
Who are you referring to in your party that support Russia?

I haven't seen as much support for Russia as much as I've seen opposition to a war we have no business being involved in (and that's besides the fact that the US state dept spent 2 decades working to egg it on until it finally happened.)

And while I know you like to frame it in the classic "Ukraine = good guys, Russians = bad guys," surely with all your broad domain knowledge of the subject you haven't overlooked the fact that there is still an openly Nazi segment of the Ukraine forces that even our domestic leftist media had to finally admit.

I don't see any white knight in this fight.
I could not disagree with you more - and good guy versus bad guys has absolutely nothing to do with it. From a national interest perspective, we have every reason to support Ukraine and would be fools to allow Putin to re-assimilate Ukraine into the Russian empire. He would add 25-30% to his population - a group of people who are well educated and extremely innovative. He further would add both the European bread basket and a vast region of natural resources to that resurgent realm. Indeed, he would largely have recreated the Soviet post-war resource and population base. In no reading of national interests is such an outcome remotely in ours or Western Europe's strategic interests.

But it is worse. Prior to the invasion, Xi and China clearly saw the reemergence of a powerful successful militaristic Russian state astride the Eurasian Continent as a threat which inevitably would divide American focus from the Pacific and become a perpetual drain on US resources for decades to come further enabling Chinese strategic goals. And by drain, I do not mean the round-off pittance we have given Ukraine to date, but the sort of staggering investments we made in defense during the Cold War (5% of GDP then vice 3% now). To me it is almost incomprehensible how anyone with any understanding of history or real world experience can't clearly see that threat.

The Nazi business is a red herring promulgated by Russian propaganda, and eagerly embraced by those opposed to our support of Ukraine. Yes, during WWII, many Ukrainians initially welcomed the Germans as liberators rather than continue to live under what was essentially Russian Imperial occupation. Ukrainian units were formed that fought under German leadership. The Azov brigade proudly traces its heritage to those units. That is a very far thing from being Nazis and no legitimate Western commentator believes there are any real fascists in Ukraine.

Whatever the republican party does to obstruct aid to Ukraine furthers Russian strategic goals. That is a fact. There is no military action Putin's forces could have taken last year that would have done more damage to Ukraine than delaying American aid by six-months. Putin should award the Freedom Caucus Hero of the Motherland medals in Red Square.

There are no white knights in this fight. There is only the cold assessment of American national interests. It is truly dumbfounding to me that isn't obvious to even the most petulant Trump foreign policy apologist.
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Groceries are up as much as 50% in the last 3+ years, and/or the package sizes or smaller. Meat (based on looking for ribeyes and a brisket at Costco this morning) are not up as much, but "Choice" grade is not even what "Good" used to be. And the Prime ribeyes weren't much better. The brisket I checked looked like the fat cap was overly excessive.

I bought a Chuck roast for Sunday dinner instead. And I don't mind paying more for quality.
Yep that’s about the same situation for here in the UK.
You didn't answer my question.
The brutal dictatorship so many in my party seem completely comfortable in supporting as it pursues its strategic objectives at our long term cost.

Who are the "so many" in your party that seem completely comfortable supporting a brutal dictatorship? Be specific.

I could not disagree with you more - and good guy versus bad guys has absolutely nothing to do with it. From a national interest perspective, we have every reason to support Ukraine and would be fools to allow Putin to re-assimilate Ukraine into the Russian empire. He would add 25-30% to his population - a group of people who are well educated an extremely innovative. He further would add both the European bread basket and a vast region of natural resources to that resurgent realm. Indeed, he would largely have recreated the Soviet post-war resource and population base. In no reading of national interests is such an outcome remotely in ours or Western Europe's strategic interests.

But it is worse. Prior to the invasion, Xi and China clearly saw the reemergence of a powerful successful militaristic Russian state astride the Eurasian Continent as a threat which inevitably would divide American focus from the Pacific and become a perpetual drain on US resources for decades to come further enabling Chinese strategic goals. And by drain, I do not mean the round-off pittance we have given Ukraine to date, but the sort of staggering investments we made in defense during the Cold War (5% of GDP then vice 3% now). To me it is almost incomprehensible how anyone with any understanding of history or real world experience can't clearly see that threat.

The Nazi business is a red herring promulgated by Russian propaganda, and eagerly embraced by those opposed to our support of Ukraine. Yes, during WWII, many Ukrainians initially welcomed the Germans as liberators rather than continue to live under what was essentially Russian Imperial occupation. Ukrainian units were formed that fought under German leadership. The Azov brigade proudly traces its heritage to those units. That is a very far thing from being Nazis and no legitimate Western commentator believes there are any real fascists in Ukraine.

Whatever the republican party does to obstruct aid to Ukraine furthers Russian strategic goals. That is a fact. There is no military action Putin's forces could have taken last year that would have done more damage to Ukraine than delaying American aid by six-months. Putin should award the Freedom Caucus Hero of the Motherland medals in Red Square.

There are no white knights in this fight. There is only the cold assessment of American national interests. It is truly dumbfounding to me that isn't obvious to even the most petulant Trump foreign policy apologist.

Even the biggest Ukraine flag waving news media have openly admitted the Nazi issue is more than a red herring.

NBC - Ukraine has a Nazi problem

Washington Post - Neo-Nazis are exploiting Russia's war in Ukraine for their own purposes

and the Queen of lefty rags even
NYT - Nazi symbols on Ukraine's Front lines highlight thorny issue of history

Now... I'd not be the least surprised if this was most of this was completely farcical, especially based on the above 3 sources, but there it is.
You didn't answer my question.

Who are the "so many" in your party that seem completely comfortable supporting a brutal dictatorship? Be specific.

Even the biggest Ukraine flag waving news media have openly admitted the Nazi issue is more than a red herring.

NBC - Ukraine has a Nazi problem

Washington Post - Neo-Nazis are exploiting Russia's war in Ukraine for their own purposes

and the Queen of lefty rags even
NYT - Nazi symbols on Ukraine's Front lines highlight thorny issue of history

Now... I'd not be the least surprised if this was most of this was completely farcical, especially based on the above 3 sources, but there it is.
I am a proud republican. My party blocked aid to Ukraine for six months. Is that clear enough? The Freedom caucus led that effort. Do you need me to list those names?

Historical symbology does not make a Nazi, whatever the NYT or NBC may assume. One of the traditional Ukrainian symbols is a cross. It is often used to mark vehicles in a war where both sides are using the same armored platforms. Many, to include the propagandists on R1 and Tucker Carlson, have pointed to those crosses as clear evidence of Naziism. The Maltese Cross, as it is usually known is the West, is a traditional German symbol as well. As I type this, every single fighter plane in the German Air Force and armored vehicle in the German Army is so marked. Does that mean the Bundeswehr is a hotbed of fascists?
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I am a proud republican. My party blocked aid to Ukraine for six months. Is that clear enough? The Freedom caucus led that effort. Do you need me to list those names?

Historical symbology does not make a Nazi, whatever the NYT or NBC may assume. One of the traditional Ukrainian symbols is a cross. It is often used to mark vehicles in a war where both sides are using the same armored platforms. Many, to include the propagandists on R1 and Tucker Carlson, have pointed to those crosses as clear evidence of Naziism. The Maltese Cross, as it is usually known is the West, is a traditional German symbol as well. As I type this, every single fighter plane in the German Air Force and armored vehicle in the German Army is so marked. Does that mean the Bundeswehr is a hotbed of fascists?

It's not clear at all.
I was thinking you'd say some like you were just speaking generally or being metaphorical in your first statement that prompted my original question.

Instead it seems you see people voting against funding to prolong an ongoing war because they don't agree with it as supporting a brutal regime.

And how do you determine when the media sources you often push are suddenly propaganda and others are gospel truth?
It's not clear at all.
I was thinking you'd say some like you were just speaking generally or being metaphorical in your first statement that prompted my original question.

Instead it seems you see people voting against funding to prolong an ongoing war because they don't agree with it as supporting a brutal regime.

And how do you determine when the media sources you often push are suddenly propaganda and others are gospel truth?
We clearly have no basis for discussion. Voting against funding that thwarts Russian ambitions aids Russian strategic goals. I could care less how you wish to define it, but the results are unarguable. To me, and a lot of traditional republicans, that is beyond obvious.

Instead you wish to discuss the metaphorical? I have zero interests in playing rhetorical word games. I wish you well, but your comments underscore my concerns with what is subsumming my party.
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I swear, you can not make it up. Just like border security where the republican party could have obtained 70% of what it wanted and the Freedom Caucus and Trump forced it to opt for nothing. Now, we have an extension much less than what Johnson could have achieved three days ago, because the party radicals apparently have lost their collective mind.

100% correct. we should all instruct our butler to get our in-house handyman to rip out our solid gold toilets and sell it and invest the money in real estate, equities or even gold stocks and shares.

Oh wait! 90% of Americans can't afford a butler, in-house handyman and they certainly don't have a solid gold toilet. They struggle to keep the thatch from leaking above their hovel. They live on Costco pet food (not that luxury brand you like for your pets), they scrape by on the sniff of an oily rag. Their $100 now only buys them $85 dollars worth of groceries or 3 weeks supply of diabetes meds for the month.

You want them to choose to invest in their favourite Fortune 500 stocks etc? L O effing L!!!
Then again it's their fault for being peasants! Let them eat cake!

But hey, no worries, the stock market is booming!
60% of US households owns stocks, which is a record high. This includes households that own stocks directly, as well as those that own them indirectly through funds, retirement accounts, or other managed accounts.
The other %40 benefits from the trickle down effects.
Stock market booming benefits most everyone.
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We clearly have no basis for discussion. Voting against funding that thwarts Russian ambitions aids Russian strategic goals. I could care less how you wish to define it, but the results are unarguable. To me, and a lot of traditional republicans, that is beyond obvious.

Instead you wish to discuss the metaphorical? I have zero interests in playing rhetorical word games. I wish you well, but your comments underscore my concerns with what is subsumming my party.
I asked a straight forward question.

You threw a lot of stuff up about budget percentages, Trump policy, tucker being a propagandist, etc., instead of answering. I asked again and you said your bit

You seem to do everything except answer in a straightforward manner.
I think it’s Hilarious that Hezbollah and Iran is accusing Israel of war crimes for using “boobie traps”.

The nation that supplied training and materials for most of the IED’s planted in the war on terror. (Iran)

Killed or sent many of our comrades in arms home with TBI’s, missing limbs and eyes.

Is now wanting to play by the rules.

There's a small detail that you missed.

Hezbollah is labeled as a terrorist organization.

It's against our policy and we don't use terrorism to counter terrorism and Israel shouldn't either.

This is the fundamental difference between terrorists and civilized nations.

Having said that I find the whole thing fascinating and and very scary at the same time, knowing most of our electronics are made in China.
Trump derangement syndrome at work or is this proof that we only have a uniparty?

All these "Republicans" are siding with the woman openly professing Marxist talking points.

This is why they're called the "low T GOP"

I guess I’d ask the question…how is weaponizing the comms system of a known enemy that has resulted from a 15 year intelligence operation, terrorism?

Just because they say it is, doesn’t make it so..

the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

Not sure blowing the genitals off 3000 members of a militant enemy that lobs rockets at your civilian population routinely qualifies…
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Haven’t you heard, we’re supposed to fight it out in the middle of the road with both hands tied behind our backs, mom, apple pie, white hat……… you know the drill, red cape flowing in the breeze……..
I guess I’d ask the question…how is weaponizing the comms system of a known enemy that has resulted from a 15 year intelligence operation, terrorism?

Just because they say it is, doesn’t make it so..
I asked a straight forward question.

You threw a lot of stuff up about budget percentages, Trump policy, tucker being a propagandist, etc., instead of answering. I asked again and you said your bit

You seem to do everything except answer in a straightforward manner.
His answer(s) seemed pretty straightforward to me. Imagine you own a gas station, and there is a police car parked at one of your pumps because it desperately needs fuel in order to race across town to catch a mass murder. If you as the controller of the gas pumps actively worked against the refueling of the police car, you would implicitly be enabling the continuation of the mass murderer's crime spree. The actions of the Freedom Caucus in regards to Ukraine funding were no less baffling and unAmerican.
I guess I’d ask the question…how is weaponizing the comms system of a known enemy that has resulted from a 15 year intelligence operation, terrorism?

Just because they say it is, doesn’t make it so..
I guess I'll try to answer,
Regardless of the fact that it's a great intelligence operation, it's terrorism because :

If you read unbiased sources, among the dead there are children, innocent bystanders and medical personnel and public was terrorized.

UN also labels it as a war crime and terrorism saying "to the extent that international humanitarian law applies, at the time of the attacks there was no way of knowing who possessed each device and who was nearby,”

Like I said before it's a fascinating operation but it's aim was to terrorize and achieved it's objective.

Right or wrong is another discussion....
So what war crime was committed?

And since when do innocent bystanders equal terrorism?

Is the US a terrorist nation?

Do you have a clue how many non combatants were killed or wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan in the last 25 years? Or Syria? Or a number of other places we have been fighting?

The number isn’t zero… the number in fact is far greater than the total number of hezbollah combatants wounded by the pagers…

Hezbollah and Iran (or the UN for that matter) don’t get to move the goal posts for their convenience…
60% of US households owns stocks, which is a record high. This includes households that own stocks directly, as well as those that own them indirectly through funds, retirement accounts, or other managed accounts.
The other %40 benefits from the trickle down effects.
Stock market booming benefits most everyone.

Not sure if a booming stock benefits most everyone or not. Many of those stock owners own that stock via a 401k plan. The gains are certainly a good thing, but they're untouchable by design until the owners are at retirement age.

The average 20 something, even a new college grad with a good job has not had the time to invest in a meaningful way to benefit in a significant way from investing. I'm sure most people in that age group and even older really don't have the expertise to invest and ensure a good ROI and avoid actually losing their investments.

And if their salaries haven't kept up with inflation, I know for fact mine has not even come close, that's even less money to invest in the first place.
Like I said before it's a fascinating operation but it's aim was to terrorize and achieved it's objective.

Where have the Israelis stated their aim was to terrorize?

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schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.
Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!