
I live in the Keys. there are a lot of trump supporters in my community. But remember that Obama won Florida twice. South Florida is still solidly Democrat, though I will admit that has softened since 2016. The problem for Trump is that his handling of COVID has really weakened enthusiasm for him.
It's an entirely different country than Obama won. In presidential elections, past is not prologue.

It's an entirely different country than Obama won. In presidential elections, past is not prologue.

View attachment 361356
Very true. Nobody thought Wisconsin would ever go for Trump either. It truly is remarkable how much the political landscape has changed in the past few years.
Does the Democratic Party think supporting rioters and Antifa is a winning hand?

Does the Democratic Party really think normal Americans want to defund the police?

Does the Democratic Party really think Americans want to stay home and wear masks?

Does the Democratic Party really think hiding their candidate in the basement until the election is a winning hand?

Does the Democratic Party really think Americans want turmoil in every facet of their lives?

Does the Democratic Party really think that Trump won't reveal the spying by the Clinton campaign and the Obama administration prior to the election?

Does the Democratic Party and some Republicans really think Trump won't reveal the public corruption that has gone on in America prior to the election?

The Democratic Party probably has at least two more things to unleash prior to the election. They will try to cause turmoil. Will it work? Has their turmoil worked so far. Buckle up. It will probably be a wild ride for the next three months!!!

Perhaps I am wrong, but it still looks like a massive landslide for Trump in November from this redneck in flyover country.
I am most certainly not a conservative, nor a Republican. Prior to 2016, I was a Democrat, though I have voted for Republicans in the past. However, I left the Democratic party after the rise of the Bernie Sanders left, bringing unprecedented levels of socialism and antisemitism to the Democratic party. It is very difficult for me to vote Republican because so many are religious conservatives. Still, the Democratic party has changed and this will probably be my last presidential election voting Democrat. I just want a candidate who supports civil liberties and personal freedoms, 2A rights, Israel, and business, while also being tough on China, Russia, and Iran. What we need is a new Barry Goldwater.

With regard to Trump, my mind is made up that he is a despicable person. I do not consider Biden to be much a threat to my beliefs, but if he were, I would hold my nose and vote for Trump, as dirty as it would make me feel. My enthusiasm for Biden was never very high, and it has certainly weakened as of late with the more "progressive" positions he has implemented into his platform. I do not think he will deliver on them, but it is still giving the "progressives" a voice in the party and that is a danger.

As I have said on numerous occasions, the biggest threat to the world is China. About the only thing that could flip my vote at this point is if I was certain that both Biden would enable China's expansion of global influence and Trump has a decisive strategy to coordinate international opposition to China. While Biden is certainly too soft on China for my liking, Trump has not demonstrated that he has any interest in developing such a strategy.

Appreciate your honesty. I agree with you that China is the biggest threat we face today.
I think all Americans can agree that America is looking dangerously like a failing empire and unless we do something quickly to correct our ship while also curbing the rising tide of China, we are going down.
I just want a candidate who supports civil liberties and personal freedoms, 2A rights, Israel, and business, while also being tough on China, Russia, and Iran.

With regard to Trump, my mind is made up that he is a despicable person. I do not consider Biden to be much a threat to my beliefs, but if he were, I would hold my nose and vote for Trump, as dirty as it would make me feel. My enthusiasm for Biden was never very high, and it has certainly weakened as of late with the more "progressive" positions he has implemented into his platform. I do not think he will deliver on them, but it is still giving the "progressives" a voice in the party and that is a danger.

As I have said on numerous occasions, the biggest threat to the world is China.

(I have chopped your post a bit) So you want a candidate as per the bold section in your post.... Do you really think that ANY Democrat president will hold up any of those things?? Seriously?!!!?!?? Let's have a look at that:
Civil Liberties:
Trump / Republicans: You can do what you want as long as it is within the confines of the law. Ther eis no systematic strangulation of civil liberties.
Democrats: They want a free for all where any suggestion of law and order is seen as oppression infringing on someone's liberties. For goodness sakes, the progressives are wanting child molesters to be reclassified 'minor attracted adults" or some such idiocy! The Democrats shout out about civil liberties but they ARE the party of ANTIFA / BLM etc... I don't see a lot of liberty there!!
Remember with liberty comes responsibility! The Democrats want anarchy and moral abandonment without the responsibility!

Personal Freedoms:
Pretty much like the above and as I said with freedom comes responsibility. The Democrats / liberals want to be free to do as they please. They ALSO want to be free of any repercussions from their actions. Do your REALLY think your long term personal freedom is protected under the Democrats. Really??

Yeah right! You think that the Democrats won't try anything and everything to go after your guns or restrict any of your rights surrounding this issue? I have kept an open mind when it comes to your arguments but if 2A is one of your core issues and you vote Democrat then I have think that TDS is more important than your core issues.

Once again, Trump is the only one that has had the balls to stand shoulder to shoulder with Israel and recognised Jerusalem. He has been UNWAVERING in his support while the Democrats (and their pro-arab stance) is openly anti Semitic and WILL NOT support Israel as he / Republicans have.

Who is the one who has given tax breaks to help business? Who has brought business back to the USA? Who has changed those idiotic trade deals with Mexico and Canada? Who has renegotiated deals with many other countries that now have better terms and benefits?

Being tough on China, Russia and Iran:
SHeeeeez, I shouldn't even have to spell this one out to you!
Democrats gave billions to Iran
Democrats bent over to China
Democrats / Progressive are merely wanting a communist type of "democracy" in the USA

On the other hand Trump did the opposite of the above! I shouldn't have to say anymore.

So Saul, of your self stated core issues, who do you think you should vote for? Who do you think is going to protect YOUR core issues? You say oh it's only Biden you're voting for and it's only for one term or less. Wrong! You're voting for the party behind the man!!! And if you think they won't attack your core issues you are seriously deluding yourself!

Get over your TDS and protect your own core issues by voting to protect them. Vote using your head and not your TDS.
Four years of a Dem controlled White House and Congress is what this man fears.

Thank you @Hogpatrol. This is understood very well by those who came from those communist countries, and from those who lived it every day. I'm being one of the lucky ones who survived to come to this great nation. I saw Nicaragua a beautiful country go to sh*t and saw how my grand parents lost everything they worked so hard for, and how the government took it all for the "redistribution of wealth". What he talks about indoctrination in schools, is absolutely true. There are more communist/socialist American now than before. It's scary. I joined the military when we were fighting communisms all over the world.
At least we agree that Trump is a despicable person regardless of his political achievements.

No. Actually, we do not agree. I said Trump was not congenial. I have zero problem with his lack of acting "presidential" particularly in regard to his harsh (and deservedly so) treatment of the democrats, mainstream media, and never-Trump republicans who have been on a mission to obstruct and destroy him by any means necessary since he announced his candidacy in 2015.

If we are using the word "despicable" is as it relates to a POTUS, I have my own definition of the word which I feel is much more appropriate. My definition of "despicable" would be a POTUS that deliberately divides a nation at every opportunity by automatically assuming that every arrest or crime involving a black person is racially motivated. My definition of "despicable" would be a POTUS that spent the first four years of his term going around the world apologizing for American pride & patriotism. My definition of "despicable" is a POTUS that agrees to send millions of US$ in cash as ransom money to a known enemy of the State. My definition of "despicable" is a POTUS that willingly sacrificed the lives of 4 brave Americans in a 3rd-world shithole that has been a hornet's nest of terrorism for decades, and subsequently lying about the reasons for doing so. These are just a few of the examples of my definition of the word "despicable". Just off the top of my head...

So, for future reference, make sure you fully contemplate how despicable behavior is personified in regard to the POTUS or any politician for that matter. Is it an, arrogant, blunt speaking, individual with a womanizing history as a playboy billionaire that has gotten more done for this country in 3.5 years than any POTUS in 100 years despite little to no bipartisan support, or is it a well-mannered, articulate, community organizer that was ashamed of his country and willing to sell us out at every opportunity?
Last edited:
No. Actually, we do not agree. I said Trump was not congenial. I have zero problem with his lack of acting "presidential" particularly in regard to his harsh (and deservedly so) treatment of the democrats, mainstream media, and never-Trump republicans who have been on a mission to obstruct and destroy him by any means necessary since he announced his candidacy in 2015.

If we are using the word "despicable" is as it relates to a POTUS, I have my own definition of the word which I feel is much more appropriate. My definition of "despicable" would be a POTUS that deliberately divides a nation at every opportunity by automatically assuming that every arrest or crime involving a black person is racially motivated. My definition of "despicable" would be a POTUS that spent the first four years of his term going around the world apologizing for American pride & patriotism. My definition of "despicable" is a POTUS that agrees to send millions of US$ in cash as ransom money to a known enemy of the State. My definition of "despicable" is a POTUS is one that willingly sacrificed the lives of 4 brave Americans in a 3rd-world shithole that has been a hornet's nest of terrorism for decades, and subsequently lying about the reasons for doing so. These are just a few of the examples of my definition of the word "despicable". Just off the top of my head...

So, for future reference, make sure you fully contemplate how despicable behavior is personified in regard to the POTUS or any politician for that matter. Is it an, arrogant, blunt speaking, individual with a womanizing history as a playboy billionaire that has gotten more done for this country in 3.5 years than any POTUS in 100 years despite little to no bipartisan support, or is it a well-mannered, articulate, community organizer that was ashamed of his country and willing to sell us out at every opportunity?
One can't "like" a post more than once. So in order to do this post justice I'll "like" it again here!
Well said!!!
The Democrats' keys to power:

Consistently and forcefully tell persons of a specific race that they are oppressed until they believe it.
Tell those with no initiative to work hard, persevere and get ahead that anyone else that does has an unfair advantage.
Profess that they, the Democratic Party, are the only ones who have the answers to these so called problems.
The problem is the damage that can be done by the Dems between 2021 and 2025. They already have a strong majority in the House and the Republicans will be lucky to hold the Senate.
Liberal Supreme Court justices... two or pack it. 2nd Amendment. Higher taxes. Do away with the Electorial College. To name a few.
He may be a jerk, but I like what Trump has done (excluding COVID).

Blaming Trump for COVID is like blaming the guy down at the corner dry cleaner for your missing a 100 yard shot on your last safari.
I live in the Keys. there are a lot of trump supporters in my community. But remember that Obama won Florida twice. South Florida is still solidly Democrat, though I will admit that has softened since 2016. The problem for Trump is that his handling of COVID has really weakened enthusiasm for him.

How exactly has Trump mishandled COVID?
The Democrats' keys to power:

Consistently and forcefully tell persons of a specific race that they are oppressed until they believe it.
Tell those with no initiative to work hard, persevere and get ahead that anyone else that does has an unfair advantage.
Profess that they, the Democratic Party, are the only ones who have the answers to these so called problems.
Yet look at the cities in America with the greatest amount of poverty, crime, corruption, etc. They are all controlled by Democrats. The Democrats have been promising to make things better for 50-60 years or more, yet they have no track record of doing so. Schools and academic achievement are abysmal, crime runs rampant in Democrat run cities and towns, economic activity is stifled due to onerous taxes - the list goes on.
(I have chopped your post a bit) So you want a candidate as per the bold section in your post.... Do you really think that ANY Democrat president will hold up any of those things?? Seriously?!!!?!?? Let's have a look at that:
Civil Liberties:
Trump / Republicans: You can do what you want as long as it is within the confines of the law. Ther eis no systematic strangulation of civil liberties.
Democrats: They want a free for all where any suggestion of law and order is seen as oppression infringing on someone's liberties. For goodness sakes, the progressives are wanting child molesters to be reclassified 'minor attracted adults" or some such idiocy! The Democrats shout out about civil liberties but they ARE the party of ANTIFA / BLM etc... I don't see a lot of liberty there!!
Remember with liberty comes responsibility! The Democrats want anarchy and moral abandonment without the responsibility!

Personal Freedoms:
Pretty much like the above and as I said with freedom comes responsibility. The Democrats / liberals want to be free to do as they please. They ALSO want to be free of any repercussions from their actions. Do your REALLY think your long term personal freedom is protected under the Democrats. Really??

Yeah right! You think that the Democrats won't try anything and everything to go after your guns or restrict any of your rights surrounding this issue? I have kept an open mind when it comes to your arguments but if 2A is one of your core issues and you vote Democrat then I have think that TDS is more important than your core issues.

Once again, Trump is the only one that has had the balls to stand shoulder to shoulder with Israel and recognised Jerusalem. He has been UNWAVERING in his support while the Democrats (and their pro-arab stance) is openly anti Semitic and WILL NOT support Israel as he / Republicans have.

Who is the one who has given tax breaks to help business? Who has brought business back to the USA? Who has changed those idiotic trade deals with Mexico and Canada? Who has renegotiated deals with many other countries that now have better terms and benefits?

Being tough on China, Russia and Iran:
SHeeeeez, I shouldn't even have to spell this one out to you!
Democrats gave billions to Iran
Democrats bent over to China
Democrats / Progressive are merely wanting a communist type of "democracy" in the USA

On the other hand Trump did the opposite of the above! I shouldn't have to say anymore.

So Saul, of your self stated core issues, who do you think you should vote for? Who do you think is going to protect YOUR core issues? You say oh it's only Biden you're voting for and it's only for one term or less. Wrong! You're voting for the party behind the man!!! And if you think they won't attack your core issues you are seriously deluding yourself!

Get over your TDS and protect your own core issues by voting to protect them. Vote using your head and not your TDS.
As you pointed out, the Democratic party has been infiltrated by the "progressives" who are in the process of remaking the party in their own image, which means antisemitism and communism. This is why I left the Democratic party.

I am not one to ignore the great things that have been accomplished under Trump. He has been a great ally of Israel and his tax reform was long overdue.

I also agree that Trump is more friendly to 2A than most any Democratic politician, but he is far from a true believer in 2A absolutism. In fact, he has called for the illegal confiscation of firearms from people placed on the no-fly list. His expansive view of executive power and federal authority worries me greatly. Even if Democrats were able to pass gun control legislation under Biden, I doubt it would survive a Supreme Court challenge.

Trump has taken the first steps with China, but I have yet to see him show the resolve to develop an international coalition to oppose China. However, I doubt that Biden would be any better on this front.

With regard to civil liberties and personal freedoms, Trump is vehemently opposed to abortion. I understand that this is a very sensitive issue for many people, but I am solidly pro-choice.

I would not say that I have TDS. Rather, I have a vomitous reaction to moral repugnancy.

No. Actually, we do not agree. I said Trump was not congenial. I have zero problem with his lack of acting "presidential" particularly in regard to his harsh (and deservedly so) treatment of the democrats, mainstream media, and never-Trump republicans who have been on a mission to obstruct and destroy him by any means necessary since he announced his candidacy in 2015.

If we are using the word "despicable" is as it relates to a POTUS, I have my own definition of the word which I feel is much more appropriate. My definition of "despicable" would be a POTUS that deliberately divides a nation at every opportunity by automatically assuming that every arrest or crime involving a black person is racially motivated. My definition of "despicable" would be a POTUS that spent the first four years of his term going around the world apologizing for American pride & patriotism. My definition of "despicable" is a POTUS that agrees to send millions of US$ in cash as ransom money to a known enemy of the State. My definition of "despicable" is a POTUS that willingly sacrificed the lives of 4 brave Americans in a 3rd-world shithole that has been a hornet's nest of terrorism for decades, and subsequently lying about the reasons for doing so. These are just a few of the examples of my definition of the word "despicable". Just off the top of my head...

So, for future reference, make sure you fully contemplate how despicable behavior is personified in regard to the POTUS or any politician for that matter. Is it an, arrogant, blunt speaking, individual with a womanizing history as a playboy billionaire that has gotten more done for this country in 3.5 years than any POTUS in 100 years despite little to no bipartisan support, or is it a well-mannered, articulate, community organizer that was ashamed of his country and willing to sell us out at every opportunity?

What is your personal limit for immorality in a president? Or is there a limit?
What is your personal limit for immorality in a president? Or is there a limit?

Sure. There's a limit albeit subjective. I thought I provided several excellent examples that exceed my personal limits for the level of immorality I am willing to tolerate from my POTUS in my earlier post.

If we are setting a morality bar as a pre-qualification for the US Presidency to exclude based on promiscuity, it think it's safe to say we would have eliminated at least half of the previous 44. Likely more than that.

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idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID
African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?