So after reading your post a little more thoroughly Mr. Red Leg and this could apply to all AH members who were offended, since you appear to be a man of detail and linear thinking: I’ve been careful in making my points to not specifically name any AH member or specifically call them out in any derogatory fashion. Find one single example of where I’ve done this, where I’ve specifically called out a member? “They” is not singling out a specific individual. When I am generalizing, one must therefore choose to be offended. The ONLY direct quote directed toward you that I made was “With old due respect, take you blinders off.” Paraphrasing a little….I had a point to make about wealth and my belief that it creates a detachment from the working class and I enjoyed the dialogue. Some took it personal, that is fine, however they were not singled out by name.
Now, you have chosen to believe and make this personal, that is your own doing. When it comes to a direct interaction with another member, I will always be respectful and everything I have written bears this out. It is when I generalize with no AH member names specifically mentioned that some take exception and most that do are cordial. Clearly, when I stated certain members must look in the mirror and say I am a flawed human being nightly was humor….well you may again decide to take this as an insult but you appear to be a man without humor. I myself enjoy humor, even in combat or life threatening situations, clearly a way for men to regulate stress, I miss that camaraderie.
I do not believe it wise to respond in anger, better to wait until the anger subsides so one’s thoughts are not clouded. Also, this has been said …”The internet is not for the thin skinned.” You have made some personal and direct snide comments specifically to me. I shall choose to not be offended, well because it’s the internet and it you would not say these things in person. You may be an esteemed member of the AH forum, but I find your behavior in this specific situation to be very ungentlemanly, very un officer like, and it is you sir who owe me an apology. I will extend an olive branch and apologize to you specifically since you were the most offended. I expect the same courtesy or you may relegate me to “enemy” status…I shall not reciprocate.
I will say this: I have clashed and fought with brother Marines and brother law enforcement officers. Extreme type A personalities, men driven to succeed, performing at a high level, clash at times, but when it comes time for the mission, we are brothers, focused on accomplishing our mission and taking care of one another. I play hard and fight hard, sometimes with other team members, but will always have a beer together and share in the camaraderie. At the end of the day, all members on this forum are not the enemy.