
I have no direct knowledge of DemonRat cheating in the present election, other than what has been in the news the last four years; but I do know actual cheating done in Chicago during the reign of Richard J Daley where 6 men went to 8 different precincts and cast ballots under different names. All 48 votes were for the DemonRat candidates. The general elections that I am aware of were '68, '72, & '76 but I'm sure they were in effect for several others.
Had this been your first post on the subject, I would say your assessment of the interview is delusional, just as I would expect from any other anti-Trumper. That interview, like the hundred-plus he has done before that one, is classic Trump. He speaks what he thinks, which is something they are desperately trying to keep Biden from doing.

I stick by my original opinion which I offered many posts ago in this thread which was that I think you're full of crap. I refuse to accept that you are as ignorant or naive as your remarks would have us believe. I think you are trolling with your asinine assertions to get a reaction from the pro-Trump crowd here which if fine. It's entertaining enough, and I enjoy calling out bulls!t almost as much as you appear to enjoy shoveling it. I look forward to your next nonsensical comment.

Yes, you have made it very clear that you think I am an idiot who is full of crap. You call my statements bullshit or nonsensical or naive or whatever else but you never say why. Because I disagree with you? Because I do not support Trump? It is not much of a political discussion if you do not contribute any reasoning as to why you support what you do.

You are correct that Trump says what he thinks. Unfortunately, it is pretty clear that his thoughts are not very good. Democrats are trying to keep Biden from speaking his mind too much because he cannot help himself from saying bizarre and occasionally off-color things. I am honestly amazed that he has managed to make it this far in politics considering the fact that he would have no toes for how many times he has shot himself in the foot.

I have no direct knowledge of DemonRat cheating in the present election, other than what has been in the news the last four years; but I do know actual cheating done in Chicago during the reign of Richard J Daley where 6 men went to 8 different precincts and cast ballots under different names. All 48 votes were for the DemonRat candidates. The general elections that I am aware of were '68, '72, & '76 but I'm sure they were in effect for several others.

Even though all local politics is corrupt, there is no corruption like Chicago corruption. With that said, Trump investigated voter fraud in the 2016 election and found nothing. I am far more worried about a foreign country trying to hack into a voting machine than I am a couple people casting multiple ballots, not to say that it is not also a problem that needs to be better addressed.
Standing at the voter registration verification table, "Driver's license please". Voter, "What address do you have for me?" as he shuffles through four of them in his hands. I'm not sure how this works with the new ones mandated by the events of 9/11 but that's the old way in the Democratically controlled urban areas.
While I would never put it past Democrats to get complacent and not vote because the polls look like a sure thing, even the Trump campaign realizes that they are in trouble. Trump looks like he is going to lose Wisconsin, Michigan, and Florida. He might even lose Texas. That is not a position I would want to be in if I were him.
Hmm. Do you really think the Cuban Americans are going to vote for socialism/quasi communism? Take a trip to south Florida. Take an informal poll. Check the polls concerning those who are wont to publicly speak of their politics. You'll find more Trump than Biden supporters. My area is filled with Biden signs but very few Trump signs. Does that mean Biden is leading in the polls? Only the young and naive would believe it. The Trump supporters just don't want their lawns turfed by the whack jobs that inhabit the Biden cabal.
The Trump supporters just don't want their lawns turfed by the whack jobs that inhabit the Biden cabal.

Along that line, tourism is the primary business in our town, and it's mostly tourists from the Seattle area. As could be expected there are several BLM signs along with the multi-colored "We Believe" signs. This is not done because anyone gives a hoot about the Bolsheviks. It's self-preservation.
Hmm. Do you really think the Cuban Americans are going to vote for socialism/quasi communism? Take a trip to south Florida. Take an informal poll. Check the polls concerning those who are wont to publicly speak of their politics. You'll find more Trump than Biden supporters.
I live in the Keys. there are a lot of trump supporters in my community. But remember that Obama won Florida twice. South Florida is still solidly Democrat, though I will admit that has softened since 2016. The problem for Trump is that his handling of COVID has really weakened enthusiasm for him.
Yes, you have made it very clear that you think I am an idiot who is full of crap. You call my statements bullshit or nonsensical or naive or whatever else but you never say why. Because I disagree with you? Because I do not support Trump? It is not much of a political discussion if you do not contribute any reasoning as to why you support what you do.

First of all, I never called you an idiot. I have asserted that you are full of crap. And, although they are not mutually exclusive, I do not believe that you are an idiot who is also full of crap. I have also asserted that your past comments have varied from asinine to nonsensical, but I refuse to argue the point because I think you are deliberately being argumentative to bait a reaction, at least where Trump is concerned. If you are not deliberately being provocative, then you just might be an idiot, and then what's the point?

As far as having a political discussion, I would love to have one if you can offer facts to back up your nonsensical assertions rather than merely tossing out emotional-based slights against Trump's character. I would never in a million years claim that Trump should be a candidate for a congeniality award, but in regard to what he has accomplished for this country and the promises he has kept in regard to the agenda he campaigned on, there is no argument. That is, unless, you oppose his agenda and the principles which make up the foundation of this republic which he fights daily to uphold. In that case, maybe the USA is not for you? I'm sure Karen Bass can make room for you on her next trip to Cuba.
I live in the Keys. there are a lot of trump supporters in my community. But remember that Obama won Florida twice. South Florida is still solidly Democrat, though I will admit that has softened since 2016. The problem for Trump is that his handling of COVID has really weakened enthusiasm for him.

That's only the perception amongst hard core Democrats and anti-Trumpers. Politically speaking, I wouldn't call the Keys southern Florida. More like southern Greenwich Village.
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While I would never put it past Democrats to get complacent and not vote because the polls look like a sure thing, even the Trump campaign realizes that they are in trouble. Trump looks like he is going to lose Wisconsin, Michigan, and Florida. He might even lose Texas. That is not a position I would want to be in if I were him.

They're a reason in Texas that they think Trump is in trouble. In Harris County alone, over 400k requests for vote by mail applications have been received.

And by the way, when I was in Key Largo,a couple of weeks ago, lots of boats flying Trump flags.
They're a reason in Texas that they think Trump is in trouble. In Harris County alone, over 400k requests for vote by mail applications have been received.

Whats amazing about that is per TX law to be able to vote by mail you must be 65 or older, be disabled, be confined to jail but otherwise allowed to vote, or be out of your county of residence on election day....

But 400K people in Harris County already know that one of those things apply to them and are getting ahead of the game?

yeah...... riiiiiiiiiiiight......

we have no reason to worry about voter fraud with mail in ballots...


I hope to see Trump soundly defeated and a field of talented, patriotic Republican candidates ready to take on and defeat Biden's VP. I think that Ben Sasse, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, Nikki Haley, and Rand Paul are all planning to run

Well Trump beat 2 of those talented patriotic Republicans, and there is nothing stopping them from running in 2024 if Trump wins.

The last thing the Democratic party wants is to threaten a 2024 run. The whole electoral college thing is just noise from the the Bernie supporters on Twitter. No Democratic politician has given it any serious thought.

Biden will step down in 90 days, which why there is so much lobbying on the VP position, they will still be able to be elected for 2 more terms...11 years is a long time. The second part of your quote is an opinion, not a fact, there is serious discussion about it, winning is power and power is all that matters.

Trump looks like he is going to lose Wisconsin, Michigan, and Florida

He probably won't lose Florida, regardless of what polls say, they are within the margin or error and he is polling better than the current governor did in his race. Believe it or not Trump is polling better than he did against Hillary at the same time.

So do you have any evidence to substantiate the claim that Democrats are orchestrating widespread vote rigging? It seems that the Republicans are trying to do whatever possible to prevent people from voting at all.

Asking someone to provide facts while providing another opinion. Do you have proof that republicans are doing whatever possible to prevent people from voting? I can apply logic, illegals can get a Driver License in CA, you need a drivers license to vote...not saying there is fraud but I logically can connect the dots.

I am going to rant a little and I apologize, but I dont feel like you are being honest saying you want to have an open conversation. You have your mind made up and would want to debate it a bit, which is fine. But you aren't a republican or a conservative, you are Democrat and you should just say so and be proud of it. I know so many Democrats like you, who vote D straight down the line but like to appear that they are reasonable and open and "would vote for a moderate reasonable republican". Then when said Democrat does exactly what they say they are going to do, you can act outrage and go oh I didn't know that was going to happen, I thought he would be moderate. If only the republican had run someone different. I fully expect that if Joe Biden wins and he does some weird sanctions on Isreal, some form of gun control or importation ban, this will be your response. I know way too many democrats like you, youre a blind cheerleader for Biden but you want the appearance of being reasonable, open minded and intellectual superior.

You can now lecture me on your Republican credentials and say how orange man is offensive and that matters more than policy.
First of all, I never called you an idiot. I have asserted that you are full of crap. And, although they are not mutually exclusive, I do not believe that you are an idiot who is also full of crap. I have also asserted that your past comments have varied from asinine to nonsensical, but I refuse to argue the point because I think you are deliberately being argumentative to bait a reaction, at least where Trump is concerned. If you are not deliberately being provocative, then you just might be an idiot, and then what's the point?

As far as having a political discussion, I would love to have one if you can offer facts to back up your nonsensical assertions rather than merely tossing out emotional-based slights against Trump's character. I would never in a million years claim that Trump should be a candidate for a congeniality award, but in regard to what he has accomplished for this country and the promises he has kept in regard to the agenda he campaigned on, there is no argument. That is, unless, you oppose his agenda and the principles which make up the foundation of this republic which he fights daily to uphold. In that case, maybe the USA is not for you? I'm sure Karen Bass can make room for you on her next trip to Cuba.

At least we agree that Trump is a despicable person regardless of his political achievements. Just off of the top of my head...

Trump policy I support: movement of U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, withdrawal from UN human rights council, USMCA, TCJA, First Step Act.

Trump policy I oppose: exploding the deficit, rolling back clean water and air regulations, abandoning the Kurds, PPP loans, child separations at the border.

That's only the perception amongst hard core Democrats and anti-Trumpers. Politically speaking, I wouldn't call the Keys southern Florida. More like southern Greenwich Village.

That is the first time I have heard that one and I like it! Still, I live in a fairly conservative community so Trump support is still strong.

They're a reason in Texas that they think Trump is in trouble. In Harris County alone, over 400k requests for vote by mail applications have been received.

And by the way, when I was in Key Largo,a couple of weeks ago, lots of boats flying Trump flags.

Those Harris County ballots were sent to every senior citizen in the County registered to vote.
I am going to rant a little and I apologize, but I dont feel like you are being honest saying you want to have an open conversation. You have your mind made up and would want to debate it a bit, which is fine. But you aren't a republican or a conservative, you are Democrat and you should just say so and be proud of it. I know so many Democrats like you, who vote D straight down the line but like to appear that they are reasonable and open and "would vote for a moderate reasonable republican". Then when said Democrat does exactly what they say they are going to do, you can act outrage and go oh I didn't know that was going to happen, I thought he would be moderate. If only the republican had run someone different. I fully expect that if Joe Biden wins and he does some weird sanctions on Isreal, some form of gun control or importation ban, this will be your response. I know way too many democrats like you, youre a blind cheerleader for Biden but you want the appearance of being reasonable, open minded and intellectual superior.

You can now lecture me on your Republican credentials and say how orange man is offensive and that matters more than policy.

I am most certainly not a conservative, nor a Republican. Prior to 2016, I was a Democrat, though I have voted for Republicans in the past. However, I left the Democratic party after the rise of the Bernie Sanders left, bringing unprecedented levels of socialism and antisemitism to the Democratic party. It is very difficult for me to vote Republican because so many are religious conservatives. Still, the Democratic party has changed and this will probably be my last presidential election voting Democrat. I just want a candidate who supports civil liberties and personal freedoms, 2A rights, Israel, and business, while also being tough on China, Russia, and Iran. What we need is a new Barry Goldwater.

With regard to Trump, my mind is made up that he is a despicable person. I do not consider Biden to be much a threat to my beliefs, but if he were, I would hold my nose and vote for Trump, as dirty as it would make me feel. My enthusiasm for Biden was never very high, and it has certainly weakened as of late with the more "progressive" positions he has implemented into his platform. I do not think he will deliver on them, but it is still giving the "progressives" a voice in the party and that is a danger.

As I have said on numerous occasions, the biggest threat to the world is China. About the only thing that could flip my vote at this point is if I was certain that both Biden would enable China's expansion of global influence and Trump has a decisive strategy to coordinate international opposition to China. While Biden is certainly too soft on China for my liking, Trump has not demonstrated that he has any interest in developing such a strategy.
About the only thing that could flip my vote at this point is if I was certain that both Biden would enable China's expansion of global influence .

Such as when China demands the favors that they paid Biden's son for?
Robin Williams releasing pertinent videos from the grave. :p


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idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID
African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?