Thank you sir. I recommend a few utilize it.there is a blocking feature..
click on the persons name... the center button at the bottom of the pop up says "ignore"... click it.. and that person's posts become blocked from you seeing them...
I think the title of the movie version is “Mean Girls”…….Are we in high school? No worries, the feeling is mutual with you and a few others. A blocking feature would be nice.
Amen. May I remind the participants in this childish foolishness of the last paragraph in my previous post: "Keep your mouth shut and no one will know you're a damn fool." Don't go blatting your face off unless you want to get called on it. The rest of us here don't give a damn but it is rather hilarious.It has become a little ridiculous. I think I’ll just take a deep breath and scroll past for the time being.
I much prefer Lenny Bruce’s book “How to Talk Dirty & Influence People.”
If I was Trump, the first thing I would do when reelected, is drive down to the DOJ & FBI, and do a mass firing.
I would want to look them in the eye when I tell them to get the hell out of the building, and go jump off a cliff.
Some of the more telling quotes from the article.....
Interesting that some of the signatories of Hunter Biden laptop letter were on CIA payroll and admitted their aim was to get Biden elected.
Amen. May I remind the participants in this childish foolishness of the last paragraph in my previous post: "Keep your mouth shut and no one will know you're a damn fool." Don't go blatting your face off unless you want to get called on it. The rest of us here don't give a damn but it is rather hilarious.
Interesting that some of the signatories of Hunter Biden laptop letter were on CIA payroll and admitted their aim was to get Biden elected.
Surprised this info ever made it to daylight- with the MSM conveniently ignoring (burying) it for so long. SCOTUS just ruled that the gov can label this type “negative-to-the-narrative” info as dis-information and censor such as it sees fit. Interesting timing IMO given Pelosi said the SCOTUS has gone “rogue” on CNN with commie Cooper 3 days ago. And no, the video of her saying it was not some “cheap fake” produced by right wing MAGA conspiracy theorists with CGI-AI editing machinery. I guess the 1st Amendment doesn’t say what I thought it says. Wow “are” I confused!Some of the more telling quotes from the article.....
“Even Michael Morell — before the Committees learned of his contract with the CIA — acknowledged, ‘It’s inappropriate for a currently serving staff officer or contractor to be involved in the political process.'”
“Due to purported operational concerns, the CIA declined to declassify the entire universe of signatories who were on active contract.”
My personal favorite......
Morell testified to Congress last year that he was inspired to organize the letter after receiving a call from future Secretary of State Antony Blinken, a longtime Biden adviser.
Just back from my trip and have a little time to respond. I think, at least for me it’s difficult to really convey all of one’s thoughts in writing without for me at least, writing an extensive amount which I try to avoid doing on this site. I try to keep it as short and concise as I can so nobody fall’s asleep reading! Of course a conversation over a beer would truly be better at conveying one’s points.
I do not mean this as criticism to those who’ve worked very hard to achieve a level of success that affords them the ability to enjoy the finer things in life and allows them to live at least from a financial perspective a worry free life. Yes, I would lump myself into this group although I don’t think I’m in Tank’s stratosphere!
What my theory was is in general, the more wealth one has, the more one becomes detached from those who are what I would describe as blue collar working class people ( Trump supporters) So say those in the top 1% may be the most detached, top 5% slightly less, top 10% a little more less detached (me) and so on. Well of course there will be exceptions, perhaps members on this forum, but we’re talking in general. I also spent a career interacting with the folks MDWest describes, so I know very well those types, but they are non taxpayers. Even in the ghetto however, are poor working class and those retired on fixed income who do pay some taxes. It is my contention that they and the blue collar working class do not contemplate much of what is being discussed on this political forum.
I have had some interaction in my career and in life over the years with some men of high rank both in the military and my career in law enforcement. Some were even mentors to me and a couple of legendary status, to me anyways. Great men, great leaders, climbing the ranks to the highest levels many from humble beginnings. Yet still, inevitably, even in them, I noticed a level of detachment. This isn’t a criticism which many here interpret as, it’s an observation. Yes, there are those of us who have lived in the shit, crawled around in the shit, and have excellent memories of the shit, but we are not in it now and some have been away from it for years.
For anyone interested in the facts of this case, the names I have given are accurate. You can look it up. The next time you hear someone say, "It's wrong to murder in the name of the state. We should lock them up in prisons where they can't hurt anyone." Tell them this story. Prison staff are humans with families. Jayme had two small children, along with other family.We must learn that we are the first line of defence, and we must fight back when we are attacked. When violent criminals are arrested and convicted they should receive the maximum penalty allowed by law. We need to insist that the death penalty be in place, and when appropriate, be used.
A young woman that I knew was murdered while working in a prison. The man that killed her was tried and convicted. He also confessed. He was sentenced to death. He had already been sentenced to life without parole for previous crimes. Now the politicians in Washington state have banned the death penalty. So now Byron Sherf is sentenced to life without parole, again, and we are back to where we were before he murdered Jayme Biendl. According to the Democrats view of justice, Jayme was a "freebie" and just a bonus kill.
not I...I’m more than sure the members here have already made up their minds on whom they are voting for in November. Who is going to watch the circus tonight just the entertainment factor?