together two thoughts on anything of actual importance..
My daughter is 20. She and her friends use snapchat. She also says fb is for old people. LolOne of the young people (whatever generation about 25 is) down the street said Facebook and Twitter are "only for old people". She didn't say what the thing for non-old people is. fortunately, I use neither so maybe I don't qualify as old.