Not that anybody cares, but I want to clarify my post here. I grew up as a conservative Democrat in the mostly moderate/conservative Southern California of the ‘60s, ‘70s and lived there through the ‘80s. The Democrats I knew supported Presidents Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon and Reagan. Right or wrong, they supported our involvement in the Vietnam war. The 2nd Amendment was supported as well as hunting. Remember the attempt to ban the so called “Saturday Night Special “ handguns in the ‘70s? My non gun owning somewhat moderate Democratic grandfather told me that he disagreed with the ban, because the non wealthy average working man should be able to buy a “cheap” handgun to protect his family if he chose to do so. Then in the ‘90s (I escaped by then), the political landscape started to change. Not exactly sure why, but it did. My question is what happened to the mostly moderate/conservative Democrats? There are a few in Congress, but the majority are left leaning and many Socialist thinking idealists? It’s not the Democratic Party I was a member of and the ideation I was a part of. What the h*** happened?
I've wondered the same thing and am probably half your age. If you don't know then I guess I'll go on wondering.