
Careful folks.. Don't confuse personal character traits like arrogance, vanity, or lack of self-awareness with lack of intellect. Lot's of very smart and powerful people in history have been flawed human beings.

Overall, Trump has proven to be remarkably intuitive with his political instincts over the entire course of the campaign and his subsequent term. Trump was mocked and dismissed as a serious candidate by politicians and pundits on all sides of the political spectrum right up to the moment that he demolished a field of 17 other republican candidates, many of whom were seasoned politicians.

I encourage you to re-watch some of those republican debates. He dominated some smart business people and ran over those career politicians. Admittedly, for as bad as his first debate was with Biden, he ate HRC's lunch every time. Trump controlled and intimidated her at will, while he debated Biden angry... Unfortunately, the wrong Trump showed up that night.

Ann Colter was the ONLY pundit to predict Trump would be the republican nominee, and she based that assertion on the fact that Trump was the only candidate that spoke to and related directly with the forgotten "silent majority" of Americans who were tired of being called, racists xenophobes, and deplorables... Trump recognized it, tapped into it, and created the biggest political movement in recent history. Stupid people are not capable of this... The tragedy of the man is that he has done some brilliant things that have been eclipsed by some reckless emotional reactions.

I content it was a landslide.... Trump received 74 million votes that were counted, and who knows how many never got counted.. Trump's 74 million counted votes eclipsed Obama's 69.5 and 65.9 million votes in 2008 and 2012 respectively... For argument's sake, let's set aside any voter fraud allegations and you would still have to believe that Biden, who campaigned from a basement, who's "rallies" couldn't draw flies with free piles of shit, who can't complete a thought or a sentence, who never answered a serious question from a reporter, received 81 million votes? C'mon man...! To answer that in Biden fashion, "Don't piss down my back and tell me the toaster is broken.."

DeSantis is a Badass! He entered office with an astounding 64% approval rating for his first 3 months in office... Covid has since hurt his numbers, but he is a folk hero in Florida to the many small business owners (my wife included) who would be bankrupt if it were not for DeSantis' allowing small businesses to remain open. He has certainly proven himself time and again to have a set of balls on multiple controversial issues. It will be interesting to see where he goes from here.
Careful? Don't threaten me. I stand by my analysis. Trump's not smart in many ways and lost his intuitive political instincts. Couldn't keep his mouth shut or rein himself in to win the election. Have you read his Twitter posts?? Sure, there are some good ones but many more make him look like a buffoon. The guy has no vocabulary and says the word "beautiful" and "amazing" twenty times in a speech paragraph. That's not smart. Some people are brainwashed about Trump.

I understand that more people voted than ever before on both sides. Not rocket science with everyone getting mail-in ballots. Proves nothing other than mail-in ballots are a problem, as I have stated before. The rules shouldn't have been changed just because of the damn virus.
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Careful? Don't threaten me. I stand by my analysis. Trump's not smart in many ways and lost his intuitive political instincts. Couldn't keep his mouth shut or rein himself in to win the election. Have you read his Twitter posts?? Sure, there are some good ones but many more make him look like a buffoon. The guy has no vocabulary and says the word "beautiful" and "amazing" twenty times in a speech paragraph. That's not smart. Some people are brainwashed about Trump.

@Scott CWO ,

Did you seriously take this as a personal threat?? :E Confused:Take it back a notch... I was not directing my comment to you personally. I was making a general comment to anyone on what I feel is a common mistake of selling Trump's abilities short based on his personality and character flaws, and I stand by my analysis.

You are correct in that some are brainwashed about Trump.. I am no one of them. I have pointed out here in numerous posts, ad nauseam, that I have been fully aware of what Trump is good, bad, and otherwise.. I have been frank and honest in my assessment of him all along, and if you have not recognized that, you haven't read my posts. To the dismay of many, he is still the same guy now that we elected in 2016. What amazes me is to this day is that some people are surprised by this.. Those folks never really got Trump in my estimation... Apparently, some cannot accept the fact that he has refused to change more to their liking since then. It was never going to happen...

With all that said, blaming his personality as the main reason he lost the election is simply not accurate in my opinion. One would have to discount a literal mountain of other much more significant factors that were aligned against him which all contributed to the outcome we face today. There is plenty of blame to go around namely within the republican party itself.
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I understand that more people voted than ever before on both sides.

partial yes- more citizens voted for President Trump that any amount of voters in history- possibly 80,000,000. Actually only about 35,000,000 citizens voted for Senator Bidet. Only the votes for the Bidet exceeded those for the President, not the legal voters. This was due to what historically referred to as "ballot box stuffing". ballots completed by persons not eligible to vote, machines changing votes, vote counters changing ballots and totals as well as the tried and true method of people casting ballots in multiple names, some of whom had passed away and as such were no long entitled to vote.

There is a difference between ballot total and voter total. And that is the issue that got regular people so upset that they would storm the brothel that the Capitol had become.
partial yes- more citizens voted for President Trump that any amount of voters in history- possibly 80,000,000. Actually only about 35,000,000 citizens voted for Senator Bidet. Only the votes for the Bidet exceeded those for the President, not the legal voters. This was due to what historically referred to as "ballot box stuffing". ballots completed by persons not eligible to vote, machines changing votes, vote counters changing ballots and totals as well as the tried and true method of people casting ballots in multiple names, some of whom had passed away and as such were no long entitled to vote.

There is a difference between ballot total and voter total. And that is the issue that got regular people so upset that they would storm the brothel that the Capitol had become.
60+ Court cases of alleged voter fraud have been found to have no validity, up to and including the Supreme Court. Lest we forget, the Surpeme Court has three judges recently appointed by Trump.
If a Tree falls in the forest and no one hears it, did it make any noise?

When the refrigerator door is closed, and no one is inside to see, does the light really go out?

If someone casts an illegal vote but it is tallied by unethical Rats, does it still count?
@Scott CWO ,

Did you seriously take this as a personal threat?? :E Confused:Take it back a notch... I was not directing my comment to you personally. I was making a general comment to anyone on what I feel is a common mistake of selling Trump's abilities short based on his personality and character flaws, and I stand by my analysis.

You are correct in that some are brainwashed about Trump.. I am no one of them. I have pointed out here in numerous posts, ad nauseam, that I have been fully aware of what Trump is good, bad, and otherwise.. I have been frank and honest in my assessment of him all along, and if you have not recognized that, you haven't read my posts. To the dismay of many, he is still the same guy now that we elected in 2016. What amazes me is to this day is that some people are surprised by this.. Those folks never really got Trump in my estimation... Apparently, some cannot accept the fact that he has refused to change more to their liking since then. It was never going to happen...

With all that said, blaming his personality as the main reason he lost the election is simply not accurate in my opinion. One would have to discount a literal mountain of other much more significant factors that were aligned against him which all contributed to the outcome we face today. There is plenty of blame to go around namely within the republican party itself.
Trump proved that people will vote for a ham sandwich if the policies are good. That doesn’t make Trump good. I don’t give a dang about Trump but I am very disappointed in him and his behavior. He let us down with his antics that turn off a lot of voters. It’s time for people to move past Trump and find a new leader with more brain power. Also time to make changes to county and state election procedures. Didn’t make a lot of sense to me for the mob to attack the Capitol. The states and counties run the elections, unfortunately.
@Scott CWO ,

Did you seriously take this as a personal threat?? :E Confused:Take it back a notch... I was not directing my comment to you personally. I was making a general comment to anyone on what I feel is a common mistake of selling Trump's abilities short based on his personality and character flaws, and I stand by my analysis.

You are correct in that some are brainwashed about Trump.. I am no one of them. I have pointed out here in numerous posts, ad nauseam, that I have been fully aware of what Trump is good, bad, and otherwise.. I have been frank and honest in my assessment of him all along, and if you have not recognized that, you haven't read my posts. To the dismay of many, he is still the same guy now that we elected in 2016. What amazes me is to this day is that some people are surprised by this.. Those folks never really got Trump in my estimation... Apparently, some cannot accept the fact that he has refused to change more to their liking since then. It was never going to happen...

With all that said, blaming his personality as the main reason he lost the election is simply not accurate in my opinion. One would have to discount a literal mountain of other much more significant factors that were aligned against him which all contributed to the outcome we face today. There is plenty of blame to go around namely within the republican party itself.
While I can agree with most of what you say, and that maybe his personality may or may not have been the main reason, and that he may be the same Trump elected in 2016, do you really not believe that it is still one major contributing factor?

While I have no doubt that there was interference/fraud in this election, I really can't help thinking that even though he is the same Trump elected in 2016, he wouldn't have to be...at least on the narcissistic invincibility plane. I agree that he was bitch slapped and curb stomped at every turn and he was on the defensive at all times. However I'm not so sure that meant he needed to continue to be so abrasive...alienating supporters who didn't agree 100% and aggravating and insulting opponents. In doing so throughout I think he played right into the hands of the other side, giving them all the ammo they needed to distract the public and cloak his successes. Effectively negating the accomplishments and consequently solidifying what they wanted the world to see...basically a spoiled child screaming expletives at the world. For me it was frustrating to watch because I could see the good things being accomplished.

I think it selfish of him to continue to act the way he did as he should have recognized that it would be ultimately detrimental to the party and the agenda of the right. It's not like the staunch supporters surrounding him didn't try to help that situation. As POTUS, he is the representative of the people of the USA and in my opinion should act as such in a respectful manner. I commend the hard lines in the sand and the demands made in to benefit the US and the economy and I can't say enough how much I supported all of those efforts and successes. But they were lost because of idiotic tantrums and senseless ramblings that the left exploited daily as a madman.

So while it may not have been the main reason it sure as hell didn't help anything. I can't help feeling that had he tried hard to at least NOT to come off like an obnoxious ass, no amount of mail-ins would have made enough difference. It's just my opinion. I know he was against the wall most of the time but he could have handled it better. That isn't conforming to anything. It's just manners...and this is coming from a strong supporter.

That's what really burns me. So I could pick up the sword and rush out the door in a fit of rage but once out the door and standing in the street, where do I go? Who do I battle with? Where is the flag to capture? And even after I storm the castle and capture the flag, I will still need to determine a leader to continue the battle. So in the meantime as we're picking colors for the warpaint, why not work on establishing the leader we need and get started on that? Either way it's imperative to get started with that battle because unless we are willing to do away with the vote all together, the political side needs to be addressed regardless of other action.
A PSA from TSRA. I'm sure that if anything bad happens the anti's will blame the pro gun orgs. Hopefully I am not breaking any rules by posting this.


You may or may not have heard that there is a nationwide effort to have an armed rally in every capital on a certain day.

This rally effort is not sponsored by any group-not the NRA, not TSRA. Literally, I have seen one such flyer and no group, organization or person has their name on this endeavor.

Do not misunderstand me, it is the lack of sponsorship that worries me. I don't know what their goals are and neither does the FBI who has a warning out about this event.

Please be very careful about these events.

TSRA is not involved nor are we recommending any of our members attend.

Andi Turner

Legislative Director

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Trump proved that people will vote for a ham sandwich if the policies are good.
Moderators: please place this in the anthology of priceless comments. Thanks.
While I can agree with most of what you say, and that maybe his personality may or may not have been the main reason, and that he may be the same Trump elected in 2016, do you really not believe that it is still one major contributing factor?

While I have no doubt that there was interference/fraud in this election, I really can't help thinking that even though he is the same Trump elected in 2016, he wouldn't have to be...at least on the narcissistic invincibility plane. I agree that he was bitch slapped and curb stomped at every turn and he was on the defensive at all times. However I'm not so sure that meant he needed to continue to be so abrasive...alienating supporters who didn't agree 100% and aggravating and insulting opponents. In doing so throughout I think he played right into the hands of the other side, giving them all the ammo they needed to distract the public and cloak his successes. Effectively negating the accomplishments and consequently solidifying what they wanted the world to see...basically a spoiled child screaming expletives at the world. For me it was frustrating to watch because I could see the good things being accomplished.

I think it selfish of him to continue to act the way he did as he should have recognized that it would be ultimately detrimental to the party and the agenda of the right. It's not like the staunch supporters surrounding him didn't try to help that situation. As POTUS, he is the representative of the people of the USA and in my opinion should act as such in a respectful manner. I commend the hard lines in the sand and the demands made in to benefit the US and the economy and I can't say enough how much I supported all of those efforts and successes. But they were lost because of idiotic tantrums and senseless ramblings that the left exploited daily as a madman.

So while it may not have been the main reason it sure as hell didn't help anything. I can't help feeling that had he tried hard to at least NOT to come off like an obnoxious ass, no amount of mail-ins would have made enough difference. It's just my opinion. I know he was against the wall most of the time but he could have handled it better. That isn't conforming to anything. It's just manners...and this is coming from a strong supporter.

That's what really burns me. So I could pick up the sword and rush out the door in a fit of rage but once out the door and standing in the street, where do I go? Who do I battle with? Where is the flag to capture? And even after I storm the castle and capture the flag, I will still need to determine a leader to continue the battle. So in the meantime as we're picking colors for the warpaint, why not work on establishing the leader we need and get started on that? Either way it's imperative to get started with that battle because unless we are willing to do away with the vote all together, the political side needs to be addressed regardless of other action.
partial yes- more citizens voted for President Trump that any amount of voters in history- possibly 80,000,000. Actually only about 35,000,000 citizens voted for Senator Bidet. Only the votes for the Bidet exceeded those for the President, not the legal voters. This was due to what historically referred to as "ballot box stuffing". ballots completed by persons not eligible to vote, machines changing votes, vote counters changing ballots and totals as well as the tried and true method of people casting ballots in multiple names, some of whom had passed away and as such were no long entitled to vote.

There is a difference between ballot total and voter total. And that is the issue that got regular people so upset that they would storm the brothel that the Capitol had become.
Yes, the mail-in ballots inflated the vote but you have no proof of your other claims such as 35M for Biden. Posting suspicions as fact is irresponsible
Trump got bad advice to not declassify the Obamagate information to the public 2-6 months prior to the election. At that point it would probably have made a difference.

This may ruin some of Durham's possible prosecutions, but at this point Trump just wants the information in the public arena.

REPORT: President Trump Schedules Extensive Declassification Prior To Departure – Chris Steele Interview Likely Included​

Trump proved that people will vote for a ham sandwich if the policies are good.

That is an extremely short-sighted view in my opinion... I suppose that if the ham sandwich, or the 16 other republican candidates that Trump left in the dust had Trump's balls, vision, and message, I might be inclined to agree. But, they didn't.. Trump did...

Let me ask you very honestly, do you think any of the other 16 republicans could have motivated enough of the conservative voters to defeat HRC..? Trump became the 45th POTUS precisely because he was Trump..!

Look man, to borrow Red Leg's expression, I think we are talking past one another. I believe we are on the same team for the most part. Debating Trump's personal flaws and what impact it had on his reelection is really quite irrelevant at this point. I only hope to remind people not to fall into the trap of discounting the monumental accomplishments Trump was able to deliver for this country in spite of historic, unprecedented obstruction, the hysteria of a world pandemic, and in spite of himself.

To now dismiss him as a madman and forget the many unprecedented accomplishments of his Administration that, (if we are truly being honest) has made the lives of the vast majority of Americans exponentially better than they were 4 years ago, would be a monumental disservice to conservative values and the movement Trump created.

That's what really burns me. So I could pick up the sword and rush out the door in a fit of rage but once out the door and standing in the street, where do I go? Who do I battle with? Where is the flag to capture?

That's a legitimate question, and I'm sure it's the same question every single small business owner who lives in a dem controlled city or state which has forced them to close is currently asking.. Don't worry friend... They will find all of us eventually.

You can probably answer your own question when Dumbo O'Dourke's Gestapo comes to your door for your guns, or when they arrest you for using the wrong word to describe somebody's race or gender, or when you are fired from your job for having a Trump sign in your yard last November. And, if you think I am being hyperbolic, think again... It's happening as we speak. The objective is not to capture anyone's flag. The objective is to keep them from capturing ours.
60+ Court cases of alleged voter fraud have been found to have no validity, up to and including the Supreme Court. Lest we forget, the Surpeme Court has three judges recently appointed by Trump.

No, the Courts said no standing and never ruled on the merits of the case, a few exceptions like Wisconsin. Huge difference.
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That is an extremely short-sighted view in my opinion... I suppose that if the ham sandwich, or the 16 other republican candidates that Trump left in the dust had Trump's balls, vision, and message, I might be inclined to agree. But, they didn't.. Trump did...

Let me ask you very honestly, do you think any of the other 16 republicans could have motivated enough of the conservative voters to defeat HRC..? Trump became the 45th POTUS precisely because he was Trump..!

Look man, to borrow Red Leg's expression, I think we are talking past one another. I believe we are on the same team for the most part. Debating Trump's personal flaws and what impact it had on his reelection is really quite irrelevant at this point. I only hope to remind people not to fall into the trap of discounting the monumental accomplishments Trump was able to deliver for this country in spite of historic, unprecedented obstruction, the hysteria of a world pandemic, and in spite of himself.

To now dismiss him as a madman and forget the many unprecedented accomplishments of his Administration that, (if we are truly being honest) has made the lives of the vast majority of Americans exponentially better than they were 4 years ago, would be a monumental disservice to conservative values and the movement Trump created.

That's a legitimate question, and I'm sure it's the same question every single small business owner who lives in a dem controlled city or state which has forced them to close is currently asking.. Don't worry friend... They will find all of us eventually.

You can probably answer your own question when Dumbo O'Dourke's Gestapo comes to your door for your guns, or when they arrest you for using the wrong word to describe somebody's race or gender, or when you are fired from your job for having a Trump sign in your yard last November. And, if you think I am being hyperbolic, think again... It's happening as we speak. The objective is not to capture anyone's flag. The objective is to keep them from capturing ours.
A fair point, but then again setting up a defense is different than storming down the street.
In a round about way I think we’re reading from the same book, different chapter. As I said, I supported all the way but now that it’s over, quick recovery is important. How to do that will be debated for too long without establishing strong leadership to pick up that flag.
I'm a storm the castle walls type of guy. Must be my Vikings ancestry. Unfortunately, a couple people died. The extremists in that crowd saw an opportunity, and took it. Now Trump gets blamed for it, and another impeachment sham takes place to try and keep Trump from running again.
It's probably unlikely that Trump will run again. The leftist vermin are going to hound him relentlessly after he leaves office. He will spend millions, just to legally defend himself.
If he does run again, I will vote for him.
Another thing is certain - I'll do whatever I can to get those that voted for the two articles removed from office in the next election. Particularly the two scumbag Republicans from this state that went over to the Rats.
Nice that the Clinton's are so efficient in using non profit funds.

Wonder who the salaries and travel was for.:cool:

Robbie Jaeger

NEW: Recently released tax filings show the Clinton Health Access Initiative pulled in over $189M in 2019. Of that total, CHAI spent $24M+ on grants to other groups, $93M+ in salaries (!) , and $30M+ on travel.



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