The problem started when the government took away the rights of a parent to discipline their child. I remember my son at 7 years of age telling me that if I spanked him, he would call the police. This was 33 years ago. I remember giving him an extra ass whooping for what he said, and I called the police. The police officer played along with me, and said he was going to take him and lock him up for misbehaving. That little sh*t about sh*t his pants, and guess what? The last time he tried to play that card with me.
Parents must be parents at home and not depend on the schools to discipline their kids. Also, parent must take responsibility for the actions of their kids and accept that their child is not a saint. My wife works at a pre-school, and it's amazing how many parents are shocked when they find out their kids misbehaved, and they claim, "they don't do that or act like that at home". BS!!!!
TV shows, internet, phones, tablets, are all contributors to the decay of children. How many times you'll see a 2-year-old on a stroller with mom's or dad's phone?
How many on here remember the Paddle with the holes the principles used on our asses? Well, here we are, and I believe we turned out ok after all. Oh, and don't get me started on Catholic school discipline.