
Like @Zambezi said, it's difficult to understand because it has never been experienced here in the US. Dictators and oppressive regimes don't give a sh*t about world view, or what the UN will say, or any sanctions. The country population lives under a brutal oppressive regime, and if you disagree or try to stir anything, you'll disappear.

Another issue is, how are you going to fight, with what weapons? You can't trust anyone. And unless outside support comes in with weapons, you have no way of fighting.

It is scary, and sad; you feel hopeless and live your day by day.
America was ruled at one time by the tyrants of the British Empire. A revolution sparked by the Boston tea party.
That was an era of fairly primitive conventional weapons.
Modern day tyrants have the weight of military might behind them.
It would be guerilla warfare at best.
If we don't start listening to people llke this, the problems we will have someday soon will make the things we normally get upset about on this forum irrelevant.
Geert Wilders was a lone wolf crying in the wilderness decades ago in Holland. Everyone thought he was overreacting but look at Western Europe now.

Couldn't agree more. I'm amazed that people don't pay more attention to it. Some do I'm sure and have their opinions but are afraid to say the littlest thing for fear of being labeled. That's what they rely on. Others have the typical western mindset that most of these people just have to be good and they won't cause any problems. Some of them are good, but you can bet they won't speak up when your life is on the line. Meanwhile we're importing these people across the southern border and we brought in plane loads from Afghanistan during the withdrawal.

There are some people like Douglas Murray unapologetically speaking out in the UK and Europe. Meanwhile the UK and Canada are waging war on others like Tommy Robinson who was just arrested/intimidated and released in Canada just because he's fighting for common sense and calling out the system.

People are waking up but will it be soon enough?
It has started already. Wasn't there a state that passed a law that if you misgender someone, you could be fined/sued, some BS like that?
They are simply renaming it as a "hate crime". In the UK they'll arrest the guy standing in front of a church quoting scripture, saying he's intimidating people and say they received reports of people feeling scared. Meanwhile the crowd down the street yelling allahu akbar and calling for sharia get ignored.
If I was Trump, the first thing I would do when reelected, is drive down to the DOJ & FBI, and do a mass firing.
I would want to look them in the eye when I tell them to get the hell out of the building, and go jump off a cliff.

Brooooooo. I'm in complete agreement. Go back to just before the FDR new deal. Any agencies that existed then can stay. All the rest of you... don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

Gut it.

I take one back. They can keep the TVA and anything else that is focused on ensuring strategic and redundant power sources are supported.

And if the Dept of Edu was pre-FDR... tell everyone they have 3 years to find a new privately paid education plan for their children and start gutting that indoctrination and money laundering pipeline too.

I am hesitant about completely wiping intelligence agencies but in their current form (I.e., deep state business development arm of the military industrial complex and enemy of the will of the voters) I think we're better off starting over at zero.
That is an amazing level self-justification. To remind, you were perfectly clear in your original offensively self-righteous diatribe. You are the one who directly accused about a third of the members of this discussion of "an air of superiority ....... looking down at the ignorant, uneducated in some ways. They can’t conceal it. I suspect this mirrors a more national or worldwide view, well beyond the AH forum." Your exact words - not my interpretation of them ~ was that you had come to believe "some of them are so far removed and insulated from the middle class or lower they simply cannot relate to them in any way, shape or form, not anymore, their thoughts deep into academia but not reality." You, no one else, decided to make this personal between you and those corresponding on this forum who dared to be critical of Donald J. Trump.

I will further allege that the smug sarcasm and inverse elitism of that diatribe was absolutely clear to anyone and not an issue of you being in some way unclear. You even went so far has to describe to those who you insulted how clever you were by concluding this assessment "from little snippets in their posts." How far does your hand reach across your back while patting it?

I am trying to imagine the pure insolence of someone saying directly to another reader of these posts that "they" again referring directly to members of this forum, "sit back and sip on their martinis, contemplating politics and life, almost exhibiting a level of hubris."

So yes, I have and will continue to be a critic a of Trump. I am also as solid a conservative as anyone on this forum. I am not sure what Trump is. He may indeed be the least worse of two bad choices.

What I also will not allow to go unchallenged is a direct, disdainful, and totally ignorant personal attack against me. Six days later you write "Hmmmm... perhaps I’m just not conveying my thoughts adequately" On the contrary, you wrote exactly what you meant to say, and I am confident everyone interpreted it exactly as you meant it.

So, after reiterating your attacks on fellow forum members who you have seemingly concluded are a class incapable of understanding your political worldview, you decide to sum up with, "To them I would say we are all flawed human beings…look in the mirror and say it…I am a flawed human being…I am imperfect…I may not always be right…certain members must perform this nightly…" It must be a real burden to bear such sanctimony daily - or perhaps it is merely cluelessness.
So after reading your post a little more thoroughly Mr. Red Leg and this could apply to all AH members who were offended, since you appear to be a man of detail and linear thinking: I’ve been careful in making my points to not specifically name any AH member or specifically call them out in any derogatory fashion. Find one single example of where I’ve done this, where I’ve specifically called out a member? “They” is not singling out a specific individual. When I am generalizing, one must therefore choose to be offended. The ONLY direct quote directed toward you that I made was “With old due respect, take you blinders off.” Paraphrasing a little….I had a point to make about wealth and my belief that it creates a detachment from the working class and I enjoyed the dialogue. Some took it personal, that is fine, however they were not singled out by name.

Now, you have chosen to believe and make this personal, that is your own doing. When it comes to a direct interaction with another member, I will always be respectful and everything I have written bears this out. It is when I generalize with no AH member names specifically mentioned that some take exception and most that do are cordial. Clearly, when I stated certain members must look in the mirror and say I am a flawed human being nightly was humor….well you may again decide to take this as an insult but you appear to be a man without humor. I myself enjoy humor, even in combat or life threatening situations, clearly a way for men to regulate stress, I miss that camaraderie.

I do not believe it wise to respond in anger, better to wait until the anger subsides so one’s thoughts are not clouded. Also, this has been said …”The internet is not for the thin skinned.” You have made some personal and direct snide comments specifically to me. I shall choose to not be offended, well because it’s the internet and it you would not say these things in person. You may be an esteemed member of the AH forum, but I find your behavior in this specific situation to be very ungentlemanly, very un officer like, and it is you sir who owe me an apology. I will extend an olive branch and apologize to you specifically since you were the most offended. I expect the same courtesy or you may relegate me to “enemy” status…I shall not reciprocate.

I will say this: I have clashed and fought with brother Marines and brother law enforcement officers. Extreme type A personalities, men driven to succeed, performing at a high level, clash at times, but when it comes time for the mission, we are brothers, focused on accomplishing our mission and taking care of one another. I play hard and fight hard, sometimes with other team members, but will always have a beer together and share in the camaraderie. At the end of the day, all members on this forum are not the enemy.
you dont have to completely kill the agency(s)... you just need to gut them.. do like Elon did at Twitter.. figure out who/what is absolutely essential to be able to execute the mission.. and get rid of everyone else.. if there is senior leadership not on board with the plan.. send them packing with the rest and hire new leadership..

every single US Govt agency I am aware of.. not just the law enforcement and intelligence community agencies are bloviated, over staffed, under performing entities.. if you ran a business like the agencies are run they'd be bankrupt inside a year and the board of directors and executive leadership would be immersed in more lawsuits than could possibly be managed..

it doesnt matter if we're talking about the FBI, DOE, USFS, DIA, or EPA... the above applies..
Please just everybody ignore @BJH65

It has become a little ridiculous. I think I’ll just take a deep breath and scroll past for the time being.
you dont have to completely kill the agency(s)... you just need to gut them.. do like Elon did at Twitter.. figure out who/what is absolutely essential to be able to execute the mission.. and get rid of everyone else.. if there is senior leadership not on board with the plan.. send them packing with the rest and hire new leadership..

every single US Govt agency I am aware of.. not just the law enforcement and intelligence community agencies are bloviated, over staffed, under performing entities.. if you ran a business like the agencies are run they'd be bankrupt inside a year and the board of directors and executive leadership would be immersed in more lawsuits than could possibly be managed..

it doesnt matter if we're talking about the FBI, DOE, USFS, DIA, or EPA... the above applies..
I think this is an area of opportunity that Democrats are largely ignoring. Government can do great things, but that is only possible when the government is run responsibly.
So after reading your post a little more thoroughly Mr. Red Leg and this could apply to all AH members who were offended, since you appear to be a man of detail and linear thinking: I’ve been careful in making my points to not specifically name any AH member or specifically call them out in any derogatory fashion. Find one single example of where I’ve done this, where I’ve specifically called out a member? “They” is not singling out a specific individual. When I am generalizing, one must therefore choose to be offended. The ONLY direct quote directed toward you that I made was “With old due respect, take you blinders off.” Paraphrasing a little….I had a point to make about wealth and my belief that it creates a detachment from the working class and I enjoyed the dialogue. Some took it personal, that is fine, however they were not singled out by name.

Now, you have chosen to believe and make this personal, that is your own doing. When it comes to a direct interaction with another member, I will always be respectful and everything I have written bears this out. It is when I generalize with no AH member names specifically mentioned that some take exception and most that do are cordial. Clearly, when I stated certain members must look in the mirror and say I am a flawed human being nightly was humor….well you may again decide to take this as an insult but you appear to be a man without humor. I myself enjoy humor, even in combat or life threatening situations, clearly a way for men to regulate stress, I miss that camaraderie.

I do not believe it wise to respond in anger, better to wait until the anger subsides so one’s thoughts are not clouded. Also, this has been said …”The internet is not for the thin skinned.” You have made some personal and direct snide comments specifically to me. I shall choose to not be offended, well because it’s the internet and it you would not say these things in person. You may be an esteemed member of the AH forum, but I find your behavior in this specific situation to be very ungentlemanly, very un officer like, and it is you sir who owe me an apology. I will extend an olive branch and apologize to you specifically since you were the most offended. I expect the same courtesy or you may relegate me to “enemy” status…I shall not reciprocate.

I will say this: I have clashed and fought with brother Marines and brother law enforcement officers. Extreme type A personalities, men driven to succeed, performing at a high level, clash at times, but when it comes time for the mission, we are brothers, focused on accomplishing our mission and taking care of one another. I play hard and fight hard, sometimes with other team members, but will always have a beer together and share in the camaraderie. At the end of the day, all members on this forum are not the enemy.
I expressed myself exactly as I intended.
Julian Assange is free, however, it does have the oder of political opportunism attached to it, considering the Dem's wanted to crucify him

Trump was considering a pardon for Assange. Mitch McConnell sent a message to the White House that he couldn't guarantee Trump wouldn't be impeached/indicted if he pardoned Assange.

The plea that Assange signed says that Assange will destroy all records in his and Wikileaks possession.

If Trump wins the election and pardon's Assange there is a good chance that the Trump DOJ would not require that of Assange and Assange could start releasing all the info he hasn't published yet.

My guess is the Biden DOJ felt this is the best they could do with the time constraints.

I was hoping to know more of the story of Seth Rich, plus other malfeasance of our government officials. At this point I am not sure that will ever happen.

I think this is an area of opportunity that Democrats are largely ignoring. Government can do great things, but that is only possible when the government is run responsibly.

Sadly, I think its an area of opportunity that both parties are ignoring...

The democrats however are particularly worse about it IMO...

in 2023 the second fastest growing job demographic was freaking federal government.. (yeah! thats the solution! we'll say the job market is improving by taxing them more so that we can pay for even more people to work for the federal government! /sarcasm)...

I lived in DC during the first few years post 9/11... you could literally see the explosion of the US federal government.. the housing market went insane... they were hiring people so fast that the metro area couldnt remotely keep up with the growth.. there was nothing available to rent or buy (housing).. the roads got so packed that a 10 mile commute became a 1.5 hour exercise in some places.. parking lots were packed to capacity at all times.. etc..etc..

and here we are 20+ years later.. and it still hasnt slowed down..

Most people have no clue just how out of control the federal government is... they focus on the big agencies like the FBI, etc... and ask why they are so large, so inefficient, etc..

thats not where the real problem is (IMO)...

how many people are aware there is a US federal agency called the Japan United States Friendship Commission?

https://www.jusfc.gov/#:~:text=The Japan-U.S. Friendship Commission (JUSFC) is an independent,the United States and Japan.

It is a full blown US federal government agency.. that maintains a website, has a budget of $2.5M annually.. and employs a whopping 4x people.... whose purpose is to stimulate business relationships between the US and Japan...

We've been funding this agency since 1975... 50 freaking years...

anyone care to guess how many US federal agencies there are out there like this? and how much money we spend on them every year? there are literally THOUSANDS of them..

The issue is they get put on the books for a singular purpose.. and then because of their size and insignificance of their mission... they get forgotten about... and just continue to exist while providing little to no value to the american people...

but heaven forbid we actually close an agency down and that a US government employee have to seek employment in the private sector...

how poorly our government is managed is absolutely beyond the pale..

If I managed my business remotely like any US federal agency I am aware of is managed.. I would have been fired a very long time ago... and would have had a really hard time finding follow on employment..

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schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.
Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!