It goes without saying, I have always respected and admired your thoughtful and measured responses to all of these discussions. With that being said, I completely disagree in regard to calling the evidence of improprieties and fraud being presented so far as anecdotal. I can only speculate as to what these lower courts deem as "sufficient" in terms of sufficient evidence to overturn the election. But, what is not speculation are the hundreds of sworn affidavits from witnesses all across these key swing states alleging every inconceivable impropriety and violation of election protocol know to mankind. Did you not see the cardboard being applied to the windows of the counting rooms all over these dem voting strongholds? Add that to the impossible math of more votes being counted than voters in many swing districts, impossible trends of 100% of missing ballots all going to Biden, and the algorithms showing huge monolithic clusters of Biden votes being cast after polls closing which previously had Trump in double digit leads.
Based on your many years of insightful contributions here, I want to pay you the compliment of having common sense to go along with that intellect. I can't speak for anyone else but when I have seen shit, smelled shit, and commenced to scraping it off of my boots, I don't need to wait for a court to rule in my favor that there is a 100% chance I stepped in shit.
There is no longer a question in the mind of anyone with a lick of common sense that fraud and improprieties took place on a wholesale level in this election. The only question that remains is what we as a country are going to do about it. Maybe nothing more than sit back and watch it happen...
You would then also be assuming that a 40+year swamp politician with two previous failed runs at the presidency, with obvious dementia, in the midst of a corruption scandal, who never campaigned or had to answer a question of substance on anything, garnered a record-setting 80 million votes because enough of the people in this country thought despite all of the aforementioned, HE was still the best hope for correcting the political dysfunction in this country? To quote Joe himself: "C'mon man!"
You are correct in pointing out that the make up of our current division is much different than the war between the Union and the Confederacy in which there were clear divisions both geographically and economically between the states. Even in most of the red states of today, the division is immense and the red majority is thin at best. The battles would be fought within the states themselves even down to a community or neighborhood level much like we are seeing now with the civil unrest. With this current scenario, I don't see any path to victory on either side that would lead to reconciliation. One ideology would have to eradicate the other. It is truly a terrible prospect to contemplate and one that I thought I would never see in my lifetime. Regardless of how ominous the possibility of a true civil war sounds, it may already be a forgone conclusion in whatever form it takes. Something has to give...
I fully appreciate your frustration. The "anecdotal" point I am trying to make is that it takes more than several hundred affidavits across several states to generate a remedy that will be sufficient to overturn a certification in a particular state. Generally, the remedy is to throw out the specific challenged ballot. To date, apparently, the President's legal team has been unable to suggest how their anecdotal evidence meets that sufficiency requirement. The Federal appellate court which heard the PA appeal is about as friendly a venue as they will see in this process.
With respect to Sidney Powell's allegation of a vast conspiracy to electronically interfere with vote count being tallied by Dominion servers, even highly partisan conservative reporters have grudgingly admitted that the fundamental foundation of her allegation was a con man's self-enrichment scam created almost two years ago - not a CIA plot to change elections abroad.
There are indeed numerous curious anomalies in the publicly available state tallies.
@Wheels has collected many of them. I'd like them explained as well. But as someone who ran a major software development and systems engineering business for a decade, anomalies can have all sorts of different explanations other than the foreign injection of a mysterious algorithmic infection.
I think this election was indeed "stolen." I use the parenthetical form of the term because much of the theft was technically legal. The democrat party set in motion a Covid-based mail vote scheme that was certain to strongly favor their traditional voters who could be harvested by community organizers far more effectively than classic get out the vote efforts. Those ballots also likely over enabled votes by urban women who have been terrified by the pandemic and offended by the president. I am frustrated that the republican party and administration didn't do more to nip it in the bud or even take advantage of it themselves, but the constitution gives enormous power to the states in how to conduct their elections.
And it is important to realize that no matter how effective those efforts were, they affected the decisive margins only of a few critical states. Texas, Florida, Ohio - all considered "in play" - remained solidly red.
Moreover, I don't think anyone (other than maybe Sidney Powell) is seriously questioning that Biden did not get a majority, however slim, of the popular vote. We need to reflect on that. Slightly over half of our fellow travelers thought it was wiser to vote for a cognitively challenged man who never left his basement than Donald Trump. We need to figure that out quickly, because from my foxhole - right now - today - all the evidence indicates that the "silent majority" isn't a majority.
And as you think about eradicating an ideology, look around your neighborhood. I don't know where in Florida you make your home, but even in the greater Austin area, the real radicals doing damage are awfully few. There is no Bolshevik army, or even movement, to oppose physically. Many of the major cities are a mess, but that is hardly new. The Democrats are simply winning where we need to more aggressively challenge them. This year, the republican party took every single toss-up election for the House. Pelosi has been dramatically weakened. Hold the senate and they can only play with their agenda on the margins.