Frankly speaking, as a former military officer, I have little idea how this Pezzullo is going to fight, well, specifically. He wants to land an army on the Yellow Sea coast and march on Peking? Or is he planning something like an Entente Operation in Gallipoli? But it seems to mean the conflict in Asia. Capture an atoll in a disputed area of the South China Sea? And? I look at the map and can't understand the plan of this brilliant, apparently, strategist.Drums of War
'Drums of war': Home Affairs Secretary says 'precious liberty' must not be lost in a message to staff
In an Anzac Day message to staff, Home Affairs Department Secretary Mike Pezzullo says Australia must strive to reduce the likelihood of war "but not at the cost of our precious liberty"
Whilst everyone is staring at their navels, worrying about whether to wear a mask or bitching about travel difficulties. Are the late 1930's - early 1940s about to be repeated.
Prior to Bidet becoming the president I and others figured he was just a placeholder for the real president Ms Horrible Harris and that having been elected he had served his purpose and with the various scandals regarding his connections to China and Ukraine he would be cast aside within 90 days.
But with a compliant media that overlooks if not actually hides Bidets problems, he has become the "perfect" president for his administration. He has no belief's and so can read anything on the teleprompter with a straight face. He can sign any law or executive over put before him without hesitation. He can even convince himself that he is doing a good job. so for Horrible and the rest, what's not to like? They make all of the decisions and he gets all of the blame when things go bad., which they will. So then they jettison Bidet and a new Demonrat can come to the rescue. Bidet may even complete his term provided they don't lead him into a disaster e.g. Kerry giving Israeli confidential info to the Iranians- undermining the US-Israeli relationship and promoting aggression by Iran.
From the article about “Amtrak Joe”Well seen this on BBC...not what thought would be hearing...seems to be high in the ratings etc etc etc....
BBC News - Biden 100 days: What we all got wrong about him
Biden 100 days: What we all got wrong about him
People expected a low-key president, trying to unify. Instead he's been transformational, says the BBC's Jon
That's a good thing. I would rather they waste their time on that than sit around and think up more trouble to stir up for the working class.I find it interesting that nearly 10 million viewers have such little going on in their lives that they can waste a few hours watching such drivel as the awards. those hours cannot be returned, they are lost forever.