Before I retired, we closed our corporate headquarters in California and moved it to Northern VA. That is a company that is doing 30+ billion in sales annually! We were hardly alone. As part of the process, I had to close one of my campuses in Los Angeles which affected about 450 of my people - the vast majority engineers. With corporate blessing, we offered them a total expense-free transfer to Huntsville, Alabama where we were moving the work. Maybe thirty families took me up on the offer, the remainder preferring to stay in their 1200 square foot "bungalows" and sitting on the 405 for an hour and a half each way to wherever they would find their new jobs. Of the few who decided to take me up on the offer, all tracked me down over the next year or so to say thanks. They were now in 4000 sq ft homes - the vast majority fully paid for with equity from their California sales. They were dumbfounded by the quality of the schools, the culture (just knew everyone in Alabama was a redneck hick), and the direction their lives had changed. And yet, I am sure everyone of them is continuing to vote Democrat as Huntsville takes on an ever bluer hue.