ole "LT", a periodic rogue comet troll, still in jammies at mid-day, passes by again at perigee, awakened from slumbering in mommy and daddy's basement. Influencing absolutely no one
On another front- The Green New Deal was DOA but resurrected from the grave and re-branded and passed under the more catchy moniker of Inflation Reduction Act. No mystery as the idiots had control of the POTUS and both houses. We have recently seen one headline after another attempting to divert attention away from our dying socio-economic stability and the energy resources needed to save it. This latest re-run to diversionary headlines appears to be
carbon capture- it's a periodic thing and obviously time to run it out again. The basically flawed idea behind it has sadly caught some otherwise decent politicians off-guard where they've knee jerk into agreement. Carbon capture is a fool's errand that wouldn't even pass a smell test in a junior high science class. It is intended for consumption by and a diversion for weak-minded politicians all backed by an even weaker minded population fed by a brainless main stream media.