Unless he has a real health issue, I am inclined to believe Biden isn't going anywhere either. If necessary, the old guard leadership of the party will keep him propped up in bed and on IV tubes before deliberately opening the door for Harris any sooner than they have to.
Crazy country. The sad thing is that these ignorant, uninformed people read what is, on its surface, absolute insanity and believe it! In what sort of echo chamber do you need to be trapped to believe and unquestionably accept as fact that a quarter of million Chinese troops are poised to invade out of Canada and Mexico?!
And when none of this nonsense happens, do you think it will cause the least bit of reflection or confusion. No, they'll simply glom onto the next outrageous set of lies or conspiracies. Read the bios of most of the people they are charging with breaking into the capital. Most are good, decent, people who apparently have no capability whatsoever for independent critical thought. It is sad and will make you cry for the Republic.
And on another cautionary note, this madness is brought to you by one of the two people responsible for the most outrageous voter fraud claims.