
This Presidential election was stolen. What will keep the dark forces from stealing the Georgia runoff?
The Democrat party website four days ago was emblazoned with an "ad" stating "order your Ga absentee ballots here"
@Timbo I am honestly not sure what point you are trying to make as something got lost there.

The media never did really report the protests accurately, please google mostly peaceful protest and have a laugh.

There is a bunch of options between crying and civil war. I am hoping this is a wake up call for Republican State Legislators to tighten up there voting laws. There is a loophole for ballot harvesting in GA...they have the power to close it and should do it now. Ban mail in ballots. Require an ID. Simple steps need to be taken but can be taken and Republicans have the power to do it.

The issue is proving fraud...as example, you go 60km in 1 hour, but the speed limit is 50km...mathematical speaking you broke the law...you go no I didn't prove I was speeding. I show you the math, and you go prove exactly what stretch of road I was speeding in. Meanwhile, the media is saying I am a sore loser and need to just shut up about speeding.
If the DemonRats prevail - even though I believe if the votes had been counted accurately the Republicans would have retained the White House, and the Bidet and Ms Horrible become presidents; the question will be: What now? The Republicans could follow the Bill Ayers strategy which is basically Gandhi on hormones and bring the US economy to a halt, but this would not go unnoticed by our adversaries, in particular China. I believe china would take the opportunity to seize control of the US, at least economically, thus permanently changing the American way of life. The results would be the same for any "civil war" scenario. Everyone loses. So the optimum response to a takeover of the government by activists such as "the squad" would be for the citizens of the country to exert pressure on their elected representatives and using whatever legal means is available to slow the government to a crawl- thus allowing for minimal implementation of "bad" laws until the demonRats can be voted out and the country returned to a Constitutional Republic which would likely happen in 2022 and 2024.
Hold the senate and you have won. A president in the White House can actually be an impediment it would seem, especially a doddery old man who cant project power. Biden and the squad are a virtual guarantee of a Republican wave in 2022 and an even bigger wave in 2024. Just pick a sensible candidate, that is all.
as to the Hispanics and the Black voters, they could turn out to be the saviour of the day. These folks want a future, not a crusade.
@Timbo I am honestly not sure what point you are trying to make as something got lost there.

The media never did really report the protests accurately, please google mostly peaceful protest and have a laugh.

There is a bunch of options between crying and civil war. I am hoping this is a wake up call for Republican State Legislators to tighten up there voting laws. There is a loophole for ballot harvesting in GA...they have the power to close it and should do it now. Ban mail in ballots. Require an ID. Simple steps need to be taken but can be taken and Republicans have the power to do it.

The issue is proving fraud...as example, you go 60km in 1 hour, but the speed limit is 50km...mathematical speaking you broke the law...you go no I didn't prove I was speeding. I show you the math, and you go prove exactly what stretch of road I was speeding in. Meanwhile, the media is saying I am a sore loser and need to just shut up about speeding.
Only point I've ever made has been confirmed by analysis of those in the business, and now on here, that Trump lost because voters didn't like him, per se, than the republican party policies. I never like him, and not only have the balls to say so, but why - which now seems why he lost. But the fad of crying foul over electorate fraud has been more frequently used over the past 20yrs - that by now you'd think some legislative moves (if fraud is evident) would've been made against this: but as far as I'm aware, it hasn't. Therefore it would seem either crying foul on the grounds of electoral fraud is now just part of the post-election game, or there's no fraud to speak of. And you're right, the issue is proving it. All the US political parties know the ease of accusing it, against the difficulty of actually proving it. That's why its so easy to not only to besmirch, but to also obfuscate the electoral process too.

With regards to riots/civil unrest, I was thinking more along the lines of George Floyd et al, where over 2 dozen people died as a result. The way some people are accusing voter fraud, and Trump's loss, you'd think they're just a hairs breadth away from rising up against their own government!! (IMHO I'm sure players like Russia and China would love to use any leverage they could from such a scenario)
The only thing that is repugnant, is a Limey, who thinks his political opinion is relevant to American Patriots.
You're just upset, and venting your (wildly inaccurate!) xenophobia, that someone other than a repugnant party member or demonrat has an opinion on this forum. By the vitriol some have expressed through the mainstream media (yes, I know it's all 150% incorrect if not pro-repugnant), it's seeming to come down to an "either, or" situation: people will either have to eventually bow to the law of the land, and meekly accept Trump's loss - or - show their patriotism and rise up against their own government. Which will you choose?
You're just upset, and venting your (wildly inaccurate!) xenophobia, that someone other than a repugnant party member or demonrat has an opinion on this forum. By the vitriol some have expressed through the mainstream media (yes, I know it's all 150% incorrect if not pro-repugnant), it's seeming to come down to an "either, or" situation: people will either have to eventually bow to the law of the land, and meekly accept Trump's loss - or - show their patriotism and rise up against their own government. Which will you choose?
Arrogance and cluelessness is a common combination in liberal thought. I have no idea what your political ideologies are, and I honestly don't care. Nonetheless, your replies are typical of every liberal that I have ever heard in that you can eloquently spew the rhetoric on cue, but have no facts or substantive arguments to make to support your wildly asinine assertions.

Add that to the fact that you are not an American and obviously get your information straight from the mainstream media propaganda machines gives you a credibility rating of just about 0.0..

Furthermore, when you must resort to calling people names and throwing out racist terms like xenophobe for no other reason than them having political views vastly differing than yours, it tips your hand that you are holding no value cards which lowers your credibility to sub-zero. But, as my friend from Arizona points out, "Real" Americans could care less about your opinion of our politics. But, by all means keep replying because I know you can't help yourself..
Regrettably, much of that defense of property ability is governed very punitive state and local laws (witness MO). Fortunately, here in Texas property rights are almost as important as personal self-defense.
All too true in regard to state and local laws in most of these blue states and cities. Florida has a "stand your ground law" which was recently expanded during the recent civil violence to include armed defense of businesses, and your personal vehicles. Our Governor is a badass when it comes to citizens rights to self-defense and property protection. However, I would point out that Gov. DeSantis won by a razor thin margin in Florida, defeating a hugely progressive liberal candidate who we have now come to learn was a sexual deviant and a meth addict.. Same can be said for the Georgia governor's race. Comrade Stacy Abrams only lost by a terrifyingly thin margin.. It just goes to show you how some of these states are clinging to control affirming your point on the critical importance of the Georgia Senate races... With the very real threat of an open-borders policy and express pass to citizenship, I fear it's just a matter of time before traditionally red states go blue forever. :(
I genuinely honor your service. Consider Texas in your future plans. Would love to continue this discussion over a good scotch.
If you can guarantee me that Texas remains red, I might take you up on that..! Make my scotch a Jameson and you got a deal!
In defense of Florida voters, this was not known at the time. But apparently he is a hell of a wedding guest.
LOL... Yes, But what was know is what an aggressively progressive liberal he was, and still almost won. He was proposing legislation that would have made AOC look like a Trump supporter. That's the scary part....
You're just upset, and venting your (wildly inaccurate!) xenophobia, that someone other than a repugnant party member or demonrat has an opinion on this forum. By the vitriol some have expressed through the mainstream media (yes, I know it's all 150% incorrect if not pro-repugnant), it's seeming to come down to an "either, or" situation: people will either have to eventually bow to the law of the land, and meekly accept Trump's loss - or - show their patriotism and rise up against their own government. Which will you choose?
Now, there you are being a deliberate bomb thrower. You know that is simply not done in polite society. Though perhaps, in this case, being called a "Limey" could be considered provocation - if you weren't obviously having so much fun. :E Angel:

The President may indeed believe sufficient votes were fraudulently cast to affect the election outcome in at least four states. It is also, as you correctly noted, extremely hard to prove such fraud as sufficient to overturn certified results. As I have attempted to note, there is indeed significant evidence that the Democrat party successfully used covid to employ changes to voting procedures (in some states perhaps of questionable legality) that empowered their potential voters far more than Trump's. I am also certain that Trump believes keeping alive the belief in the stolen election is important politically as attention slowly but inevitably shifts toward '22 and of course '24. I have always believed he is a pretty astute, if atypical, politician.

It is beginning to look like he will get no relief from any state court. I continue to believe that SCOTUS will not overturn a certified election without clear and irrefutable evidence. When the electors cast their ballots electing Biden President, Trump will acknowledge that result and leave office on schedule. I suspect that he will not actually concede - see paragraph 2 above. Armed militia armies will not march on Washington, or even Portland, to put him back in power.

However, what should happen is very different than "meekly" accepting an outcome. Rather, the Republican electorate needs to make sure that its representatives are positioned to roadblock every extreme bit legislation or extreme judicial appointment the left demands. Secondly, the electorate must ensure those representatives have the will to do it. The former starts with winning those two senate seats in Georgia. Lose those and we truly are going to see tremendous damage done over at least the next two years.

The second is in the hands of the Trump coalition. This new alliance of voters can't simply return to pre-Trump status quo. They must remain politically engaged. The outreach to employed working-class blacks and Hispanics must accelerate. They must, through engagement, demand their representatives in both houses fight with the same tenacity and party discipline as their political opponents.

Simply fulminating about actions that can't or won't happen is indeed meekly accepting the new status quo. Marshalling a new political force to win on the electoral and legislative battlegrounds that really matter is how to truly take the fight to the progressive left.
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One thing I know with all this liberal and conservative talk. The government will make sure the cheap food policy of the last hundred years stays in place.
Did Trump catalyse the liberals becoming hyper nuts, and can we expect them to calm down to plain loony with him out of office? Or is this radical dispensation the new normal?
Paul Sperry


BREAKING: Capitulating to Stacey Abrams pressure groups, Georgia election officials have extended the use of fraud-prone absentee ballot "drop boxes" for Jan 5 Senate runoffs + early processing,prompting one county GOP official to warn: "We will lose both Senate seats in January"

11:23 AM · Nov 29, 2020
Did Trump catalyse the liberals becoming hyper nuts, and can we expect them to calm down to plain loony with him out of office? Or is this radical dispensation the new normal?
No, The Bolsheviks had gone off the track long ago. Just look at how they treated Robert Bork. It was so extreme it led to a new term in the English language- Being "Borked". Then there was Justice Thomas- one would think they would have given an African American some slack- but NO, resuming such terms as Oreo. Ever since the people in congress were educated by draft dodgers the Hate America has become the norm and it had little to do with President Trump, other than to bring things to a boil. Don't look for anything to change other than to get really bad after Ms Horrible starts running the show.
Not checked it so ...but....

Gene says - TAKE HEED

WAS HIS ENTIRE QUOTE: A sobering reminder. It's been almost sixty one years since Russia’s Khrushchev delivered this.

Do you remember September 29, 1959?


"Your children's children will live under communism, You Americans are so gullible. No, you won't accept communism outright; but we will keep feeding you small doses of socialism until you will finally wake up and find you already have Communism. We will not have to fight you; We will so weaken your economy, until you will fall like overripe fruit into our hands." "The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."

Do you remember what Russia's Khrushchev said in 1959?

Remember, socialism leads to Communism. So, how do you create a Socialistic State?

There are 8 levels of control; read the following recipe:

1) Healthcare - Control healthcare and you control the people.

2) Poverty - Increase the poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them.

3) Debt - Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.

4) Gun Control - Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government That way you are able to create a police state.

5) Welfare - Take control of every aspect (food, housing, income) of their lives because that will make them fully dependent on the government.

6) Education - Take control of what people read and listen to and take control of what children learn in school.

7) Religion - Remove the belief in God from the Government and schools because the people need to believe in ONLY the government knowing what is best for the people.

8) Class Warfare - Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. Eliminate the middle class This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to tax the wealthy with the support of the poor

A perfect parallel to the Democrat agenda!!!!!


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