
The Disney propaganda machine, AKA ABC News is touting PA governor Shapiro. He's Jewish, a family man and about as bland as you can get. This would fulfill the west coast-east coast amenable voters.
Absolutely not. A naturalized citizen is ineligible to be president or vice president.
Sorry, my mistake. Aren’t all American born citizens equal?

I guess my point is why would it matter where an American born citizens parents are from. And if they want to change the laws where if their parents are immigrants, how long is it before they say immigrant grandparents are a no-go as well.
Sorry, my mistake. Aren’t all American born citizens equal?

I guess my point is why would it matter where an American born citizens parents are from. And if they want to change the laws where if their parents are immigrants, how long is it before they say immigrant grandparents are a no-go as well.
The 14th Amendment came out post US Civil War, 1866. International travel was slow and limited. Today, a pregnant woman from anywhere in the world can get on a plane, fly to the US and give birth to the child in the US. That child, being born in the US, is a US citizen. The parent or parents are not US citizens. So a problem and dilemma is created on what the government should do with the parents (non-citizens) and the baby (a US citizen under current law).

Look at this situation from another prospective: Let's say an American couple, 10th generation Texans, people that bleed red, white and blue, become pregnant. They take a trip to China and the woman goes into labor and has the baby early. Does this make the baby Chinese? Do the parents get to stay in China for as long as they want?
The 14th Amendment came out post US Civil War, 1866. International travel was slow and limited. Today, a pregnant woman from anywhere in the world can get on a plane, fly to the US and give birth to the child in the US. That child, being born in the US, is a US citizen. The parent or parents are not US citizens. So a problem and dilemma is created on what the government should do with the parents (non-citizens) and the baby (a US citizen under current law).

Look at this situation from another prospective: Let's say an American couple, 10th generation Texans, people that bleed red, white and blue, become pregnant. They take a trip to China and the woman goes into labor and has the baby early. Does this make the baby Chinese? Do the parents get to stay in China for as long as they want?
Maybe I misinterpreted your original comment as wanting to change the law to prevent another first gen Democrat president. Changing laws when they don’t support your position at one point and time is a slippery slope. Take the Supreme Court for example. The left is screaming for term limits, because the court is a majority is filled with conservative judges. Just because one side isn’t getting their way, does that mean the whole system should be revamped to suit their needs? I think not.

As to your scenario of people travelling to give their baby citizenship, I agree with you on that. There shiild be some sort of bar to be met, such as PR for the parents. But I wager that there’s a million first gen’s that would be better suited for the office than the two current options.
Sorry, my mistake. Aren’t all American born citizens equal?

I guess my point is why would it matter where an American born citizens parents are from. And if they want to change the laws where if their parents are immigrants, how long is it before they say immigrant grandparents are a no-go as well.
It isn't merely that the parents are immigrants, it's that they are non-citizens.

Birthright citizenship imposes no burdens on 2nd/3rd world governments. It imposes massive burdens on 1st world governments.
Was glad to hear hunter habib update and that his daughter is not seriously injured. Any new info?

Looks pretty intense over there

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