
I am confused. They are at war, I would have thought ALL infrastructure maybe with the exception of hospitals would be fair game as the infrastructure fuels the war effort. I am actually surprised that the Russians were not as successful at this as the allies were at Dresden during WWII.
Ready for your blood to boil?? Read this!

But not to worry, in Biden’s second term he and the leftist will be kicking USC’s out of their homes so all the “New Comers” will have a place to live. President Crapshimself has lots of help to stay in power.
What does this even mean? Because it is history, in other words the events in question happened, our insights into the effect of those events are pretty precise.

It means exactly as I worded it to mean...

It's easy to armchair quarterback historical events and recognize mistakes when the outcomes are now apparent. I'm not suggesting the expert analysis is wrong. I'm only suggesting that I don't think you need a PhD in history or political science to point out when something didn't work and something else probably should have been done instead... Hell, even a retired cop with a humble BS degree in Criminal Justice can see that...

However, 1936-1938 was the period where Hitler's ambitions in Western Europe could have been nipped in the bud

Can you elaborate on precisely how this could have been accomplished by earlier US involvement? I'm not being facetious. I am genuinely interested that if Hitler's aggression could have been "nipped in the bud" so easily why then didn't GB, France, or any of the other affected European countries act differently?

The fulminations of Donald Trump and blind support of his followers would suggest we will have to learn it again.


I'm not sure how Trump got dragged into this particular discussion, but please share with me any video or article where Trump states his intentions to end all US support for Ukraine? To my knowledge, Trump has been very deliberately non-specific as to his intentions with respect to the Ukraine/Russia war with the exception being that he did pledge to end it in 24 hours... Hell... I'd give him 48 just to be sure...

But, in all seriousness, how has Trump and his followers automatically doomed us to repeat history with respect to Ukraine? Last time I checked, Trump has not been in office for over 3 years, and Russia did not invade on his watch, so please tell me how this current Administration's current and future fecklessness and incompetence is going to be the fault of Trump and his supporters if he gets re-elected?
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It means exactly as I worded it to mean...

It's easy to armchair quarterback historical events and recognize mistakes when the outcomes are now apparent. I'm not suggesting the expert analysis is wrong. I'm only suggesting that I don't think you need a PhD in history or political science to point out when something didn't work and something else probably should have been done instead... Hell, even a retired cop with a humble BS degree in Criminal Justice can see that...

Can you elaborate on precisely how this could have been accomplished by earlier US involvement? I'm not being facetious. I am genuinely interested that if Hitler's aggression could have been "nipped in the bud" so easily why then didn't GB, France, or any of the other affected European countries act differently?


I'm not sure how Trump got dragged into this particular discussion, but please share with me any video or article where Trump states his intentions to end all US support for Ukraine? To my knowledge, Trump has been very deliberately non-specific as to his intentions with respect to the Ukraine/Russia war with the exception being that he did pledge to end it in 24 hours... Hell... I'd give him 48 just to be sure...

But, in all seriousness, how has Trump and his followers automatically doomed us to repeat history with respect to Ukraine? Last time I checked, Trump has not been in office for over 3 years, and Russia did not invade on his watch, so please tell me how this current Administration's current and future fecklessness and incompetence is the fault of Trump and his supporters?
No I can't. I really do give up this time. I have belabored this subject with you as long as I care to do so. I can not be any clearer, and this history discussion is the most obtuse dialogue I have attempted to participate in for a very long time.

With respect to Ukraine, I'll simply note that the highly devout Mike Johnson, in the clear support of the whims of Donald Trump, is responsible for killing Ukrainians daily. Because of the shortage of Patriot Missiles alone, that butchery is being extended to civilians. I hope they and their supporters are proud. It truly sickens me.

I wish you well.
No I can't. I really do give up this time. I have belabored this subject with you as long as I care to do so. I can not be any clearer, and this history discussion is the most obtuse dialogue I have attempted to participate in for a very long time.

There's that condescending arrogance again... LOL...

You have promised not to reply to my posts several times in the past, but you always break your own promises...Why?

I will leave you with this compliment, and I truly mean it as a compliment... You have the special gift of articulating your opinions to sound as if they were facts. Gavin Newsome is one that comes to mind who shares that same gift...
Trumps not anything involving what happens at his current state of life. He’s not elected to anything. How is he preventing anything from going to Ukraine?
Playground peer pressure. And yes it exists in the adult world.

As an elementary teacher years ago, I had a kid - maybe 3rd grade at the time? - who would just walk by other kids and they would acquiesce. If he wanted a spot in the computer lab? He'd stand there and whoever would get up and leave and mumble they were done. He never laid a hand on anyone. I was mystified. Until I found out there was an unspoken threat of "If you don't my brother Paul will beat you up." Trump is older brother Paul. He has influence. I think it's one of the things that feeds his ego. Do I have any sort of proof? No, so I get that it's just my opinion. But I didn't fall off the turnip truck yesterday - influence like that can be seen in all walks of life, at all ages. I am genuinely not criticizing what you're saying John; I just don't agree. Saying he's not involved just isn't realistic, IMHO.
Playground peer pressure. And yes it exists in the adult world.

As an elementary teacher years ago, I had a kid - maybe 3rd grade at the time? - who would just walk by other kids and they would acquiesce. If he wanted a spot in the computer lab? He'd stand there and whoever would get up and leave and mumble they were done. He never laid a hand on anyone. I was mystified. Until I found out there was an unspoken threat of "If you don't my brother Paul will beat you up." Trump is older brother Paul. He has influence. I think it's one of the things that feeds his ego. Do I have any sort of proof? No, so I get that it's just my opinion. But I didn't fall off the turnip truck yesterday - influence like that can be seen in all walks of life, at all ages. I am genuinely not criticizing what you're saying John; I just don't agree. Saying he's not involved just isn't realistic, IMHO.
No, he is not involved, he has no power to do anything, does not hold any office and is far from a sure thing to be re elected President.
He cannot call up Johnson or the Frog or anyone else and say this is what I want done. Thats not to say that some in power dont agree with him on some things, but that is a far cry from this alleged Jedi Mind Tricks influence he holds over Congress like some sort of Guru, thats just never Trump rhetoric.
I am genuinely not criticizing what you're saying John; I just don't agree. Saying he's not involved just isn't realistic, IMHO.

Trump having influence over the party is a vast distinction from asserting that the current Speaker and those members who serve under him in the republican party have blood on their hands for not doing enough to support Ukraine... That's a reach by any measure... There are currently 44 countries in Europe, but Trump and the republicans in the House bare full responsibility for loss of life in Ukraine...? C'mom man!
Haiti is burning again. Anarchy

I did quite a bit of work in Haiti in the late 90’s… and was boots on the ground in port au prince 72 hours after the earthquake that flattened the country in 2010…

Sadly I don’t think anything is going to change Haiti in the near term… no amount of money flowing in.. and no program imagined has much potential to improve the country…

Which is honestly a travesty… the country has tons of potential… most people don’t realize there was a Club Med on the northern coast at one time… it was not all that long ago (during most of our lifetimes) a truly beautiful place..

When you cross the border from the DR, it’s like leaving earth and landing on the dark side of the moon… literally in less than 200 yards you go from green, lush, and vibrant to grey, dead, and decayed…

There are still a few “nice” places just outside of port au prince.. berte, peitionville, etc are cool little towns with decent hotels, a collection of nice bars and restaurants, etc… I used to really enjoy visiting there..

But I don’t believe Haiti has any potential to get its act together any time soon… it is way too far gone to make a quick or meaningful recovery…

Most Central African counties are a couple of decades ahead of them in terms of progress IMO…
There's that condescending arrogance again... LOL...

You have promised not to reply to my posts several times in the past, but you always break your own promises...Why?

I will leave you with this compliment, and I truly mean it as a compliment... You have the special gift of articulating your opinions to sound as if they were facts. Gavin Newsome is one that comes to mind who shares that same gift...
I'll break this rule one last time. :rolleyes:

So, calling me arrogant and condescending is no longer enough. I agree, you have about worn those out, and I have ignored them. But now we are going to be clever and compare me to Gavin Newsome.

Then surely you can allow me the same courtesy? Because, trying to participate in this discussion with you gives me a whole new appreciation of what testimony before Hank Johnson must be like.
:A Bang Head:

Truly, all the best.
To the Haiti problem, I’ve always wondered how two countries on the same island could be so different? Is it the French influence of Haiti and the Spanish influence in the Dominica Republic. At one time I knew and was friends with a lot of Dominicans. For the most part they only had pure not hatred but an extreme dislike for the Haitians.
To the Haiti problem, I’ve always wondered how two countries on the same island could be so different? Is it the French influence of Haiti and the Spanish influence in the Dominica Republic. At one time I knew and was friends with a lot of Dominicans. For the most part they only had pure not hatred but an extreme dislike for the Haitians.
Most Haitians are of African descent. Dominicans are more mixed with a minority being of African descent. So, I'd suspect race.

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I hunted elephant with Luke Samaris in 2005. It was my fourth safari and I tell you he is a fine gentleman the best. I got the opportunity to meet Patty Curtis, although never hunted with him but enjoyed our conversation around our tent in the Selous. Very sad for a tough guy to leave this world the way he did. Let’s pray the murderers are caught. I hope to see Luke in Nashville.