Brent in Az
AH ambassador
Amen!Most of your recent assertions in regard to election fraud the last few replies are so delusional they are not worthy of argument. In regard to this last comment, I would only point out that the "law of the land" should first apply to the laws that were broken to acquire said office in the first place.
As far as another civil war is concerned, it has already existed as a cold war which began shortly after Obama's first term in office. Obama's systematic alienation of the "real Americans" that you insultingly refer to as a dog whistle term for "racists", collectively began to grow increasingly sick and tired of a multitude of new ideologies all based in fake narratives and identity politics. We were introduced to the new ideology that told us we should be ashamed of our American exceptionalism, and repent for the crimes of previous generations. We were told that God is offensive, our entire political and economic systems were inherently racist, and abortion is not murder provided that the mother deems it so. For the next 8 years, Americans were told that we must accept these new narratives or pay the price by being publically ostracized.
However, what Obama and yourself apparently failed to account is that "Real Americans" come in all ethnicities and colors in case you hadn't noticed..? We are hard-working, mostly blue collar folks who are tired of being labeled racist for having populist views such as pride for our country which was founded upon Judeo-Christian values, respect for those who sacrificed for our freedoms, and most importantly, a reverence for the US Constitution "AS WRITTEN"...! Trump was the ONLY candidate who tapped into that concept and had the balls to run a political platform on it... That's how he defied the odds and destroyed a field of 17 establishment republicans to win the presidency despite a multitude of personal and character flaws that would have sunk any other candidate right out of the gate...
I believe we have reached that point of civil war when middle-aged couples from the suburbs have no choice but to stand armed on their front lawn to keep their home from being burned down, and then subsequently get arrested for doing do... I truly believe that there are more than enough angry "real Americans" who would fight an actual civil war. The problem with that is that unlike our previous civil war, we had political leaders capable of organizing and funding a rebellion. However, those types of leaders are non-existent today as evident of the indifference if not outright cowering we have already seen demonstrated by so many republican politicians in the course of this past year. Instead of outright war, it is highly more likely that we will increasingly see more civil disturbance taken to new and more violent levels than ever before. It is not unrealistic to expect to see various small, independent militias forming on local levels to defend their own homes, businesses, and property assuming the Biden Administration is going to continue the practice of encouraging, condoning, or turning a blind eye toward the violence from the anarchists. But who really knows? I wouldn't rule out anything at this point especially if the new Administration continues to cripple this country with national lockdowns and other assorted violations of our personal freedoms. When you push people to the point where they have nothing left to lose, anything is on the table.