
My take on this is the cop snipers on the didn't see the shooter because the roof is pitched away from them and the only reason they're looking that way is because the crowds are shouting at them and waiving there arms. It explains why the cop snipers flinch when the first shot is fired and had to re-aquire the target. It took them by surprise.
If the sniper teams did not have a line of sight on the roof because of the pitch they should’ve been higher up on a scissor lift or something else so they had a better field of fire.
Artic, that is most likely from a Russian Bot. Trying to sew anarchy here.

Anyone involved would not be on the internet flapping their gums.
Yeah, could be, the truth, even when we hear some of it will be unrecognizable
The fact that the J Biden event drew ss from the Trump event will only add fuel to this fire. Don’t know how much or how true this is but one official stated it.
Awesome to see
If you live in a reliably red county you probably should invest in some extra fire extinguishers because all the Trump voters are about to take to the streets to burn and loot just like the other side did in 2020 after Floyd died in Minneapolis.
Wait? What’s that? There’s zero chance of that happening?
I think it’s time to acknowledge the kids are NOT alright.
In case a loud noise just awakened you, that was the sound of democrat heads exploding. Aileen Cannon just dismissed the Trump document case because Jack Smith was unlawfully appointed a special prosecutor. This will be new precedent because DOJ has been doing it this way for quite a while. Because she is a Federal judge, this has the potential to derail everything he has touched.

It will of course be appealed by DOJ.

Some people seem to be making a switch from the hard left.

Amazing times we live in.

I think it's safe to say for the next few days to few weeks the story will change 100x and it's wise to take any "news" (from anywhere sadly) with a grain of salt.
A lot is going to come out of this.

If I was Trump, I'd have new replacement security, probably private vs. fed, like yesterday.
Well, things are definitely different now. I think the political world just got a really ugly wake up call. While I am a dyed in the wool GOP supporter, I do give credit to some (if not most) of the dems who agree this was a line that shouldn't be crossed. It is going to be interesting to see how the rhetoric changes.

The picture of Trump with his fist in the air with blood on his face backdropped by the American Flag will go down in history. I was always voting for him, although hadn't really "loved" the idea. Now? My wife and I are vehement supporters.

What I really want to know? How a shooter got 130 yds from an ex-president at a rally in an elevated position.
Saw a blurb on the news that the local police were supposed to secure the outer perimeter. Didn't take long from the SS DEI crowd to throw them under the bus.
Saw a blurb on the news that the local police were supposed to secure the outer perimeter. Didn't take long from the SS DEI crowd to throw them under the bus.

It's coming out that local PD actually saw the guy, saw he was armed, and somehow "failed to stop him." This should be interesting...

Some of the videos coming out from spectators actually showed the guy crawling on the roof. Quite some time before the shot was taken, I might add.

130 yds...mind boggling.
If you live in a reliably red county you probably should invest in some extra fire extinguishers because all the Trump voters are about to take to the streets to burn and loot just like the other side did in 2020 after Floyd died in Minneapolis.
Wait? What’s that? There’s zero chance of that happening?
I think it’s time to acknowledge the kids are NOT alright.
Nah..... I'm working, so that my tax dollars can help pay for the lazy degenerate welfare state, and good living for illegal aliens.
I don't have time to loot, pillage, and plunder.
In case a loud noise just awakened you, that was the sound of democrat heads exploding. Aileen Cannon just dismissed the Trump document case because Jack Smith was unlawfully appointed a special prosecutor. This will be new precedent because DOJ has been doing it this way for quite a while. Because she is a Federal judge, this has the potential to derail everything he has touched.

It will of course be appealed by DOJ.

Saw this come across the wire. Very, very interesting day for this news to break.

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I hunted elephant with Luke Samaris in 2005. It was my fourth safari and I tell you he is a fine gentleman the best. I got the opportunity to meet Patty Curtis, although never hunted with him but enjoyed our conversation around our tent in the Selous. Very sad for a tough guy to leave this world the way he did. Let’s pray the murderers are caught. I hope to see Luke in Nashville.