Why do you say “after all he could have filled in the most senior levels….? Why??? Is that based on your military experience or the news? His position could have been filled with an e type silhouette. Most of my career was in units where merit earned positions and deployments. He had ZERO experience and qualifications to earn him more than janitorial and landscaping duties where I was stationed. You obviously have a warped and misunderstood view of the NCO Corps. On my last ODA, I was the Team Leader and least educated. I had a Bachelor’s degree. I am fluent in 2 languages besides English and had a working knowledge in 2 other. Most of my team had Masters Degrees. We stayed deployed 6-8 months a year. All of my 18D’s (SF Medics) are now PA’s or Surgeons.
NG and Active Duty differences are at times similar to “Call of Duty” and actual combat. No disrespect intended but those who know the difference know. There are NG and Reserve units that saw a lot of action, especially in the Special Operations area.
Reality check: He went to drill once a month and never deployed but was allowed waiver for no show for once a month drill as needed. He could NOT have filled in at most levels. We have a thing called merit and experience in the military real world. Based on that, a SP4 with a Ranger Tab would have ate him alive. He is and was a poser and a tool. News, politics and civilians
are not privy to this information most of the time, nor do they understand it. After all, who wants to hear about someone who actually did nothing?? Yet they generally get all the attention while the quiet professionals remain quiet.
Again, you need to stay to fine rifles, fine kit and fine travel. That is your expertise. Those who know find your comments on the military insulting.
Safe travels