
At this point, the "primary season" is just a formality. It is painfully obvious that the election will be between Trump and Biden, unless one of them dies. I know which one I will vote for, but I'm not donating money to either one.
Yes, that’s my point. Majority voting Trump when there are better choices for eight years. People aren’t looking far enough ahead.
Go Hornets - Stingers up!

Respect to you sir, on this forum. When I was still in school we used to road trip to 3 conference games each year: Emporia State, Washburn, and Kearney State. That Crackerjack box auditorium you guys play in is a madhouse - and a fun venue!
Yes, that’s my point. Majority voting Trump when there are better choices for eight years. People aren’t looking far enough ahead.
Kind of goes hand in hand with a lot of Trump voters being concerned with "now" rather than the future. Despite his many failings, Trump is a very good snake oil salesman and great at telling people what they wish to hear.

It is amazing to me that the average blue-collar worker feels he can relate to a guy with a golden toilet seat and lives a billionaire lifestyle. And thinks Trump is just like them.:unsure:

Bloomberg tried it on the other side and got his clock cleaned. Howard Schultz also explored it and realized he'd have no shot.
Enjoy the D.C primary win. It may well be the only one you get

Respect to you sir, on this forum. When I was still in school we used to road trip to 3 conference games each year: Emporia State, Washburn, and Kearney State. That Crackerjack box auditorium you guys play in is a madhouse - and a fun venue!
Its probably been 20 years since I was last at an ESU game. Grew up in the rural area north of there, and it was good fun to take in a game from time to time. Indeed a fun venue.
Back at the front, as @375 Ruger Fan reports (beat me to it), the Ukrainians continued their cull of the Russian Black Sea Feet, catching a Project 22160 patrol ship, the Sergi Kotov at sea off the Crimean coast. As in the last few sinkings, the Kotov was destroyed by high speed, explosive laden unmanned surface craft. This class of ship is one of Russia's newest warships (operational 2021) armed with cruise missiles and carrying an attack/reconnaissance helicopter.

Have you actually really studied the period? I admit alternative history is best left to novelists, but you find me one recognized historian who thinks letting Hitler have his way in the Rhineland and Czechoslovakia was in the interests of this country or Western Europe. Appeasement has a bad name for a reason. And the Trump multitude is seemingly happy to use any excuse to join those ranks with respect to Russia - not because they have thought through and weighed the risks in an informed way, but because that is what they think is what Trump wants and because they will oppose anything Biden supports. That level of proud ignorance is dangerous for our country and literally sickens me.

Had the US remained resolute with its European Allies following the Great War, Germany would never have been allowed to renter the Rhineland much less Czechoslovakia. Anschluss with Austria may well have occurred, but had the West united to focus Hitler and his movement only to the East, I suspect the eventual Cold War would have been something very different indeed. Certainly WWII as we experienced it beginning in 1939 would never have occurred.

Japan was actually a more complex issue, and I think the Roosevelt administration actually sowed the seeds of the war with Japan by failing to recognize its legitimate international concerns. Our embargo on steel and oil left the Japanese government few alternatives short of war. I hasten to add that embargo was not initiated to cause such a war, but out of ignorance of its effect.

I have actually studied the period leading up to WW1 and WW2 in considerable depth. History, and war in particular, fascinate me...

However, unlike yourself, I don't have a crystal ball that tells me what would have happened if this or if that had occurred... While I appreciate a respect your learned opinions, your assertions above are just that... Learned opinions.... We will never know for certain the "what ifs" of any specific event in history. The only thing we know for certain is that it's relatively easy to know what should have occurred in hindsight, and that history is destined to repeat itself.
I don’t think it’s a matter of crystal ball…it’s a matter of phd level research being conducted that no different than any other field, creates theory founded in evidence..

I toy with history (minor in college, etc) but admit I am no expert…

A dear friend (and occasional hunting buddy) is the chair of the history department at a major Ohio university, was a professor at the US Naval Academy prior to that, who earned his PhD at Yale..he has written several books on WWII and all of the factors leading to its occurrence as well as impacts of the war on Europe in the years immediately after…he is considered one of the worlds absolute authorities on the subject (pretty cool that one of his other passions is hunting pigs in Texas with dogs :) … also cool that while he has spent his entire career in academia, he is a very hard core right winger and super conservative on all issues both social and fiscal… truly a rare find among life long university types)…

Anyway… I have asked him a number of questions over the years about “what would have happened if…”… his assessment is always in line with what @Red Leg is asserting above…

There are exactly zero things positive that would have occurred globally for the US had the end result of the war been any different… the economic impacts, social impacts, cultural impacts, political impacts, etc that would have occurred would have absolutely changed what the US looked like and what the US was able to become post WWII (all in a negative way)… had we not gotten involved and had the allies not won..

He also maintains that the very clear mistakes made by other European countries and the US during the 30’s were causal to the war (not exclusively.. but certainly hugely influential)… Hitlers ambition alone wouldn’t have gotten him there… the opportunity had to be created.. and much of that opportunity was forged by Western Europe and the US…
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I don’t think it’s a matter of crystal ball…it’s a matter of phd level research being conducted that no different than any other field, creates theory founded in evidence..

I toy with history (minor in college, etc) but admit I am no expert…

A dear friend (and occasional hunting buddy) is the chair of the history department at a major Ohio university, was a professor at the US Naval Academy prior to that, who earned his PhD at Yale..he has written several books on WWII and all of the factors leading to its occurrence as well as impacts of the war on Europe in the years immediately after…he is considered one of the worlds absolute authorities on the subject (pretty cool that one of his other passions is hunting pigs in Texas with dogs :) … also cool that while he has spent his entire career in academia, he is a very hard core right winger and super conservative on all issues both social and fiscal… truly a rare find among life long university types)…

Anyway… I have asked him a number of questions over the years about “what would have happened if…”… his assessment is always in line with what @Red Leg is asserting above…

There are exactly zero things positive that would have occurred globally for the US had the end result of the war been any different… the economic impacts, social impacts, cultural impacts, political impacts, etc that would have occurred would have absolutely changed what the US looked like and what the US was able to become post WWII (all in a negative way)… had we not gotten involved and had the allies not won..

He also maintains that the very clear mistakes made by other European countries and the US during the 30’s were causal to the war (not exclusively.. but certainly hugely influential)… Hitlers ambition alone wouldn’t have gotten him there… the opportunity had to be created.. and much of that opportunity was forged by Western Europe and the US…

History is so interesting. I thought I knew Churchill fairly well as I have all of his works and have read them extensively. Reading the analysis of others from that period, I realized that I had barely scratched the surface!
Let's take just one issue, the border wall. Trump campaigned that he'd get the border wall built and make Mexico pay for it. Didn't happen. Trump lovers will say, Congress prevented Trump from getting the wall built and I wouldn't disagree with it. Trump isn't a leader, he is a boss. I believe he should have gathered some key Congressmen and Senators, from both parties, from the border states and had them push legislation to get the wall built. Had the wall been built, we would not have today's border crises. This is on Trump as much as it's on Biden.

I disagree, and that is not how it transpired....

Trump did indeed campaign on the border wall and asserted that Mexico would pay for it... It was actually a genius campaign slogan.... It was red meat rhetoric for the base and a very appealing idea to the taxpayer. However, like everything that Trump says, the MSM takes it out of context or fact checks half-truths... Trump explained that he never intended to send Mexico a bill and have them write a check... He inferred that Mexico would pay indirectly in the cost savings to the USA via drastically reduced detention, processing, and adjudication costs for immigrants. He further asserted that Mexico would also "pay for it" in the form of renegotiated tariffs and trade deals with the USA... Both ideologies would have provided more than enough compensation to have paid for the border wall.

He actually did rebuild over 450 miles of broken wall at the highest traffic areas and bought the materials to finish the entire project by funding sourced outside of Congressional legislation which absolutely failed him. That raw material sat on the border for the last 3 years until most of it was eventually sold for scrap by the Brandon Administration for 10 cents on the dollar. Let's Go Brandon!

It is amazing to me that the average blue-collar worker feels he can relate to a guy with a golden toilet seat and lives a billionaire lifestyle. And thinks Trump is just like them.:unsure:

Once again, you are missing the entire point in regard to his appeal with his supporters...

What Trump can afford has nothing to do with how he relates to the little guy. Long before he was POTUS, Trump was famous for donning a hard hat and visiting his building sites while interacting directly with the workers. Whether it is on the job site or the campaign trail, he always shakes hands and takes the time to actually listen to what they are saying. The fact that he would concede this lavish lifestyle that you say he leads to get attacked and abused by his haters for the last 9 years is precisely why his supporters love him. He was the only one who was direct and bold enough to speak on behalf of a huge electorate that the RINO republicans refused to hear for decades. How that appeal is not obviously apparent to anyone else is baffling to me...

This is a guy who eats at McDonalds himself and sent pizza and chocolate candy kisses to his supporters that were on the streets outside Walter Reed when he was hospitalized with Covid. He doesn't hide from the media. He actually seeks them out, and when he speaks it's off the cuff, not off a teleprompter. He is often his own worst enemy when he speaks, but that is beside the point which is that he is not scripted.

This is also the guy who went to Palestine, Ohio to meet with the folks directly after the train accident actually occurred... Trump's kids hunt and fish... Brandon's kid is a crack addict and swindler... Like him or not, he and his family genuinely relate to the little guy far better than any politician in recent history... If he was indeed a rich, pompous ass that spewed nothing but scripted political garbage, like every other politician, he would absolutely never have endeared himself to blue-collar America.

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