Pride morale patch allowed on military uniform for "Pride Month"? WTF? While I have both gay and trans friends I don't see how allowing this promotes unit cohesion nor military readiness.
The military used to be non-political. It should remain that way.
From the article:
A new political symbol for uniforms
The latest example of this politicization (and there are many) has been revealed by the
Stars and Stripes. It reports that the commander of the OSAN airbase in South Korea has authorized troops on the base to wear a “pride morale patch” on their military uniforms, in public and while on duty.

The commander’s spokeswoman told
Stars and Stripes that “
The patch represents the advancement of the Air Force’s commitment to diversity, inclusion, dignity, and respect within the mission.” Now, there is a commander who understands what his political masters want to see.
Frankly, I would prefer an Air Force that prioritized a “
commitment” to winning our wars, but that’s just old-fashioned me.
Although they call it a “pride patch, the “pride” being touted has nothing to do with military accomplishments as does, say, a Ranger tab, a Seal trident, airborne wings, a ribbon or medal signifying an award for valor in combat, or even a campaign ribbon.
So now Army troops on the air base can proudly proclaim their allegiance to diverse sexual practices by sporting “pride” patch alongside their Ranger tabs, CIB’s and valor awards. Nice job, commander.
So, make no mistake about it: Flaunting a 13-colored “pride” patch that announces the wearer’s supposed “pride” in identifying with particular sexual practices or lifestyles, is a political statement. It does absolutely
nothing to advance a miliary unit’s lethality, competence or readiness. But it does signal loyalty to DEI
politics. Allowing it on any military uniform is another strike against an apolitical military, which is essential to a free country. But the base commander, Colonel William McKibban, clearly sees which way the political winds are blowing. My prediction is that he will make general.