
...That, however, was before people that voted for Biden saw the damage that he would do to the economy and the border crisis (and spike in violent crime). The damage was done after Trump left office and people tend to vote with their wallets.
People that are wealthy are doing fine under Biden.

People in government or health care are doing fine under Biden. Most new jobs are in those two fields.

If one is poor, then due to the handouts then again it is Biden hands down.

The middle class is the one that seems to be hurting and they are mostly Trump voters anyway.

Even inflation is not that bad if one already has a 3.5% mortgage, and one's income increase is higher than inflation.
People that are wealthy are doing fine under Biden.

People in government or health care are doing fine under Biden. Most new jobs are in those two fields.

If one is poor, then due to the handouts then again it is Biden hands down.

The middle class is the one that seems to be hurting and they are mostly Trump voters anyway.

Even inflation is not that bad if one already has a 3.5% mortgage, and one's income increase is higher than inflation.
The economy is slowly becoming a non-issue in the next election. That is all the more reason the Trump wing of the Republican party will do everything in their power to insure the border remains in chaos through November in spite of the National Border Control Council supporting the recent compromise border security bill.
People that are wealthy are doing fine under Biden.

People in government or health care are doing fine under Biden. Most new jobs are in those two fields.

If one is poor, then due to the handouts then again it is Biden hands down.

The middle class is the one that seems to be hurting and they are mostly Trump voters anyway.

Even inflation is not that bad if one already has a 3.5% mortgage, and one's income increase is higher than inflation.

Piggying backing on Tank's post, I just got a 5.2% increase last month, thanks to Biden. Of course, our Refuge Manager is worried we will have no money left to fund biological management projects, and jokes about being able to keep the lights on - Biden didn't give us any extra money to cover those raises. But hey! He's got my pocketbook covered.
People that are wealthy are doing fine under Biden.

People in government or health care are doing fine under Biden. Most new jobs are in those two fields.

If one is poor, then due to the handouts then again it is Biden hands down.

The middle class is the one that seems to be hurting and they are mostly Trump voters anyway.

Even inflation is not that bad if one already has a 3.5% mortgage, and one's income increase is higher than inflation.
Then the fine print that one has to read with their glasses on comes into play. Low mortgage rate great! Then MY homeowners' insurance went from $2100 three years ago to $3400 last year to $4675 this year. Of course, I wasn't going to pay that, so I found another company for $2800 this year. My property tax went from $1500 to $3200 over the same time period. Nothing I can do about that except buy a Ruger for my next rifle instead of a Blaser. LOL. Anyway, point being is neither my wife's or my salary increased even close to JUST those increases and that's just our MANDATORY house expenses. What is someone going to do on a fixed income like the remaining (not many left) retired middle class homeowners? I guess sell their home and live off Government programs like the illegal aliens get and keep running up our now $34 TRILLION debt. Trump at least reduced the income tax rate from 25 to 22% for most of us still working. That expires next year. When was the last time ANY President did that? I'm NOT a Trumper but whomever is the next President, show ME and the middle class the MONEY! Won't happen in my lifetime though.
Commonly attributed to Benjamin Franklin but further refined by Alexander Fraser Tytler (Lord Woodhouselee), Scottish advocate, judge, writer, historian (1747 - 1813)

"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship."
President Biden is on video 14 times sniffing the hair of young girls. But he is not really a bad guy. Having your house burn down in Maui can leave scars on any truck driver. And we do agree on one thing: Sudan. He gave $710 million to promote stability in Sudan/South Sudan. Then late last year added another $130 million. This is good. You see, the war, border disputes and violence started by President Omar Al-Bashir and continued by defacto head of state Abdel Al-Burhan (plus a plethora of other things) has led to chaos. An estimated 400,000 had been killed by 2018. 42,000 were children. The totals to date may exceed 1 million. Some estimate that 80% of women and girls have been raped, and 80% of hospitals attacked and destroyed. Al-Bashir was interviewed by Kevin Sieff of The Washington Post. (Who would interview such a despot?) Now, he's in prison for crimes against humanity. Al-Bashir, not Sieff. We still like Sieff. CNN and MSNBC hadn't told us to hate journalists for interviewing bad guys until now. Or perhaps we were still thinking for ourselves back then. Sieff went on to win the Considine Prize in international journalism. Anyway, maybe we can stop the carnage. With Joe Biden on board. There are 60 million people there. Just $1200 per person will allow for homes, food, hospitals and stability. .....That's only $72 billion. If not, Al-Burhan may seize control of adjacent Countries and spread violence and anarchy across the region....like the plague...or maybe like Covid. A few bucks could stop it. Join with me....contact your Senator. Together, we can

Win one for The Sniffer.

Not sure what to think or do? No CNN input to guide you? .............FWB
The economy is slowly becoming a non-issue in the next election. That is all the more reason the Trump wing of the Republican party will do everything in their power to insure the border remains in chaos through November in spite of the National Border Control Council supporting the recent compromise border security bill.
While many still like to say, 'its the economy stupid',, there are other factors just as important.

Biden is in a constant war with our personal freedom and choice, not just in gun related things, but our freedom to purchase the things we want to use, he has waged war on all of us over his insipid green energy goals, its disgusting and the only recourse is the courts and that takes time, lots of time.

His illegal plan to make the taxpayers pay for educated morons who choose not to pay their student loans is another, he has no right to do that but despite SCOTUS telling him he cant, he is doing end runs around Congress and doing it anyway.

His border crisis that he created after being handed a relatively stable border, is a crisis of his own doing, one that he could fix without any new BS laws being passed like the POS bill that thankfully failed in the Senate. As far as Brandon Judd goes, he is a bureaucrat, and he has bosses, and I have seen him trying to put lipstick on this pig and was frankly embarrassed for him, but he has to play ball if he wants to keep doing what he is doing. I lost all respect for him and wont listen to him again, he knows the bill was crap but had to try to make it sound palatable, he failed as did the bill.

Biden is doing his best to try to get Israel to back off of its sworn mission, the destruction of Hamas, a worthy goal, but Biden is getting it from all sides, the left is mad and some on the right are mad, its a loser for him, but Biden is a loser so it fits. His priorities are completely F'd up.

The economy is not as good as some would have us believe, it is largely due to the massive spending that is keeping it afloat for now, but the bills always come due eventually. They love to tout the always wonderful monthly job numbers, but at least 11 of the last 12 all had to be revised downward, always later of course when they think no one is paying attention and still all giddy about the fake number.

The so called border bill was a disaster in the making and so full of pork, handouts, freebies for illegals, and carveouts, and off ramps for Majokekus and Biden that the border would likely never get closed for a swarm of illegals, its just looks good on paper, but its not worth the paper its written on, because it requires a total suspension of common sense to believe that Biden or Majerkus would follow the law, why would they? They havent followed the GD law for over 3 F'ing years!
Why would they now!?!?!?!

So excuse me if I dont get all upset that the POS spending bill failed, it should have and Biden should do his job, but he wont because he is only interested in getting re elected and he thinks and those he hired tell him, "just keep doing what you're doing what you're doing Joe, its working, we got half the Republican party believing in you now!, you are sure to win!"

So if some are OK with 4 more years of the worst president in our lifetimes, go ahead vote against Trump, if whats really important is that he is a bombastic A hole, well vote for Biden or some other libtard so we can more of the same.

And if the border in Ukraine is more important to you than the invasion on our American southern border than go for it, but is wrong headed thinking. If we dont have protected borders, we dont have a country! And we are losing this country very quickly and few seem to care.

Amazed that so many choose to think Ukraine is more important than our own country.

Very sad.

Now go on, take me task, just look for laughing Emos.
Recent study (last month) by Rand on options and outcomes post-Ukraine/ Russia war, basically goes down a couple different rabbit holes of various what if's. Its long, but seems well prepared. I've glanced over a lot of it, plan to finish it. Going to keep an eye on who (if anyone) reads it/talks about it in DC and in Europe, as well as what else these researchers have to say.

We need some great negotiators to help others come to an agreement and solve some major issues.

The U.S. homeland and border security

Israel, Palestine, Iran and Yemen

Russia and Ukraine

Humans have always thought things have never been worse. And disputes too large to solve.

History says otherwise. We just need to find the right people for the times.

All or many of these treaties and armistices below, Someone gave up something they didn’t agree with. Borders adjusted, or other reparations given.
Years after the war, when Israel didn’t have the money to house Jewish immigrants coming from around the world Germany gave Israel money to help resettlement and migration of Jews in the newly drawn boundaries.

We need a Kissinger

The economy is slowly becoming a non-issue in the next election. That is all the more reason the Trump wing of the Republican party will do everything in their power to insure the border remains in chaos through November in spite of the National Border Control Council supporting the recent compromise border security bill.
President of the Border Council stated he 'supported' this bill only because Biden won't take action though he has the ability to fix this right now. When your back is against the wall and the President has the power to help but refuses, you'll grasp at any straw.

Biden's policy rollbacks are almost entirely to blame for the border crisis and can be remedied immediately if he would act.
Many think Obama and Obama’s handlers are pulling these strings. And it’s to cultivate Democrat voters.
I’ve read the malfeasance runs much deeper.

The intentions are to sew chaos and overwhelm many of our institutions, social networks and safety nets. Hospitals, schools etc.

Then who will be needed to come to the rescue? The government. This is a long term strategy to bring the evil racist U.S. to its knees.

They believe that the U.S. has been run too long by the same race. And that same race needs to be outnumbered and supplanted.

Opponents say; well everyone would know and remember who caused it. Why would they trust the government to fix what they caused.

Well, the answer is simple, because it’s worked hundreds of times in the past.

the housing market collapse caused by the government meddling in home mortgages. Then acting like they had nothing to do with it.

Recently during Covid, keeping everything shut down 18 months longer than needed. starting the first leg of inflation. Supply side

Then guess who needs to fix it? the government. by printing money. the second leg of inflation, no supply and too much demand

People forget within six months and focus on the next shiny object. We’re pretty simple and easily fooled.

More voters is a side benefit.

Again, this is not my theory. I’m not that intelligent. I do however, have the upgraded model of the tinfoil hat
President of the Border Council stated he 'supported' this bill only because Biden won't take action though he has the ability to fix this right now. When your back is against the wall and the President has the power to help but refuses, you'll grasp at any straw.

Biden's policy rollbacks are almost entirely to blame for the border crisis and can be remedied immediately if he would act.
But he won't, and now we still have nothing. Brilliant strategy.
Some very interesting comments by the newly elected Finnish president

New NATO Member Finland Elects a President Set to Keep Up Hard Line on Neighboring Russia​

I think Putin knows what happened the last time Russia invaded Finland in 1939

Finland 70,000 ish
USSR 370,000 ish

even though on paper Finland didn’t stand a chance. Tanks, planes, men.

But Fins don’t mess around and the topography is hard to take and hold.
I think Putin knows what happened the last time Russia invaded Finland in 1939

Finland 70,000 ish
USSR 370,000 ish

even though on paper Finland didn’t stand a chance. Tanks, planes, men.

But Fins don’t mess around and the topography is hard to take and hold.
There is quite a bit more to that story. Finland did indeed do well in the Winter War of 1939/40, though they were forced to cede territory to Russia, at the peace treaty of Moscow 1940 ending it. It was not victory as much as survival.

The Continuation War, just a year later, began 25 June 1941 when Finland attacked the Soviet Union in conjunction with the Germans. It ended in 1944 with Finnish defeat and the Armistice of Moscow where Finland was forced back to its negotiated borders of 1940, plus additional territory ceded. Finland was also required to pay reparations to the USSR. As a result, much like Austria, Finland also charted a course of careful neutrality through the Cold War up until last year.
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I think Ukraine will end as the Winter War and the continuation of the same war
But he won't, and now we still have nothing. Brilliant strategy.
And it was never going to pass regardless after text was released by the Senate nor House. Virtue signaling at best.

I agree, the country suffers as a result, but actions to improve need one signature to start, not 60+218.
A simply test is to ask yourself who removed all the border executive orders on day one. And why, then after 3 years of denying there is a border disaster in progress. When sanctuary cities and the media finally force them to address it. What is the answer they give. To fix the problem.

Not reinstating the executive orders that helped. And adding to them.

The answer is give the Feds more money and more control. Which is what the bill actually would do.

The same play for decades. Give the President more control the more money.

We need to restrain executive authority not give them more. We already rely too heavily on the president. That was not the intention of the founders.
Depends on which founder. They had just emerged from the fiasco that was the Articles of Confederation and men like Hamilton fought for a strong federal government - far stronger than we initially instituted. I do not know where he would be on many issues today, but I am confident his views would have matured with the country. I am also confident that he would see the international border as a federal responsibility. His international strategy was built on the dual notions of national military and economic power led by strong federal institutions.

This is an excellent short monograph on his view of American national strategy from the Alexander Hamilton Society.

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I stand corrected. Your right.
I fall in line more with James Madison on federal vs States rights.
So more often cite that as absolute instead of remembering there were opinions 180 and

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