
I get what you're saying, I just don't think it's accurate to say we're detached. Marie Antoinette's famous "let them eat cake" is detached.

The reality is that people like my own good self have been tireless apologists for limited government and honest money for decades. Whatever else may be good for the hands-on, working, sweating class, there is nothing better for them or for us.

And FTR, I rarely drink martinis. Bourbon neat, gin/rocks, or grappa.

To be honest, that is what I found offensive, honestly martinis is so top 20%.
I get what you're saying, I just don't think it's accurate to say we're detached. Marie Antoinette's famous "let them eat cake" is detached.

The reality is that people like my own good self have been tireless apologists for limited government and honest money for decades. Whatever else may be good for the hands-on, working, sweating class, there is nothing better for them or for us.

And FTR, I rarely drink martinis. Bourbon neat, gin/rocks, or grappa.
lol…Excellent….I‘m more a craft beer and wine guy when I do drink.
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Julian Assange is free, however, it does have the oder of political opportunism attached to it, considering the Dem's wanted to crucify him
Only one reason to do that - maximum publicity effect. Of course no protective covers were added to the Biden trove and no photos.

...and Hillary deleted hers with no repercussions per the head of the FBI since the Attorney General was compromised due to her meeting with Bill at Sky Harbor.
Many are calling for Biden to take a drug test. Before and after the debate.
It shouldn't be a problem, if there is nothing to hide.
But we all know it won't happen.
After the debate they'll whisk Biden off to the basement, and out of the public eye.
Thank you for that, I feel I am a pretty decent guy. Well, yes if I was inappropriate and out of line, I’ll certainly apologize. What I’ve learned in life… if you’re wrong admit it, learn from it and move on….just offering opinions based on my observations in life….some members have taken great offense it seems as if I propositioned their wife or called them a dirty bastard! Actually, I do respect all on AH, but I believe there is nothing wrong with respectfully challenging some….really I don’t take myself to seriously and I stated before….this isn’t the boardroom or the battlefield…this isn’t a Col Nathan Jessep scene in “A few good Men”….at least for me anyways I would never get worked up and upset over anything said on the internet…I find it rather silly
Just to be clear, you are or are not apologizing??
Just to be clear, you are or are not apologizing??
Sure…pretty please with sugar on top? C‘mon, I sincerely hope no one needs a tissue over this…I seemed to have misjudged some…Gee…I can’t be part of the group anymore?
Thank you for that, I feel I am a pretty decent guy. Well, yes if I was inappropriate and out of line, I’ll certainly apologize. What I’ve learned in life… if you’re wrong admit it, learn from it and move on….just offering opinions based on my observations in life….some members have taken great offense it seems as if I propositioned their wife or called them a dirty bastard! Actually, I do respect all on AH, but I believe there is nothing wrong with respectfully challenging some….really I don’t take myself to seriously and I stated before….this isn’t the boardroom or the battlefield…this isn’t a Col Nathan Jessep scene in “A few good Men”….at least for me anyways I would never get worked up and upset over anything said on the internet…I find it rather silly
Well, thank you for owning up to a stupid mistake. However, it would be a great idea to really think about something before posting. Granted, this is a political forum and people are quite paassionate about their politics, sometimes to the extreme. I strive to remain neutral and have to chuckle at some of the exchanges I read. I call it my daily comic strip, no slight intended. Actually, I find it quite informative and diverse.
I must admit, though, your diatribe did strike a nerve with me. I grew up in poverty and am a self made man, somewhere in the middle class. I struggled to accomplish what I have and consider myself no better or worse than anyone else. What anyone has they undoubtably earned and I do not begrudge them in the least.
I learned a long time ago through the school of hard knocks not to judge. That and 30 years of military service taught me to evaluate each person on their performance, not their social standing. Social standing does play a part and some take it to a different level but in the end we all put our pants on one leg at a time.
My Dad had a couple great sayings that stuck with me. "Keep your mouth shut and no one will know you're a damn fool." "Watch out for people with their pisspot airs." That one was directed to those who consider themselves better than others.
I will now descend from my soapbox. Have a nice day.
Many are calling for Biden to take a drug test. Before and after the debate.
It shouldn't be a problem, if there is nothing to hide.
But we all know it won't happen.
After the debate they'll whisk Biden off to the basement, and out of the public eye.
This wouldn’t surprise me. I won’t go into it fully online but I guided a guy who was both a doctor and a lawyer from TX many years ago. He was friends with the Ford family and Bush family and independently wealthy. After 9/11, Bush put him in charge of cleaning up the corruption found at a government agency involved with 9/11 relief. He told me about White House doctors being replaced when Clinton took office because the previous doctors in charge of all the White House doctors refused a certain “treatment” that Clinton wanted daily. Clinton then personally selected and promoted another doctor from within the lower ranks of White House doctors to be in charge. Clinton later personally recommended this same doctor to be promoted to Admiral. Go figure.
Sure…pretty please with sugar on top? C‘mon, I sincerely hope no one needs a tissue over this…I seemed to have misjudged some…Gee…I can’t be part of the group anymore?
I don’t know why this is so difficult for some people. I’m pretty straightforward and call them like I see them. Your apologies suck. Perhaps you’ve heard that before.

I will read between the (your) lines: “Sure… I seemed to have misjudged some…” and let’s leave it at that.
Sure ,you can After all having some of the Hoi Pollio is good for DEI in the group. ;)
Tanks, I must admit you cause me to use the dictionary often. :)
lol…Excellent….I‘m more a craft beer and wine guy when I do drink.
NGL, I love beer, but it doesn't love me back. Gives me bitch teats and makes me fart a lot.
Gives me bitch teats and makes me fart a lot.
this explains a lot of whats been going on around the mdwest house I think... :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Well, thank you for owning up to a stupid mistake. However, it would be a great idea to really think about something before posting. Granted, this is a political forum and people are quite paassionate about their politics, sometimes to the extreme. I strive to remain neutral and have to chuckle at some of the exchanges I read. I call it my daily comic strip, no slight intended. Actually, I find it quite informative and diverse.
Yes, I have a tendency to stir things up a bit. However, I was able to compel myself to remain silent most of the time in the Marines and my law enforcement career but not always…however I did speak my mind if a felt it important enough to my detriment sometimes…let us say I didn’t make Chief…I did not know my place I’ve been told….but Lt was fine…the highest rank one could achieve with my agency where you still could be in the field…Yes sir, we all come into the world with nothing and leave with nothing.
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matt2H wrote on matt vejar's profile.
Hey there Matt - i would love to understand some more about your bringing trophies home from South Africa in your checked luggage. My PH is holding onto a bushbuck euro and flatskin for me - and i am due back in South Africa in just over a week. He does have the export permit provided by the taxidermist for me. When you have a moment - could we go through the EDC Form and App? Looking forward to hearing from you.
Smo1127 wrote on duckfish's profile.
Neen doing Zelle or Venmo with other members, let me know if good for you and Ill give you my info. Im semding other orders out tomorrow so if paid today ill ship tomorrow
cwpayton wrote on Trogon's profile.
Hey trogon thanks for the shipping trophys info, so this being my first time shipping ,did you hire a firm here in the states to handle the import or was that an African firm, I would be happy with a cost around 3000+.
JG26Irish_2 wrote on 9412765's profile.
RE: Interarms Whitworth 375HH f/sale f/$850. If still available, I will buy it. I am in KY can do a face to face deal. My e-mail is:

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Your 5 hrs f/me. You travel to OH w/work. If you can be at Cincinnati, OH that 1/2 way. I can travel most days but Friday afternoons are best. Let's set up a date/time/location to meet up.
thriller wrote on Sue Tidwell's profile.
Just finished your book (audio) and ordered a hardback for my Library. You did a wonderful job explaining the way conservation works in Africa, and my wife is interested in reading your book now. Thank you for your work.