Meanwhile back at the front, this is a classic example of how to take out a mounted attack. In this case, considering Russian losses, this is likely a company team consisting of two tanks and two BMPs.
The Ukrainians have established a hasty minefield with direct fire overwatch. The lead vehicle is disabled by an anti-tank mine. The rear vehicle is then hit with a anti-tank guided missile of some sort. Surviving troops are forced to dismount into direct fire (you can see the tracer rounds coming in from the bottom of the screen.) Destruction of the last vehicle in the column is deliberate because it makes it almost impossible for the surviving tank and BMP to withdraw along their own track marks to avoid additional mines. The next BMP is then hit by an anti-tank weapon forcing those surviving troops to also dismount while the driver attempts to to extricate the damaged vehicle. The surviving tank attempts to swing around the carnage and retreat (abandoning the infantry), when it too strikes a mine and is catastrophically destroyed when the on board ammunition instantly cooks off. To remind the crew of a Russian tank sits in the center of an unarmored carousel of tank ammunition. The driver of the damaged BMP finally attempts to swing around the destroyed tank and experiences similar catastrophic destruction. Meanwhile the abandoned infantry are systematically eliminated by cluster munitions, drones and automatic weapons fire.
Just a very nearly perfect ambush of an attacking element. It is also a clear example of the why the Russians are suffering such disproportionate casualties as they continue these small unsupported assaults.