
However, all too often those who strongly support Trump follow his lead on how to address anyone who disagrees with them - simply be dismissive, and try to shout them down or name call. I find that just as reprehensible, and possibly more so because we are supposedly on the same side.
One big advantage Democrats have over Republicans is that they have a big tent and also realize the demographics of different areas of the country. They will not push for a left wing zealot in purple districts unlike the GOP. We lost many winnable races both in the Senate and the House races due to Trump's anointed zealots winning primaries.
That’s a reasonable response, whether we agree on all points or not. However, I wouldn’t think that anything in your response would justify your characterization of the man in the previous post.
Mitch has been far too partisan with the Dems at times.
The days of Republican "Nice guy" politics need to end.
Adapt, or perish as a political party
Where I live in Wasilla, Lisa Murkowski is the most disliked Senator. I know she keeps winning because of the coalition of "government dependents" (Alaska has by far the largest percentage of government employees of any state, until they make DC one) and I'm including people whose main source of business is vending to the government. Not to speak of those whose only source of income is government assistance. When I lived I Trapper Creek there were many people who listed their "occupation" as AFDC.
Where I live in Wasilla, Lisa Murkowski is the most disliked Senator. I know she keeps winning because of the coalition of "government dependents" (Alaska has by far the largest percentage of government employees of any state, until they make DC one) and I'm including people whose main source of business is vending to the government. Not to speak of those whose only source of income is government assistance. When I lived I Trapper Creek there were many people who listed their "occupation" as AFDC.

Lisa is a very good person, I consider her a friend, but we have very little common ground politically. I was shocked that she survived the last election.
How is that working for you in the House?

I think it depends on the week, lol. I think killing the border bill was a good thing.

I think the bigger point here is you don't always have to compromise and you don't always have to an obstructionist either. There is a balance. But to do something just to do something has given us some terrible policies.
Sean Davis

Senate insiders tell me McConnell’s surprise announcement is a desperate move to retain his grip on power, as his support within the conference is cratering following his disastrous attempt to rubber stamp Biden’s open borders amnesty policy. Rather than face a formal vote of removal, McConnell announced his plan to resign the leadership post in November. Career Senate staff tell me momentum was building within the Senate GOP to formally oust McConnell as leader. “Even a growing number of moderates were angry at the chaos he was sowing in the conference,” one senior Senate GOP aide told me.An open rebellion against McConnell was in the works due to his “repeated sabotage of Republican priorities and border inaction,” the aide said.Others told me McConnell’s move was entirely cynical, and an attempt to cling to power for another 8 months.He’s just trying to get ahead of “a possible defenestration,” one aide said.

12:54 PM · Feb 28, 2024
I would simply note not a single serious journalist or political spokesperson I have seen in other than hyper partisan outlets is running with this interpretation. The Senate, thank God, is not the House. No one will revolt against the Leader, in spite of a few sound bites offered by the Ted Cruz's or Josh Hawley's of the world to appease the Trump movement.
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Normally, I simply ignore your comments, but your post was was nothing but thinly veiled insults aimed at Trump and his supporters.
Nothing but a smarmy way to ask a Trump supporter for reasoning.
I have plenty of reasoning as to why I want to see McConnell flushed, along with a laundry list of others.
I'm not going to waste my time typing out that reasoning to someone who is stuck in the political past, and refuses to see the bigger picture, or why the Republican party needs a serious overhaul.
I agree, it was a stretch to ask for reasoning.
This is pretty much where I am with McConnell.. I think hes been a bit too ready to compromise to the point of leaving too much on the table that was still available in recent years..

That said I've had similar thoughts about most Republican leadership for 20+ years...

Everything doesnt have to be an all or nothing affair like those on the extreme left and the extreme right seem to think it should be..

But I think the Republicans have lost far more than they have gained for the last few decades.. even when they had absolute control of one house or the other..
I respectfully disagree. I am confident that he will go down as the most consequential senate leader of the last half of the twentieth and early twenty-first century. I respected him because he fully understood the art of the possible and had zero patience with the art of the hopeful.

Frankly, I think that is the biggest problem with the current populist movement. "Draining the swamp," for instance, is patently nonsensical if the intent is the removal of elected RINOs. Trump clearly realizes that, even if his supporters are too blind in their faith to understand he is playing them. As I have noted here many times, each of those "RINOs" has a republican constituency.

If, on the other hand, he is talking about the bureaucracy, I have yet to see a bureaucratic reform initiative.

Did I agree with all of McConnel's efforts? Of course not. But, I truly do not know how he could have achieved much more. Unlike his republican counterparts in the Freedom Caucus, he has always taken the business of governing seriously. He has had little patience with stunts like shutting down the government.

With respect to Ukraine, Israel, and the border, he fully realizes all are important to a great power like the United States. The senate compromise bill that would have at least helped the situation in all three areas of national interest was a remarkable achievement for a minority party. Instead, like the result in the Georgia runoff, Donald Trump and his allies have left us with nothing.
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Speaking of the illegal invasion, this is an interesting chart. Looks like Texas, Florida, the Eastern Seaboard, Miami Dade, Cook County, and Denver are doomed. Montana. however, is looking pretty good. :oops:

So I get it, you hate Trump.
Who do you got that's better?
How are they going to win?
i feel this could be either a great year or bad! RSA election is May 29, ANC is giving money away to buy votes. We have ours. I was grilled extensively about our upcoming election. I had no idea that some people were interested in ours, as I am interested in theirs. Not watching any polls, coverage or rallies. just going to the club.
I was hoping Desantis would have gotten more traction. Haley lost any hope of going further when she broke down on stage crying because someone said something mean about a family member…….. gotta vote the best you can I suppose……
I will reiterate. The PRIMARY is where you vote your conscience and preference.
The GENERAL ELECTION is where you vote AGAINST the people who proclaim their disdain for our country and their intent to destroy it.
If you refuse to vote against the forces of destruction, you are complicit and part of them.
But if my livelihood and retirement were dependent on the military/government/eternal war complex, maybe I would support them too.
I would like to think not.
If you are referencing my post above, who could feel their character disparaged? Only someone whom the description fits, neh?
I have not been insulted by all the slurs at "Trumpists" because I don't consider myself to be one, altho I will vote for him if he is (as appears inevitable) the Republican candidate.

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